50301.: cut-over

50302.: batch production

50303.: compass calibration

50304.: tooth thickness

50305.: accord

50306.: Door hinges

50307.: wet-laid nonwoven fabric

50308.: low resolution

50309.: there will be

50310.: discrete random variable

50311.: brazilian walnut

50312.: aftertreatment system

50313.: path of action

50314.: sports hall

50315.: innerbraid

50316.: steel erector

50317.: to strip the screw

50318.: high tone

50319.: no damage

50320.: reselling

50321.: gear ring

50322.: left bank

50323.: extinct

50324.: successor

50325.: work cycle

50326.: hydrometer

50327.: sprinkling

50328.: salt water

50329.: to immerse

50330.: suspicious

50331.: tax office

50332.: inherently

50333.: senescence

50334.: fish scale

50335.: cubic foot

50336.: round stock

50337.: finger pier

50338.: high energy

50339.: preset time

50340.: partitioner

50341.: water tower

50342.: periodicity

50343.: short grain

50344.: twist angle

50345.: patent blue

50346.: to get over

50347.: rope socket

50348.: fire hazard

50349.: incorporate

50350.: buffer zone