800201.: how deep

800202.: dome pad

800203.: Outsourcing tasks

800204.: equitable geographical distribution

800205.: sectionalised multiprocessor system

800206.: sectorized multiprocessor system

800207.: sectionalized multiprocessor system

800208.: frequency division multiplexing

800209.: frequency division system

800210.: film store

800211.: frequency division multiplex telephony

800212.: frequency division multiple access

800213.: energy service provider

800214.: human head

800215.: tactical asset allocation

800216.: wireless hearing aid

800217.: foot of a pallet

800218.: desk overshelf

800219.: to v

800220.: vertical distribution agreement

800221.: Likely to be effective

800222.: Internet publicist

800223.: metal displacement

800224.: working capital loan

800225.: overhead image

800226.: ecologically friendly catering

800227.: mofarotene

800228.: zoosociology

800229.: Manganese glycerophosphate NOT APPLICABLE

800230.: contour of teeth

800231.: The All-or-nothing option

800232.: space division switching

800233.: reversible motor-coach train

800234.: system of post-payment checks

800235.: Airports Council International-North America

800236.: technically pure potato starch

800237.: ripple-effect of political uncertainties

800238.: welfare issue

800239.: Protestant Educational Advisory Centre

800240.: artesian-well meter

800241.: brewing raw material

800242.: cacao pod

800243.: setting wheel distance piece

800244.: cutter's diamond

800245.: returning foreign fighter

800246.: non-plastic material

800247.: surface depletion model

800248.: Speeches and Presentationsspeeches-and-presentations

800249.: contingent executory interest

800250.: subcavitating