Dictionnaire français - anglais


santé - iate.europa.eu
Progressive and nonprogressive hereditary chronic nephritis
... Une hypoacousie de perception a été détectée chez 2 malades....
... Neural hearing defect was detected in 2 patients....
Europe / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Townes-brocks syndrome with overlapping features of hemifacial microsomia... We report a classical case of TBS with overlapping features of hemifacial microsomia in an 11 year old boy who presented with unilateral anotia with hearing defect, renal agenesis and imperforate anus by birth
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Sixth nerve palsy - window to a dreaded brain tumor in children (pontine glioma)... It mostly affects 6th and 7th cranial nerves along with hearing defect
 PDF: doaj.org
santé - iate.europa.eu
Letters however, hardy reported acute hypo-acousis in three patients at the end of injec-tion of local anaesthetic solution in the lumbar extradural space and postulated that the hypoacousis in his cases was a con-sequence of the increase in perilymph pres-sure which accompanied the increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure.6...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: jnnp.bmj.com
Prevalência de hipoacusia em criançasObjectives: to determine hypoacousis prevalence in Kaiowá and Guarani indigenous children....
santé - iate.europa.eu
Results of examinations conducted in the better hearing clinic of okayama university (1950-51) part 1 hearing impairment and its relationship to the diseases of nose and throat in school children... Regarding subjective symptoms as to the hardness of hearing, careful attention were paid on the records previously prepared at individual's home and as the results the following data obtained....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp
santé - iate.europa.eu
Common regularities in disorders of central and peripheral nervous system at the influence of physical factors (local vibration and noise) on employees’ organisms... occupational neurosensoric dullness of hearing....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.actabiomedica.ru
santé - iate.europa.eu
Expansion of phenotypic spectrum of myo15a pathogenic variants to include postlingual onset of progressive partial deafness... Herein, we also demonstrate that some MYO15A mutant alleles can cause postlingual onset of progressive partial deafness....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Partial deafness: a novel denial-of-service attack in 802.11 networks ⋆... In our attack, the attacker artificially reduces his link quality by not acknowledging receptions (which we call “partial deafness ” because an attacker pretends to have not heard some of the transmission), thereby exploiting the retransmission and rate adaptation mechanisms to reduce Medium...
santé - iate.europa.eu
Les manifestations les moins fréquentes étaient : confusion, céphalée, dysgueusie, hypoacousie, désorientation, trouble de la mémoire et aggravation d'une neuropathie préexistante.

Less frequent manifestations were confusion, headache, dysgeusia, hypacusis, disorientation, impaired memory and exacerbation of a pre-existing neuropathy.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les manifestations les moins fréquentes étaient : confusion, céphalées, dysgueusie, hypoacousie, désorientation, trouble de la mémoire et aggravation d'une neuropathie préexistante.

Less frequent manifestations were confusion, headache, dysgeusia, hypacusis, disorientation, impaired memory and exacerbation of a pre-existing neuropathy.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Gasperini syndrome as clinical manifestation of pontine demyelination...characterized by the typical combination of ipsilateral lesions of the cranial nerves V-VII and dissociated contralateral hemihypesthesia, whereas both contralateral and ipsilateral hypacusis was described....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov
Brief report trigemino-autonomic headache related to gasperini syndromemino-autonomic headache to a case of right-sided nuclear facial and abducens palsy (Gasperini syndrome), ipsilateral hypacusis and right hemiataxia, caused by the occlusion of the right anterior inferior cerebellar artery....
 PDF: ftp:
santé - iate.europa.eu
santé - iate.europa.eu
santé - iate.europa.eu
Treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss with transtympanic injection of steroids as single therapy: a randomized clinical study.The aim of this study was to verify the efficacyand the safety of transtympanic dexamethasone to treatsudden sensorineural hearing loss as first and single drugmethod....
santé - core.ac.uk - PDF: iris.unipa.it
santé - iate.europa.eu
Resolution of sudden sensorineural hearing loss following a roller coaster rideAbstract We report a case of sudden unilateral sensori-neural hearing loss of sudden onset during an aeroplane flight, which completely resolved during a roller coaster ride at Alton Towers theme park....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.researchgate.net
santé - iate.europa.eu
santé - iate.europa.eu
Pparγ is activated during congenital cytomegalovirus infection and inhibits neuronogenesis from human neural stem cells.Congenital infection by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a leading cause of permanent sequelae of the central nervous system, including sensorineural deafness, cerebral palsies or devastating neurodevelopmental abnormalities (0.1%...
santé / politique agricole / activité agricole - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Otorhinolaryngological menifestations of visceral leishmaniasis... polypoidal growth in larynx, chronic non- healing painless ulcer, nodule , sensorineural deafness ...
 PDF: zenodo.org
santé - iate.europa.eu
The ngf point-injection for treatment of the sound-perceiving nerve deafness and tinnitus in 68 cases ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effects of the point-injection with nerve growth factor (NGF) for the sound-perceiving nerve deafness and tinnitus.MethodsThe...
général - core.ac.uk -
Renal tubular acidosis and nerve deafness.Two brothers are described with renal tubular acidosis and nerve deafness: the elder also had rickets and hypokalaemia....
santé - iate.europa.eu
Audio-linguistic functioning of children bilaterally implanted with cochlear implants in the sequential mode, a preliminary report... Thanks to the use of cochlear implants, the Program Chirurgicznego Leczenia Głuchoty Metodą Wszczepów Ślimakowych [Program of Surgical Treatment of Deafness With the Method of Cochlear Implantation] allows children with perceptive deafness for the access to speech sounds through the auditory pathway....
santé - core.ac.uk - PDF: pressto.amu.edu.pl

Publications scientifiques

Table_1_cochlear gene therapy for sensorineural hearing loss: current status and major remaining hurdles for translational success.xlsxSensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) affects millions of people....
santé / commercialisation / technologie et réglementation technique - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Summary of fa values at the tb, son, ic, mgb, ar and whg in the snhl and control groups....difference.FA values measured at the TB, SON, IC, MGB, AR and WHG of the SNHL group were compared with the control group.Summary...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Cockayne's syndrome: case report...Cockayne's syndrome comprised the usual components: dwarfism with microcephaly, severe mental subnormality, progeria-like appearance of the face, pigmented retinopathy, and severe perceptive deafness....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov
Sensorineural hearing loss due to air bag deployment... However, sensorineural hearing loss induced by air bag deployment is extremely rare, with only a few cases reported in the English literature....
politique des transports / santé / transport terrestre - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Le demandeur présentant une hypoacousie doit démontrer une capacité auditive fonctionnelle satisfaisante.

Applicants with hypoacusis shall demonstrate satisfactory functional hearing ability.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Quel est le pourcentage de patients acouphéniques sans hypoacousie ?

What percentage of your patients deliver without an epidural?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’altération de la fonction auditive entraîne une surdité (ou hypoacousie).

The alteration of auditory function results in deafness(or hearing loss).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Symptômes : hypoacousie (< 30 dB si isolée), parfois otorrhée purulente associée.

Symptoms: hearing loss (<30 dB if isolated), and some associated otorrheoa.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Une hypoacousie de perception se diagnostique sur un audiogramme (évaluation en décibels de la perte auditive).

Sudden hearing loss is diagnosed by an audiogram (hearing test.)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cette hypoacousie s’accompagne de signes endocochléaires : atteinte de la discrimination, intolérance aux sons forts, diplacousie et distorsion sonore.

This is accompanied by endocochlear signs: apperception impairment, intolerance to loud noises, diplacusis and sound distortion.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il peut provoquer un acouphène unilatéral, une hypoacousie avec mauvaise compréhension, et même entraîner une surdité unilatérale totale.

It can cause a unilateral tinnitus, hearing loss with misunderstanding, and even cause a total unilateral deafness.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
À deux ans, le diabète sucré a été confirmé après une atrophie optique bilatérale puis une hypoacousie.

At two years, diabetes mellitus was confirmed following bilateral optic atrophy and then hypoacusis.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
une douleur dans une oreille (otalgie unilatérale) avec une baisse de l'audition (hypoacousie) du côté douloureux et fièvre ;

A pain in one ear (unilateral earache) with a decrease in hearing (hearing loss) on the painful side often accompanied by fever.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les effets toxiques sur la huitième paire de nerfs crâniens peuvent entraîner une hypoacousie, une perte d’équilibre ou les deux.

Toxic effects on the eighth cranial nerve can result in hearing loss, loss of balance, or both.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Exceptionnelle de nos jours, elle intéresserait le plus souvent le VIII sous forme d’une hypoacousie accompagnée ou non de vertiges.

Exceptional nowadays, it would most often interest VIII in the form of hypoacusis with or without vertigo.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les effets toxiques sur la huitième paire crânienne peuvent entraîner une hypoacousie, une perte d'équilibre ou les deux.

Toxic effects on the eighth cranial nerve can result in hearing loss, loss of balance, or both.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En cas d’une perte auditive, ce test permet de différencier entre une hypoacousie de nature neurosensorielle ou conductive.

In case of a hearing loss, this test makes it possible to differentiate between a hyperacusis of neurosensory or conductive nature.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Une douleur dans une oreille (otalgie unilatérale) avec une baisse de l'audition (hypoacousie) du côté douloureux accompagnée souvent de fièvre.

A pain in one ear (unilateral earache) with a decrease in hearing (hearing loss) on the painful side often accompanied by fever.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’hypoacousie profonde (supérieure à 96 décibels) – Le patient qui souffre d’une hypoacousie profonde ne perçoit aucune conversation, mais uniquement quelques sons très forts.

Deep hearing loss (> 90 db) – The patient with a profound hearing loss does not notice any speech, but only some very strong sounds.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues