743251.: iterating

743252.: primary color signal

743253.: Policy Advisory Bureau

743254.: primary service area

743255.: carrier-wave frequency

743256.: undetected failure time

743257.: beam candle power

743258.: EUR per tonne

743259.: electronic timing device

743260.: placing of the contract

743261.: card authentication

743262.: sideral period of revolution

743263.: low-emission development strategy

743264.: swelling index of coal

743265.: in regard

743266.: cultural and creative sectors

743267.: torpedo boat destroyer

743268.: insurance and welfare institution

743269.: validation of learning outcomes

743270.: night bed

743271.: maintenance of inefficient industries

743272.: arm repeater

743273.: control and driver circuit

743274.: intrinsic temperature range

743275.: affirmative resolution procedure

743276.: awareness-raising campaigns

743277.: magnolia warbler

743278.: Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography

743279.: Administrative Support Unit

743280.: land property transfer

743281.: mobile support group

743282.: helicopter support team

743283.: Support Group for Ukraine

743284.: musical-instrument digital interface

743285.: engaged test

743286.: orbit shift coils

743287.: the 'disappeared'

743288.: slender hog-nosed pit viper

743289.: plurality of creditors

743290.: oil mists

743291.: Nathan system

743292.: plaster mask

743293.: intercalibration of sensors

743294.: single speed timer

743295.: taxes on pollution

743296.: buckling ultimate limit state

743297.: ground-based radar beacon

743298.: brake-block hanger

743299.: Pinus trees

743300.: hot air slasher