Dictionnaire français - anglais


industrie - iate.europa.eu
Le système de séchage de gaz peut éventuellement être un système de séchage/inertage de gaz.

The gas drying system may optionally be a gas drying/inerting system.

technologie et réglementation technique - wipo.int
Il permet de contrôler l'atmosphère (inertage) des procédés.

It is used to control the atmosphere (inerting) of processes.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Méthode de traitement - dit inertage - des déchets produits par certaines professions médicales, susceptibles de contenir des germes dangereux.

A method for processing or 'inerting' waste from certain medical sources which may contain hazardous germs.

santé - wipo.int
Il s’agit d’un procédé en deux étapes : la purge du réservoir, suivie de son inertage.

It is a two-step process: purging of the tank followed by its inerting.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il s'agit d'un procédé en deux étapes : la purge du réservoir suivie de son inertage.

It is a two-step process: purging of the tank followed by its inerting.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Experimental investigation on the cooling and inerting effects of liquid nitrogen injected into a confined space...suppression agent, liquid nitrogen (LN2) has been widely used for fire extinguishing in plants, dwellings, enclosed underground tunnels, and other confined spaces through cooling and inerting....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Mill steam inerting system review and performance validation... Pulverizer systems with the potential for a resident inventory of combustible material upon trip must be designed and equipped with an inerting system that is capable of maintaining an inert atmosphere to meet this requirement....
Experimental study of an aircraft fuel tank inerting systemIn this work, a simulated aircraft fuel tank inerting system has been successfully established based on a model tank....
 PDF: doaj.org
Inerting characteristics of entrained atomized water on premixed methane–air flameA combustion tube experiment platform was designed and used to study the inerting conditions and capacity of entrained atomized water on premixed methane–air flame....
 PDF: doaj.org
Experimental study of an aircraft fuel tank inerting system AbstractIn this work, a simulated aircraft fuel tank inerting system has been successfully established based on a model tank....
environnement - iate.europa.eu
Simulation of the effects of inertisation of fires on mine ventilation systems... Case studies have been developed to examine usage of inertisation units and particularly application of the GAG jet engine unit....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.gwmt.com.au
Issues in use of inertisation of fires in australian minesAn ACARP funded research project has been examining use and potential applications of inertisation within the Australian coal mining industry....
Inertisation and mine fire simulation using computer softwareC14025: Inertisation and Mine Fire Simulation Using Computer Software 25/05/2007 Inertisation is a technique that has been used around the world to enhance the safety of underground coal...
Proactive goaf inertisation for controlling longwall goaf heatings ... This requires the deployment of proactive goaf inertisation strategies based upon detailed understanding of goaf gas flow patterns and distribution characteristics....
Development of innovative goaf inertisation practices to improve coal mine safety...combination with detailed field studies and goaf gas characterisation, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models have been used to develop optimum and effective strategies for inertisation during longwall sealing operations to achieve goaf inertisation within a few hours of panel seal-off operation....
métallurgie et sidérurgie - iate.europa.eu
Inertage d’appoint coûteux (au moins 3 volumes de gaz pour un volume de cuve par pressée).

Costly top-up inert gas injections ( at least 3 volumes of gas for one tank volume per pressing operation).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Clinical observation on vitreous surgery in treating idiopathic macular hole... The macular hole closure rate was 79%(11 eyes of 14 eyes)after the first intravitreal air injection and 100%(9 eyes)after fist intravitreal inert gas injection(100mL/L C3F8)....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Effect of inert propellant injection on mars ascent vehicle performance... The effect of inert gas injection on rocket engine performance was analyzed with a numerical combustion code that calculated chemical equilibrium for engines of varying combustion chamber pressure,...
The use of pb-bi eutectic as the coolant of an accelerator driven system... Natural circulation, which can be enhanced by inert gas injection, avoids mechanical pumps or electrical induction pumps....

Synonymes et termes associés français

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

inertage des chenaux de coulée

inert shielding of the channel system

métallurgie et sidérurgie - iate.europa.eu
b) Suppression, purge et inertage des réacteurs et des réservoirs.

b)Suppression,purging and inertization of reactors and tanks.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
l’OBIGGS pour la protection des réservoirs de carburant (inertage)

The OBIGGS for the protection of aircraft fuel tanks (nitrogen)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La règle d'or: inertage du Monde avec la fréquence de l'Amour

The Golden Rule: Blanketing the World with the Love Frequency

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ici, le compositeur « imaginé inertage le hall de avec le son des flûtes positionnés à l'arrière de la salle.

Here, the composer "imagined blanketing the hall of with the sound of flutes positioned at the back of the room.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Afin de protéger au mieux les marchandises de valeur dans l'entrepôt, toute l'installation a été traitée par inertage.

In order to best protect the valuable goods in the warehouse, the entire system was rendered inert.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ici, le compositeur « imaginé inertage le hall de avec le son des flûtes positionnés à l'arrière de la salle.

Here, the composer “imagined blanketing the hall of with the sound of flutes positioned at the back of the room.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La présente invention concerne un ensemble d'agents à base de fluoroalkyle phosphorés conçus pour éteindre les incendies et empêcher les explosions ainsi que pour effectuer un inertage.

A set of fluoroalkylphosphorus agents for extinguishment of fires, suppression of explosions, and inertion against fires and explosions is disclosed.

politique de l'environnement - wipo.int
Inertage pour réduire l’oxygène en présence dans une cuve par un gaz neutre qui remplace le mélange air ambiant.

Blanketing to reduce oxygen present in a reservoir by a neutral gas which replaces the ambient air.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ce procédé d inertage est utilisé pour les silos et pour les réacteurs employés dans les industries chimiques et pharmaceutiques.

Inert gas has been used in silos and in reaction vessels in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
les plateformes offshore pétrole et gaz (construction et maintenance, inertage, assistance au forage, fourniture de services de calibration, gaz de plongée)

offshore oil and gas platforms (construction and maintenance, inerting, support to drilling, analytical services, diving gases)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cet outil vous permettra de souffler la poussière sur l’espace inertage efficacement toutes les surfaces, sans avoir à faire beaucoup de marche.

This tool will let you blow the dust out over the space effectively blanketing all surfaces without having to do much walking.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les revendications portent sur la technique de récupération des boues par atomisation, et sur l'incorporation subséquente du produit obtenu dans la formulation des émaux ou des pâtes céramiques, en vue de son inertage.

The claims relate to the technique used in the recovery of sludges by atomization, the utilization of the resulting product in the formulation of enamels and ceramic pastes involving inertization thereof.

politique de l'environnement - wipo.int
La brume inertage la villea été soufflé de grandes feux de brousse dans les Blue Mountains, près WarragambaBarrage et dans la région de Hawkesbury.

The haze blanketing the city is being blown from large bushfires in the Blue Mountains, near Warragamba dam and in the Hawkesbury area.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La brume inertage la villea été soufflé de grandes feux de brousse dans les Blue Mountains, près WarragambaBarrage et dans la région de Hawkesbury.

The haze blanketing Sydney is being blown from large bushfires in the Blue Mountains, near Warragamba dam and in the Hawkesbury area.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues