Dictionnaire français - anglais


technologie et réglementation technique - iate.europa.eu
Beyond watson and crick: programming the self-assembly and reconfiguration of dna nanostructures based on stacking interactions... We demonstrate dynamically expandable nanostructures, which makes stacking bonds a promising candidate for reconfigurable connectors for nanoscale machine parts....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: thesis.library.caltech.edu
Measuring cation dependent dna polymerase fidelity landscapes by deep sequencing.... The ideal recording device would be a nanoscale machine capable of quantitatively transducing a wide range of variables into a molecular recording medium suitable for long-term storage and facile readout in the form...
 PDF: doaj.org
Measuring cation dependent dna polymerase fidelity landscapes by deep sequencing... The ideal recording device would be a nanoscale machine capable of quantitatively transducing a wide range of variables into a molecular recording medium suitable for long-term storage and facile readout in the form...
 PDF: ftp:
technologie et réglementation technique - iate.europa.eu
Et nous avons seulement besoin de regarder notre propre biologie pour voir un modèle fonctionnant déjà sur un modèle complexe de la nano-machine de la vie.

And we need only look to our own biology, in order to be able to see an already working model, in the intricate nano-machinery of life.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Et nous avons seulement besoin de regarder notre propre biologie pour voir un modèle fonctionnant déjà sur un modèle complexe de la nano-machine de la vie.

And we need only look to our own biology to see an already working model in the intricate nano-machinery of life.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Physical channel characterization for medium-range nano-networks using flagellated bacteriaNano-networks are the interconnection of nano-machines and as such ex-pand the limited capabilities of a single nano-machine....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: personals.ac.upc.edu
Physical channel characterization for medium-range nanonetworks using flagellated bacteriaNano-networks are the interconnection of nano-machines and as such expand the limited capabilities of a single nano-machine....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Distance estimation schemes for diffusion based molecular communication systemsMolecule concentration is often used as the information carrier to accomplish diffusion-based molecular communications (DMC) among nano-machines....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Channel between transmitter nano-machine (tn) and receiverNano-machine (RN) can be modeled by Additive Inverse Gaus-sian Channel, that is the first hitting time of messenger molecule released from TN and captured by RN follows Inverse...
 PDF: arxiv.org

Synonymes et termes associés français

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Le flagelle est un moteur moléculaire (nano-machine) utilisé par des organismes microscopiques, tels que les bactéries et les protozoaires, pour se propulser à travers un environnement aqueux.

The flagellum is a molecular motor used by microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and protozoans, to propel themselves through an aqueous habitats.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le flagelle est un moteur moléculaire (nano-machine) utilisé par des organismes microscopiques, tels que les bactéries et les protozoaires, pour se propulser à travers un environnement aqueux.

The flagellum is a molecular motor (nanomachine) used by microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and protozoans, to propel themselves through an aqueous medium.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les nano-usines Une nano-usine est un système théorique dans lequel des nano-machines (analogues à des assembleurs moléculaires ou à des bras robotiques industriels) combineraient des molécules

A nanofactory is a proposed system in which nanomachines (resembling molecular assemblers, or industrial robot arms) would combine molecules to build larger ...

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nano-usine : Une nano-usine est un système théorique dans lequel des nano-machines combineraient des molécules réactives par mécanosynthèse pour construire des éléments d'une taille supérieure avec une précision atomique.

Nanofactories: A proposed system in which nanomachines would combine reactive molecules via mechanosynthesis to build larger, atomically precise parts.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues