839051.: slow closing check valve

839052.: paediatric cubicle

839053.: combination circuit

839054.: rice thinning

839055.: Maxwell's equations

839056.: Exposures to institutions

839057.: jet dryer

839058.: conveyance of propert

839059.: Excess collateral posted

839060.: manufacturing machine of strands

839061.: ammonia-hydrogen exchange plants

839062.: Lavoisier's apparatus

839063.: special rights of preference

839064.: permanent resident card

839065.: insulated-gate transistor

839066.: hyper-critical speed

839067.: rural tourist facilities

839068.: distribution depot

839069.: South African Communist Party

839070.: print window

839071.: Detailed rules for implementation

839072.: standardised mortality rate

839073.: deliberations in closed session

839074.: lithium orthosilicate

839075.: field torsion test

839076.: reverse mutation test

839077.: posting the registered letter

839078.: econometric tools integrator

839079.: hydro-pneumatic accumulator

839080.: witness for the accused

839081.: aqueous electrolyte battery

839082.: ruptured filament yarn

839083.: cable handling chain

839084.: symmetrical alternating quantity

839085.: addition of lifts

839086.: atmospheric steam dump valve

839087.: open-circuit of a relay

839088.: preserved pension

839089.: self-replicating elements

839090.: pressure vessel technology

839091.: hydraulic jump dissipator

839092.: mobile video-conference system

839093.: occupational pension provision

839094.: crumb formation

839095.: indirect visible area

839096.: individual treatment claim form

839097.: working in the whole

839098.: Other aid measures

839099.: marginally compliant aircraft

839100.: heated air drying