Dictionnaire français - anglais

finances - iate.europa.eu
Il existe deux types de salaire : le salaire brut et le salaire net.

There will usually be two kinds of pay: gross pay and net pay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cela signifie que ton salaire net sera inférieur à ton salaire brut.

Notice that your net pay is lower than your gross pay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Deux notions sont à distinguer : celles de salaire net et et salaire brut.

Two important terms to understand are net pay and gross pay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il n'est pas précisé s'il s'agit du salaire brut ou du salaire net.

I am not sure if wages consists of the gross pay or the net pay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il y a une grande différence entre un salaire brut et un salaire net.

There's a big difference between gross pay and net pay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Where and why in the uk? the case of polish migrants... When Polish people move within UK, they tend to choose a region with a higher level of gross pay, and they don’t seem to consider the risk of unemployment....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: e-space.mmu.ac.uk
The reaction of household consumption to predictable changes in social security taxes.”american economic review... 2 Individuals with wage and salary income earned in the United States are subject to Social Security tax withholding of around seven percent of their gross pay up to an annual maximum income level....
Shift and dayworkers' absence: relationship with some terms and conditions of service... An association was found between gross pay and frequency of certified sickness absence such that the more highly paid the shift worker relative to the day worker, the less satisfactory his absence record....
Total reward: pay and pension contributions in the private and public sectorsSUMMARYThis article compares total reward, which is the sum of gross pay and employers' pension contributions, for the public and private sectors.Total...
Tax aspects of jury valuation of future earnings... A most practical element in this problem is the difference between gross pay and take-home pay in computing the present value of future earnings, when estimating damages....
salaire brut
relation et droit du travail - acta.es
L`employé contribuera……% du salaire brut, à déduire du salaire.

The Employee will contribute ……% of gross salary, to be deducted from the salary.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
2) Il convertit le salaire net indiqué en salaire brut.

The centre converts the reported net salary into a gross salary.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Salaire en fonction des qualifications et de l’expérience (salaire brut : à partir de 2 500€ brut par mois).

Salary based on qualifications and experience (gross salary: 2500 € per month).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Salaire en fonction des qualifications et de l’expérience (salaire brut : à partir de 2 500€ brut par mois).

Salary based on qualifications and experience (gross salary: from 2,500 € per month)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Salaire: Salaire brut annuel de $ 65,000, payé mensuellement par dépôt direct

Salary: Annual gross salary of $65,000, paid monthly by direct deposit

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L'impact d'exonérations fiscales sur la création d'établissements et l'emploi en france rurale : une approche par discontinuité de la régression
... Les exonérations fiscales en ZRR sont de grande ampleur (30 % du salaire brut pour des salaires compris entre 1 et 1,5 fois le Smic) et concernent potentiellement une part non négligeable des entreprises puisque 10,7 % de celles de moins de...
... The fiscal exemptions are of great scale in the ZRR (30% of gross salary for the wages below 1.5...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr
Summary of ringle v. bruton... Bruton agreed to a two-year contract with an annual gross salary of $44,990 as well as $1,800 in monthly bonuses provided certain goals were reached....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: scholars.law.unlv.edu
Optimizing contribution rate of socso’s invalidity pension scheme (ips): an actuarial present value (apv) modelling / mohd zaki awang chek... This contribution rate is directly deducted from the employee’s monthly gross salary....
Report on trends in faculty salariesReport includes: Yearly Comparisons of the Average Gross Salary, the Average of Various Payroll Deductions & the Average Net Salary Yearly Percentage Comparisons of Payroll Deductions and Net Salary to Gross Salary Changes in ...
salaire brut
administration et rémunération du personnel - iate.europa.eu
Le salaire indiqué sur votre contrat de travail est un salaire brut.

The earnings stated on your employment contract are your gross wages.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire indiqué sur votre contrat de travail est un salaire brut.

The earnings stated on your employment contract are gross your gross wages.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le sénateur Woo: On calcule ensuite le salaire brut ou le salaire mensuel?

Senator Woo: Then the calculation is gross wages or monthly wages?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire indiqué sur votre contrat de travail est généralement votre salaire brut.

The earnings stated on your employment contract are gross your gross wages.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire indiqué sur votre contrat de travail est généralement votre salaire brut.

The earnings stated on your employment contract are your gross wages.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Payroll taxes, social insurance and business cycles... A balanced social insurance budget renders gross wages more rigid over the cycle and, as a result, strengthens the model’s endogenous propagation mechanism....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de
A simple theory of optimal redistributive taxation with equilibrium unemployment∗... Compared to their efficient values, at the optimum gross wages and unemployment are lower....
Labor taxes in local labor markets: evidence from italian regions... An important source of variation in the regional responsiveness of unemployment originates from the fact that regional gross wages in the North increase more than in the South in response to a hike in labor taxes.regional...
 PDF: ftp:
Average labor taxes and unemployment: evidence from italian regions... An important source of variation in the regional responsiveness of unemployment originates from the fact that regional gross wages in the North increase more than in the South in response to a hike in labor [email protected]
Who bears the burden of social security contributions?∗... We specifically investigate the effect of a rise in the employer’s social security contributions (ESSC) rate on gross wages....
salaire brut
finances - iate.europa.eu
Le graphique 3 fournit des informations sur la part du salaire minimum brut national dans le salaire brut médian.

Figure 3 provides information in relation to the share of the national minimum wage in median gross earnings.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La DIVAC va revaloriser le salaire brut de 40 000 $ en 2015 pour un salaire annuel brut de 41 046,72 $ en 2017 et de 28 032,84 $, en salaire annuel net.

The IVAC will revalorize the gross earnings of $40,000 in 2015 for gross annual earnings of $41,046.72 en 2017 and $28,032.84, in annual net earnings.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire moyen : Le salaire brut mensuel moyen en Ukraine est de 2.083 UAH (268 USD).

Average monthly gross earnings in Ukraine is UAH 2,083 (USD 268).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le diagramme résume le lien existant entre salaire net, salaire brut et coût de la main-d’œuvre.

The diagram summarises the relation between net earnings, gross earnings/wages and labour costs.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire minimum au niveau fédéral, aux États-Unis, correspondait à 32% du salaire brut mensuel moyen.

In the USA the minimum wage represented 32% of the average monthly gross earnings.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Econometric and neural network analysis of the labor productivity and averageAbstract:- This paper focuses on the identification and short term forecast of the correlation between the Labor Productivity Index (LPI) and the Average Gross Earnings Index (AGEI) in the Romanian Industry....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.wseas.us
Coordination, inclusiveness and wage inequality between median and bottom income workers...inequality? Research in comparative political economy stresses the importance of the welfare state and wage coordination in reducing not only disposable income inequality but also gross earnings inequality....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Who benefits from outsourcing? a study of one italian region’s small firmsThe present paper focuses on examining the impact of outsourcing on both the value added and the gross earnings of Emilia-Romagna small clothing manu-facturers....
An examination of employment and earning outcomes of probationers with criminal and substance use histories... In this study, we examine the substance use and criminal history profiles of probationers participating in an experimental drug treatment study and how probationer characteristics affect employment outcomes and gross earnings at both the 6- and 12-month follow-up periods....
 PDF: doaj.org
A nonparametric approach for wage differentials of higher education graduates AbstractThe analysis developed in this paper aims to identify the factors with positive influence and those with a negative impact on gross earnings for higher education graduates....
Salaire brut
politique économique - eur-lex.europa.eu
 le salaire brut, avant impôts

gross wage, before tax

politique économique - eur-lex.europa.eu
En appliquant la formule suivante, le salaire encouru est converti en un salaire brut qui correspond au salaire brut dun salarié de droit privé.

The following formula converts the incurred wage into a gross wage that is equivalent to the private employees' gross wage

politique économique - eur-lex.europa.eu
Il est donc nécessaire de définir un salaire brut pour les fonctionnaires (ci-après le salaire brut dun fonctionnaire) qui fournisse une assiette salariale correspondant au salaire brut dun salarié de droit privé.

It is therefore necessary to construct a gross wage for the civil servant (hereinafter referred to as civil servants' gross wage) that provides an equivalent wage base to the private employees' gross wage.

politique économique - eur-lex.europa.eu
Salaire brut des salariés de droit privé

Private employee's gross wage

politique économique - eur-lex.europa.eu
Selon lexpertise de M. Weber, le salaire habituel correspond à […] % environ du salaire brut dun fonctionnaire.

Following the expert study by Prof. Weber, market-average wages only amount to approximately […] % of civil servants' gross wage.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Incidences économiques, politiques et redistributives des réformes des retraites en europe:une exploration avec le modèle ingenue
... Les trois réformes étudiées sont : le maintien d’un taux constant de cotisation sociale, le maintien d’un taux constant de remplacement des pensions sur le salaire brut, et l’allongement de la durée d’activité....
... Alternative reforms are: constant contribution rate, legal retirement age postponement and constant replacement ratio of public pension over gross wage rate....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: spire.sciencespo.fr
Incidences économiques, politiques et redistributives des réformes des retraites en europe. une exploration avec le modèle ingenue
... Les trois réformes étudiées sont : le maintien d'un taux constant de cotisation sociale, le maintien d'un taux constant de remplacement des pensions sur le salaire brut, et l'allongement de la durée d'activité....
... Alternative reforms are: constant contribution rate, legal retirement age postponement and constant replacement ratio of public pension over gross wage rate....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.persee.fr

Publications scientifiques

Tax wedge in croatia, austria, hungary, poland and greece... The Taxing Wages methodology has been applied to hypothetical units across a range of gross wages in order to calculate net average tax wedge, net average tax rate, as well as other relevant indicators....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hrcak.srce.hr
Unions, labour supply and structure of taxation: equal tax bases... The main findings are the following: i) When hours and heads are perfect substitutes in production, introducing income tax progression at the margin decreases the gross wage rate....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.vatt.fi
Integration into the european monetary union: lithuanian perspective for the year 2015 ... According to an econometric model, the most important variables that can affect the inflation rate is the average monthly gross salary, level of production capacity and national currency exchange rate, expressed in the largest export partner country‘s currency....
général - core.ac.uk -
The determinats of the unemployment rate empirical evidence from romania... We use the GDP, net and gross wage, monetary policy rate, inflation rate, budget deficit, average RON/EUR exchange rate, export and import values to estimate the model....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
� � �y where � � �i... It describes the influence of gross wage (wt), employment (emplt) and free working positions (fwpt) on final tax revenue....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu

Synonymes et termes associés français

Exemples français - anglais

production et structures agricoles / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche / questions sociales - iate.europa.eu
production et structures agricoles / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche / questions sociales - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Le salaire brut est donc équivalent au salaire net.

Therefore, the taxable income is equal to the net wage.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Connaissez-vous la différence entre salaire brut et salaire net ?

Do you know the difference between gross and net pay?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Votre salaire avant impôts est aussi appelé votre salaire brut.

Your earnings before tax is called your ‘grosspay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Votre salaire avant impôts est aussi appelé votre salaire brut.

You receive the pre-tax amount of your pay, also called your gross income.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Salaire brut de base Le salaire brut de base est la partie fixe du salaire avant déduction des charges sociales et de l’impôt.

Gross base salary Gross base salary is the fixed share of the salary before deduction of social contributions and tax.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Comme variable dépendante, pour le salaire, sera utilisé le salaire brut.

For the wage variable the basic hourly wage is used.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ancienneté du salarié (années complètes) Indemnité minimale (en mois de salaire brut) Indemnité maximale (en mois de salaire brut)

Employee’s seniority (in years) Minimum indemnity (in monthly salary) Maximum indemnity (in monthly salary)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ancienneté dans l’entreprise (années complètes) Indemnité minimale (en mois de salaire brut) Indemnité maximale (en mois de salaire brut)

Employee’s seniority (in years) Minimum indemnity (in monthly salary) Maximum indemnity (in monthly salary)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
À la ligne 21, le salaire dun fonctionnaire est exprimé en pourcentage du salaire brut dun salarié de droit privé.

Line expresses the incurred civil servant wage in percentage of the private employees gross wage).

politique économique - eur-lex.europa.eu
Le salaire indiqué sur le contrat de travail est un salaire brut.

The salary indicated in your work contract is the gross salary.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire mentionné dans votre contrat de travail est le salaire brut.

The salary indicated in your work contract is the gross salary.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La notion de salaire hebdomadaire habituel fait toujours référence au salaire brut.

The usual weekly earnings always refer to the gross salary.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le salaire indiqué sur votre contrat de travail est un salaire brut.

The salary indicated in your work contract is the gross salary.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Remontée au brut Calcul mathématique permettant de déterminer le salaire brut à partir d’un salaire net (hors impôt et charges sociales).

Gross-up A mathematical calculation to determine the gross salary from the net salary (before income tax and social contributions).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La différence entre salaire brut et salaire net vous parait difficile à comprendre?

Do the terms gross salary and net salary confuse you?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues