Dictionnaire français - anglais

d. La reconversion professionnelle déterminée par des restructurations socio-économiques ;

d) vocational retraining determined by social and economic restructuring;

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améliorer la formation professionnelle initiale et continue, en vue de faciliter l'insertion des citoyens sur le marché du travail, leur adaptation aux mutations industrielles et leur éventuelle reconversion professionnelle ;

improving initial and continuing vocational training with a view to facilitating the integration of citizens into the labour market, their adaptation to industrial change and their possible vocational retraining;

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À travers le Pacte de performance, APRR et Eiffage s’engagent en faveur de la reconversion professionnelle des sportifs de haut niveau.

With the Performance Pact, APRR and Eiffage support the vocational retraining of high performance athletes.

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(C’est un travail que j’exerce en activité accessoire, à côté de mon gagne-pain principal dans le domaine de la reconversion professionnelle.)

(This is a job that I do as a sideline, next to my main livelihood in the field of vocational retraining).

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Evaluer l’intégration de salariés en situation de reconversion professionnelle : quels effets sur les identités professionnelles et sur les organisations ?... Lorsqu’un salarié vit une reconversion professionnelle, la rupture professionnelle est aussi identitaire....
Rehabilitation facilities in ontarioRehabilitation centres in Ontario were surveyed and categorized as in-patient and outpatient services, specialized centres for particular diseases, and vocational retraining centres....
emploi / institutions de l'union européenne et fonction publique européenne / famille - core.ac.uk -général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov
Reconversion professionnelle volontaire et formation des adultes. devenir formateur à 40 ans, se reconvertir ?... Ces changements sont définis soit en tant que reconversion professionnelle, traduisant des bifurcations dans les trajectoires de vie, soit en tant qu’évolution de carrière, exprimant des transitions dans les trajectoires....
Adults ’ meaning-making during vocational training... Evidence of theoretical and practical significance, reliability of scientific knowledge about the nature of learning activity contrasts with the real state of affairs in educational psychology denoting the insufficient number of studies on character of motives of adults ’ educational activity in the system of postgraduate education, “motivational conflict ” between the basic high education and the following one acquired at the faculty of vocational retraining....
Motifs d'engagements en formation de coaching et reconversion professionnelle volontaire... Pour ce faire, nous avons fait appel au paradigme de l’âge adulte, aux théories des tensions identitaires, aux dynamiques identitaires dans le champs de la formation et à la reconversion professionnelle....
Lebensgeschichte und berufliche rehabilitation (life-history and occupational rehabilitation)"For the vocational retraining of people who, due to a disability, are not able to remain in their previous occupation, a network of occupational rehabilitation centres was developed in...
Training of the unemployed : hearings before the united states senate committee on labor and public welfare, subcommittee on employment and manpower, eighty-seventh congress, first session, on mar. 20, 21, june 5, 7, 1961.... 987, the Vocational Retraining Act of 1961, and similar S....
Area redevelopment legislation [microform] : hearings before the united states senate committee on banking and currency, subcommittee on production and stabilization, eighty-sixth congress, second session, on aug. 18, 1960.... 722, to provide loans and grants for vocational retraining and public and industrial facilities construction.Record...
reconversion professionnelle
emploi - iate.europa.eu
Interview de Cyril, collaborateur en reconversion professionnelle

Interview with Cyril, a member of staff undergoing professional retraining

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Propulsez votre reconversion professionnelle avec Fed Finance

Boost your professional career retraining with Fed Finance

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Stephane Lecenes, un bel exemple de reconversion professionnelle

Stephane Lecenes, a fine example of professional retraining in the wine sector

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La reconversion professionnelle n'est pas rare en France.

Professional retraining is not uncommon in France.

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Les possibilités de reconversion professionnelle pour un infirmier

The possibilities of professional retraining for a nurse

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Croisement d’échelles : la famille, la localité et le groupe professionnel scale crossing : family, locality and professional group
... La coexistence de profils variés de professionnels (entre homme de métier traditionnel et chef d’entreprise) et de modes d’accès différents au statut d’artisan (cheminement artisanal classique ou reconversion professionnelle) ne s’explique en effet qu’en se référant à des contextes variés, c’est-à-dire en choisissant des focales différentes, adaptées à chaque cas....
... The coexistence of diverse professional profiles (between traditional craftsman and entrepreneur) and various modes of access to the status of craftsman (either the classical road to the craft industry or retraining) can be explained by referring to various contexts, i.e....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Reconversion professionnelle volontaire : le cas de trois jeunes en début de carrière...Quelle est la place de la reprise d’études dans une telle démarche ? Notre recherche a pour ambition de comprendre quels sont les facteurs qui interviennent dans un processus de reconversion professionnelle volontaire....
Cognitive neuroscience of cognitive retraining for addiction medicine: from mediating mechanisms to questions of efficacyCognitive retraining or cognitive bias modification (CBM) involves having subjects repeatedly perform a computerized task designed to reduce the impact of automatic processes that lead ...
droits et libertés / emploi / marché du travail - core.ac.uk -emploi - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.loc.gov
The impact of mexico’s retraining program on employment and wagesThis article analyzes the impact and effectiveness of the Mexican labor retraining program for unemployed and displaced workers—Programa de Becas de Capacitacidn para Trabajadores (PROBECAT)....
Retraining adults : an examination of national training policy, its influence on the structure and content of adult job retraining in further education and industry, and consequent impact on the experiences and perceptions of participating adultsThis is a study of adult job retraining in further education and industry....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Improving performance on problems with few labelled data by reusing stacked auto-encoders... Our main goal was to study how the performance of knowledge transfer between such problems would be affected by varying the number of layers being retrained and the amount of data used in that retraining....
reconversion professionnelle
emploi - iate.europa.eu
De plus, cela exige des investissements plus importants dans la formation et la reconversion professionnelle des employés et des entreprises.

What is more, they will also necessitate an increase in investments in the training and reskilling of workers by enterprises.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les gouvernements et les entreprises devront collaborer plus étroitement en ce qui concerne la requalification et la reconversion professionnelle des travailleurs seniors.

And governments and companies will need to work more closely in the area of retraining and reskilling older workers.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Is that the way the cookie crumbles? consumer deskilling in food systems and the journey toward food sovereignty... Deskilling occurs in both the world of the labourer and the consumer and this paper will focus initially on examples of deskilling within our food system and then move towards the argument for reskilling in an effort to obtain food sovereignty....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.oacc.info
Applications of a more for less result to labour markets and to auctions... A labour-market application then shows, how, by connecting previously unconnected labour markets, costs of skilling or reskilling labour may be reduced....
Insertion : paradoxes of trust... So unskilled workers are strongly "encouraged" (or forced) to undertake "reskilling processes"....
Towards a new lll paradigm? eu policy on key competences and reskilling: facets and trends...Creativity and Innovation (2009) and the EU Framework on “Key Competences” (2006 and onwards) aim at contributing on the ongoing reconceptualisation of skills (gradually correlated to Reskilling, Employability, Sustainability and Competitiveness) and operate within the context of a changing balance between technocracy, pedagogy and politics....
 PDF: doaj.org
The influence of reskilling to employment of job applicants in the local job marketThis bachelor's thesis is concerned with reskilling issue....

Publications scientifiques

Investigation of correspondence between learning needs and the content of psychiatry & pediatric retraining programs from the participants’ point of view...development.Objective: The aims of this study were to identify the priorities of educational needs and to clarify the correspondence between educational needs and contents of two retraining programs held in Kerman Medical Educational development center from the point of view participating physicians.Methods:...
éducation / organisation de l'enseignement / emploi - core.ac.uk - PDF: eprints.kmu.ac.ir

Exemples français - anglais

production et structures agricoles / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche / économie - iate.europa.eu
économie - iate.europa.eu
économie - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

En reconversion professionnelle, pourquoi devenir écovolontaire ?

In professional reconversion, why become ecovoluntary?

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Home Formation professionnelle Conseils pour une reconversion professionnelle après 40 ans

Home professional advice Bodybuilding after 40 years

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Reconversion professionnelle : un changement pas toujours facile

Business decisions: Organizational change isn’t always easily

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La reconversion professionnelle s’accompagne souvent d’une formation

Rehabilitation often includes occupational training.

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Automne-hiver 2011 : Reconversion professionnelle et formation

Winter 2011: Interdisciplinary education and training

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Elle va nous parler de reconversion professionnelle.

He will tell us about his professional reconversion.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Reconversion professionnelle : 64% des Français y penseraient

employment verification; and 94 percent of employers believed

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(Je suis en reconversion professionnelle - Adulte handicapée).

(My profession is working with developmentally disabled adults.)

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Elle nous a raconté sa reconversion professionnelle.

He will tell us about his professional reconversion.

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” 60% des français souhaitent engager une reconversion professionnelle

More than half of UK workers want to change career

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Reconversion professionnelle vers mon premier amour: la psychologie.

Toward midlife I returned to my first love – psychology.

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Conférence : Reconversion professionnelle et naturopathie, rayonner par l’éthique

Conference: Professional reconversion and naturopathy, radiate by ethics

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j'ai opéré une reconversion professionnelle en devenant jardinier.

I survived another career change by becoming a seasonal park ranger.

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Reconversion professionnelle : une réalité positive pour les Français !

Previous articleNumber portability, a positive reality for Albanians!

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Votre reconversion professionnelle n’est peut-être pas nécessaire.

For you, hair replacement may not even be necessary.

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1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues