Dictionnaire français - anglais


vie politique - iate.europa.eu
Cet accord a atteint l'étape finale de paraphage en juillet 2012, lorsque les différentes parties ont fini l'édition et la coordination des approbations de son second volet (économique).

Association Agreement has reached the final stage of initialing in July 2012, when the sides finished editing and coordinating approvals of the second – economic – part of the AA.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cet accord a atteint l'étape finale de paraphage en juillet 2012, lorsque les différentes parties ont fini l'édition et la coordination des approbations de son second volet (économique).

Association Agreement including the DCFTA has reached the final stage of initialing in July 2012, when the sides finished editing and coordinating approvals of the second - economic - part of the agreement.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ensuite, s’est tenue la cérémonie de paraphage du document sur les Priorités de partenariat en présence du président azerbaïdjanais Ilham Aliyev et du président du Conseil européen Donald Tusk.

Then, the initialing ceremony of the "Partnership Priorities" document was held with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev and the President of the European Council Donald Tusk.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cet accord a atteint sa dernière phase de paraphage en juillet 2012, date à laquelle les parties ont apporté les dernières modifications au deuxième volet, économique, de l'accord et coordonné les approbations.

Association Agreement has reached the final stage of initialing in July 2012, when the sides finished editing and coordinating approvals of the second – economic – part of the AA.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L'accord d'association, qui comprend le DCFTA, a atteint sa dernière phase de paraphage en juillet 2012, date à laquelle les parties ont apporté les dernières modifications au deuxième volet, économique, de l'accord et coordonné les agréments.

Association Agreement including the DCFTA has reached the final stage of initialing in July 2012, when the sides finished editing and coordinating approvals of the second - economic - part of the agreement.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Bid reference: nitd/phy/pk/csir_project/equip/tender/2015/04/1 dated: 28.04.2015 to ___________________________________... Corrections, if any, shall be made by crossing out, initialing, dating and re writing....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.nitdgp.ac.in
Building capacities from university to society... These experiences were very useful and let us know the best ways to teach rainwater harvesting systems and spread the knowledge initialing at universities and then to the rest of society
1 negotiating the dayton peace accords through digital... Intense negotiations were conducted at Dayton from 1 to 21 November 1995, resulting in an initialing ceremony for a peace accord that was formalized in Paris in mid-December....
Agriculture and rural development in association agreement between the european union and the republic of moldova... Ourcountry has an identical history and shares common values with the European Union Member States, a thing thatinspired the initialing of the Association Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova....
 PDF: doaj.org
Draft – please do not cite or quote without permission. comments welcomed. prices, quantities, timing and participation in greenhouse gas control policyFollowing a decade of international meetings and negotiations, more than 160 nations signaled their commitment to address the problem of climate change by initialing the Kyoto Protocol in December 1997....

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Le paraphage d’un tel contrat a en effet des conséquences légales.

The signing of such a contract has legal consequences.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le paraphage d’un tel contrat a, en effet, des conséquences légales.

The signing of such a contract has legal consequences.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ensuite, s’est tenue la cérémonie de paraphage du document sur les Priorités de partenariat en présence du président azerbaïdjanais Ilham Aliyev et du président du Conseil européen Donald Tusk.

The ceremony then continued with the signing of Partnership Priorities in the presence of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the European Council Donald Tusk.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le paraphage des accords d'association avec la Moldavie et la Géorgie ainsi que d'autres accords importants encourageront le développement démocratique des pays du partenariat oriental et aideront à consolider un voisinage plus stable et plus sûr.

The EU's association agreements initialed with Moldova and Georgia as well as other important agreements will serve to strengthen democratic development of Eastern Partnership countries and ensure a more stable and secure neighborhood.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Autrement dit, si le paraphage de nouveaux APE et la ratification d’APE plus anciens a peut-être permis d’éviter le retrait des préférences et des pertes immédiates, des répercussions plus lourdes ne sont pas à écarter sur le long terme.

In other words, with the initialling of new EPAs and the ratification of older ones the withdrawal of preferences and immediate losses may have been avoided, but this may come at the expense of greater losses in the long term.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

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