Dictionnaire français - anglais


informatique et traitement des données - iate.europa.eu
Entropy in multivariate analysis: projection pursuit... We describe how the negative Shannon entropy can be used for measuring non-normality....
informatique et traitement des données - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
A new channel coding approach for random 1 access with bursty traffic... For random access communication over a discrete-time memoryless channel using a class of random coding schemes, it is shown that the maximum achievable rate region of the introduced coding approach equals the Shannon information rate region without a convex hull operation....
A new approach to random access: reliable communication and reliable collision detection... For random access communication over a discrete-time memoryless channel, it is shown that the achievable rate region of the introduced coding approach equals the Shannon information rate region without a convex hull operation....
On the shannon capacity and queueing stability of random access multicastWe study and compare the Shannon capacity region and the stable throughput region for a random access system in which source nodes multicast their messages to multiple destination nodes....
informatique et traitement des données - iate.europa.eu
informatique et traitement des données - iate.europa.eu
8-bit aes implementation in fpga by multiplexing 32-bit aes operation[[abstract]]8-bit AES implementation was first proposed by Tim Good[8] as Application-Specific-Instruction- Process(ASIP), featured in low area design based on the stored-program design concept,...
informatique et traitement des données - core.ac.uk - PDF: ir.lib.ntnu.edu.tw
Crypton: a new 128-bit block cipher - specification and analysisA new 128-bit block cipher called CRYPTON is proposed as a candidate algorithm for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)....
R interfacing a 64-bit ddr memory bus to a 32-bit microprocessor busIn today’s processor, digital signal processor (DSP), and other applications, memory data widths can be 64 bits and higher....
Thermal noise informatics: totally secure communication via a wire; zero-power communication; and thermal noise driven computing... In the idealized system, theeavesdropper can extract zero bit of information without getting uncovered....
 PDF: arxiv.org

Publications scientifiques

Handbook of operation and maintenance instructions for model 5208a bit synchronizer unitElectrical/mechanical characteristics, operation, theory of operation, parts list, and electrical diagrams for the model 5208A bit synchronizer unit are provided....
communication / technologie et réglementation technique - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Étant donné que la casse est ignorée, la règle peut se déclencher si l'activité est connectée sous la forme Logon, logon ou LoGoN.

Because the case is ignored, the rule can trigger if the activity is logged as Logon, logon, or LoGoN.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Indeed AM Windows Logon (Windows Logon) permet d’accéder à Windows en utilisant l’authentification forte dans l’environnement Microsoft Active Directory.

The Indeed AM Windows Logon provides an opportunity to login to Windows using the strong authentication technologies within the Microsoft Active Directory environment.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
(Notez que les utilisateurs des services Terminal Server dispose de REMOTE INTERACTIVE LOGON et de INTERACTIVE LOGON dans leurs jetons.)

(Note that Terminal Services users will actually have both REMOTE INTERACTIVE LOGON and INTERACTIVE LOGON in their tokens.)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Dans le champ "Logon Type", sélectionnez "Normal".

Under the "Logontype" you will want to select Normal.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Dans le champ "Logon Type", sélectionnez "Normal".

Make sure that under the Login Type heading, 'Normal' is selected.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Styliser la vue Logon et le contrôle StudentPhoto

Styling the Logon View and the StudentPhoto Control

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Winlogon gère le logon interactif (local ou distant).

Winlogon is responsible for handling interactive logons to a Windows system (local or remote).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
telecharger le logiciel : Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Software pick of the week: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Avis utilisateurs sur Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Software pick of the week: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Modifier l'écran d'accueil Windows : Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

Software pick of the week: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le rapport final 2005 inclut l'historique complet de LOGON.

The 2005 final report includes a full history of LOGON.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Logon, dieu de l’intelligence et de la connaissance (Surcapitaine)

Abaddon, god of water and knowledge (succeeded by Kormir)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Puis, on relance la connexion depuis ControlUp Logon Simulator.

Then, we restart the connection from ControlUp Logon Simulator.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La connexion a échoué pour l’utilisateur ‘NT_AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON’.

Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON’.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le module Indeed AM RDP Windows Logon (RDP Windows Logon) est utilisé pour mettre en œuvre une authentification à deux facteurs pour les connexions RDP.

The Indeed AM RDP Windows Logon module is used to implement the two-factor authentication for remote connections via RDP protocol.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues