Dictionnaire français - anglais

industrie mécanique - iate.europa.eu
Un composant de résine provenant d'une source (14) de résine alimente un dispositif de dosage (18) et un additif présentant un état instable provenant d'une source (16) d'additif alimente le dispositif de dosage (18).

A resin component from a source (14) of resin is supplied to a metering unit (18) and an additive having an unstable state from a source (16) of additive is supplied to the metering unit (18).

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage de produits en vrac, comprenant essentiellement une unité de dosage (1) présentant un module de dosage (2), un récipient (3) et un agitateur (5), ainsi qu'une unité d'entraînement.

Said device substantially comprises a drive unit (24) as well as a metering unit (1) encompassing a metering module (2), a receptacle (3), and a stirring apparatus (5).

technologie et réglementation technique - wipo.int
La première partie (10) comprend un dispositif de dosage qui répartit de manière pratiquement uniforme la matière à couler vers les différents ensembles filtre (30) grâce à la rotation du dispositif rotatif (2).

The first section (10) comprises a metering unit which by way of the rotation of the rotating device (2) substantially evenly distributes the embedding compound to the plurality of filter arrangements (30).

technologie et réglementation technique - wipo.int
Compensation force cfd analysis of pressure regulating valve applied in fmu of engine and system controls... The objective of this paper is an experimental and numerical analysis of flow compensation forces on pressure regulating valve applied on aircraft engine and control systems in a Fuel Metering Unit (FMU)....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.omiq.it
Manufacturing challenges of optical current and voltage sensors for utility applications... This paper describes design and manufacturing issues associated with the EOVT and the Optical Metering Unit (OMU) recently introduced by ABB with field installation results presented for prototype units in the 345 kV and 420 kV voltage classes....
F-15 digital electronic engine control system description... A hydromechanical backup control (BUC) is an integral part of the fuel metering unit and provides gas generator control at a reduced performance level in the event of an electronics failure....
A new concept of a drug delivery system with improved precision and patient safety features... To achieve a precise dosing, this micropump is used to fill a metering unit placed at its outlet....
 PDF: doaj.org
Design, development and field assessment of a controlled seed metering unit to be used in grain drills for direct seeding of wheat AbstractA new controlled seed metering unit was designed and mounted on a common grain drill for direct seeding of wheat (DSW)....
dispositif de dosage
chimie / santé - iate.europa.eu
Le dispositif comporte un applicateur et un dispositif de dosage rotatif.

The device includes an applicator and a rotatable metering device.

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
Le dosage de la poudre s'effectue au moyen d'un dispositif de dosage (23).

The metering of the powder takes place by means of a metering device (23).

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
Dispositif de dosage précis utilisé dans le dosage de très petites quantités de fluide.

A precision metering device for use in measuring very small quantities of fluids.

technologie et réglementation technique - wipo.int
Le dispositif de dosage présente une pompe de dosage et une pompe de distribution.

Said metering device comprises a metering pump and a delivery pump.

industries du cuir et du textile - wipo.int
Ce dispositif de dosage à fonctions multiples est utilisé comme collecteur de fractions, distributeur d'échantillons ou dispositif de dosage dans un dispositif séquenciel d'analyse de protéines et de peptides.

This device can be used as a fraction collector, sample dispenser or metering device in sequential-analysis equipment for the analysis of proteins and peptides.

technologie et réglementation technique - wipo.int
Energy metering deviceWith the construction of firm and intelligent power grid in China, it is difficult for the traditional management method of electrical energy metering device to meet the prospecting requirements....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: jestr.org
Simulation and verification for seed-filling performance of cell wheel precision seed metering device based on discrete element methodThe cell wheel seed metering device was improved and a stirring seed-filling device was added to improve the seed-filling performance of cell wheel pseudo-ginseng precision seed metering devices....
 PDF: doaj.org
The theoretical study and error analysis about on-site calibrating technology of low-voltage metering device composition errorAbstract: The paper mainly discusses how to calculate composition error of low-voltage metering device....
Numerical simulation and optimization for the vibration of the seed metering device based on a novel ml-iga methodThe reported researches only analyze vibration parameters of the seed-metering device....
 PDF: doaj.org
Parametric design model of disc-scoop-type metering device based on knowledge engineering... In view of this problem, parametric design theory and knowledge-based engineering were applied to the disc-scoop-type metering device designed to improve the design experience and reuse design knowledge....
dispositif de dosage
chimie / santé - iate.europa.eu
Ce dispositif de dosage comprend au moins un dispositif de mesure (2) pour doser le carburant dans une conduite de dosage (8) et un élément buse (7) raccordé à la conduite de dosage (8) et doté d'orifices d'injection débouchant dans une chambre de dosage.

Said metering device (1) comprises at least one dosing feeder (2) for apportioning fuel into a dosing conduit (8) and a nozzle member (7) which adjoins the dosing conduit (8) and is provided with spraying ports that extend into an apportioning space.

chimie - wipo.int
dispositif de dosage
santé - iate.europa.eu
L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage automatique.

The present invention refers to an automatic dosing device.

industries du cuir et du textile - wipo.int
Le dispositif de dosage comprend un réservoir de dosage (26) et l'appareil de dosage pneumatique (20) proprement dit.

The dosing device comprises a dosing tank (26) and the pneumatic dosing apparatus (20) proper.

agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - wipo.int
Ledit dispositif de dosage est adapté pour le dosage simultané de différents principes actifs.

Said dosing device is suitable for the simultaneous dosing of different active substances.

industries du cuir et du textile - wipo.int
L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage servant au dosage, en fonction des besoins, d'un liquide.

The invention relates to a dosing device for dosing a liquid according to requirements.

industries diverses - wipo.int
Un dispositif de dosage (104) pour le dosage de produits chimiques dans des liquides est décrit.

A dosing device (104) for dosing of chemicals in liquids is described.

politique de l'environnement - wipo.int
Sustainable agriculture using an intellingent mechatronic system... The project as a whole includes the following components: photographing and decoding of the soil surface; fertility determination and formation of the fertility map; generation of the controlling signal for mechatronic dosing device; intelligent dosing of fertilizers; simulation, prototype and testing; human-machine interaction and training preparation
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: oa.upm.es
A simple dosing system for continuous stream dosing... This dosing device is easily constructed, inexpensive, and quite reliable under conditions of minor flow variation (a seasonal fluctuation of one order of magnitude or less)....
Individualized dosing of children's liquid medications in the community pharmacy setting: a survey of parents and guardiansObjectives: 1) To determine parents' and/or guardians' interest in having pharmacists provide children's liquid medications in a pre-measured, individualized dosing device 2) To assess parents' and/or guardians' perception of dosing liquid medications for a child.Design:...
Individualized dosing of children’s liquid medications in the community pharmacy setting: a survey of parents and guardiansObjectives: 1) To determine parents’ and/or guardians’ interest in having pharmacists provide children’s liquid medications in a pre-measured, individualized dosing device 2) To assess parents’ and/or guardians’ perception of dosing liquid medications for a child....
Treatment of mild to moderate plaque psoriasis with calcitriol ointment applied with or without a dosing device... For this purpose, patients with plaque psoriasis eligible to be treated with calcitriol ointment were randomized to treatment with a ‘standardized dose’ method, using a dosing device (N....
 PDF: doaj.org

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage d'agent de réduction et un injecteur pour dispositif de dosage d'agent de réduction.

The invention relates to a device for metering reducing agent and to an injector in a device for metering reducing agent.

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage pour un dispositif d'injection.

The invention relates to a metering apparatus for an injecting device.

santé - wipo.int
Le dispositif de dosage permet de réaliser entièrement le dosage sur bandelette.

The assay device allows the assay to be performed entirely in a flow strip format.

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
Le dispositif de transport est couplé à un dispositif de dosage du dispositif d'injection.

The transport device is coupled to a dosage setting device on the injection device.

santé - wipo.int
Le dispositif de dosage de l'invention est destiné au dosage de produits pharmaceutiques.

The device can be used for metering pharmaceutical products.

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
Dispositif entraîné par un flux, qui comporte un dispositif de dosage (16) pour un gaz propulseur, ledit dispositif de dosage (16) comportant plusieurs soupapes (15).

The invention relates to a flow-driven device having a metering apparatus (16) for a propellant gas stream, wherein the metering apparatus (16) has a plurality of valves (15).

électronique et électrotechnique - wipo.int
L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage de liquides.

A device for metering fluids is provided.

technologie et réglementation technique - wipo.int
Le dispositif d'entraînement est tendu par une rotation du dispositif de dosage.

The drive unit is tensioned by the rotation of the dosing unit.

santé - wipo.int
L'invention concerne également un dispositif de dosage (1).

The invention further relates to a metering apparatus (1).

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
Ce système comprend un dispositif de dosage de l'eau (60) et un dispositif de dosage du combustible (76) qui commandent l'eau et le combustible fournis au dispositif de transformation du combustible (54).

A fuel processor control system for a fuel cell stack (52) includes water and fuel metering devices (60) and a fuel metering devices (76)that control water and fuel provided to the fuel processor (54).

électronique et électrotechnique - wipo.int
On amène l'eau et la levure dans ladite chambre, à partir d'un dispositif de dosage de l'eau et d'un dispositif de dosage de la levure liquide.

The water and the yeast are then supplied to the mixing chamber from a water metering device and a liquid yeast metering device.

technologie alimentaire - wipo.int
Le substrat élastique stratifié peut traverser un premier dispositif de dosage (250) à une vitesse V1 et un second dispositif de dosage (252) à une vitesse V2 après avoir traversé le premier dispositif de dosage, V1 étant supérieure à V2.

The layered elastic substrate may advance through a first metering device (250) at speed, VI, and through a second metering device (252) at speed, V2, subsequent to advancing through the first metering device, wherein VI is greater than V2.

industrie du bois - wipo.int
L'invention concerne également un robot industriel (110) muni d'un tel dispositif de dosage (1), ainsi qu'un procédé servant à commander un tel dispositif de dosage.

Also disclosed are an industrial robot (110) encompassing such a dosing apparatus (1) as well as a method for controlling such a dosing apparatus (1).

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
La présente invention porte également sur un procédé de dosage qui utilise un dispositif de dosage microfluidique.

An assay method that utilizes a microfluidic assay device is provided as well.

industrie mécanique - wipo.int
L'invention concerne un dispositif de dosage pour verseur de machine de cuisson, comportant plusieurs vannes de dosage (2).

A dosing device for a pourer for baking machines, which has several dosing valves (2).

technologie alimentaire - wipo.int

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues