Dictionnaire français - anglais

bâtiment et travaux publics - techdico
Mais le chef de chantier avait déjà félicité le fournisseur.

But the site supervisor had already congratulated the supplier for its product.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Steve, le chef de chantier de SCE, a toujours été clair et honnête.

Steve, the site supervisor of SCE, was always very clear and honest.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ces équipes, complètement indépendantes et autonomes, avaient chacune leur chef spécial responsable de chacune d'elles, et n'étaient reliées que par la direction du chef de chantier.

These teams, completely independent and autonomous, each had their own chiefs responsible for each of them, and were only linked by the management of the site supervisor.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le chef de chantier était allé sur le rebord de la carrière voir si l'engin avait laissé des traces.

The site supervisor had gone to the edge of the quarry to see whether the craft had left any traces.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
J’étais le représentant des bureaux d’études face au client et je coordonnais les travaux avec un chef de chantier.

I was the customer-oriented design office representative and I coordinated the work in collaboration with a worksite supervisor.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le procédé hennebique, une étape décisive dans l'emploi du béton armé... Ce maçon et chef de chantier développe des éléments modulaires, faits de métal et de béton, qui permettent de construire rapidement tout en s'adaptant à la plupart des chantiers....
School counseling site supervisor training: an exploratory studyThis study explored the supervision training needs of site supervisors of master’s program school counseling interns via the construct of selfefficacy....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: gallica.bnf.frgénéral - core.ac.uk - PDF: digitalcommons.georgefox.edu
Creative development exceptional and at-risk children day care organization children’s literature... Conferencing: Observed children in Kid’s Inn preschool center and prepared weekly observation reports to be shared with classmates and site supervisor....
Building self-esteemAssisting me with the augmented knowledge of running a male group as well as Nerlande Anselme, Counselor at Gates-Chili High School as my former site supervisor for giving me a basis of starting a group through her insight and guiding me to resource materials t
A case of laryngeal cancer induced by exposure to asbestos in a construction site supervisorBackground: Construction site supervisors are exposed to many chemicals, dusts, and metals including asbestos....
A portfolio of lesson plans for a high school spanish classroom with critical reflectionThis Capstone projects features a portfolio of lesson plans along with assessments of these lesson plans, written by a site supervisor, and journal entries, written personally after teaching the lesson in the classroom....
chef de chantier
général - iate.europa.eu
chef de chantier
bâtiment et travaux publics - techdico
Soutien à un chef de chantier et/ou un chantier critique.

Support to a foreman and/or critical construction.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pour la conduite du chantier, le chef de chantier (M. Milon), quatre chefs de pile, un chef riveur, un chef charpentier, un chef bardeur et un chef forgeron, soit neuf personnes ;

For the conduct of the work, the foreman (Mr. Milon), four heads of pile, a chief riveur, a carpenter, a chief burner and a chief blacksmith, nine people

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’équipe qui travaillait sur le chantier connaissait déjà les coffrages MEVA », explique le chef de chantier Armin Looser.

The team on the construction site was already familiar with the MEVA systems,” said foreman Armin Looser.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Aujourd'hui, il est chef de chantier et guide touristique occasionnel pour les vétérans argentins.

Today, he's a construction foreman—and a tour guide for returning Argentine veterans.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Gilles, 57 ans, chef de chantier et son fils Tristan, 25 ans, conducteur de travaux

Gilles, years old, site manager, and his son, Tristan, 25 years old, foreman

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Entrance to foreman & clark store, southern california, 19312 photographs of staircase and entrance to Foreman & Clark store, Southern California, 1931....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: digitallibrary.usc.edu
The analysis of foreman performance on quality management implementation in yogyakarta construction projectThis research will examine the process of achieving quality foreman representing contractors, and project quality management which consists of quality planning, quality control and quality assurance, which is used in the evaluation process....
Portrait of mr. thomas, president foreman & clark, southern california, 1940... Thomas, Pres[ident] Foreman & Clark; Agency: not word; Client: Foreman & Clark; Original print order: [ilg] 1; Size: 8x10; Finish: gl[ossy]; Year: 1940; Job: 03-5-31" -- on envelope front....
Entrance to foreman & clark store, southern california, 1931 [image 1]Photograph of staircase and entrance to Foreman & Clark store, Southern California, 1931....
Entrance to foreman & clark store, southern california, 1931 [image 2]Photograph of staircase and entrance to Foreman & Clark store, Southern California, 1931....
chef de chantier
bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu
Jeffrey Hill, chef de chantier à Chicago, affirme que l’ayahuasca a atténué sa dépression.

Jeffrey Hill, a 38-year-old construction superintendent from Chicago, said that ayahuasca eased his depression.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La formation peut mener à une carrière pour une entreprise générale, entrepreneur, superviseur, propriétaire d’une entreprise indépendante commerciale, chef de chantier, chef de projet, industriel et pour l’entretien.

Training to become an electrician can lead to a career for a general electrician, contractor, supervisor, independent business owner, commercial electrician, construction superintendent, project manager, industrial electrician and maintenance electrician.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
[photograph 2012.201.b0152.0178]... Caption: "In right picture, Wilbur Cole, general construction superintendent, talks over a problem of dirt compaction with Henry Robertson (wearing light colored gloves), superintendent of the compaction portion of the main ...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: gateway.okhistory.org
[photograph 2012.201.b0396.0321]... Caption: "Inspecting 12-foot diving tank just completed in Midwest City's new regional park are City Manager Dale Baker, seated; Darrell Jennings, left, construction superintendent, and Bob Harris, Ward 5 Councilman.
Ill wind howled here... Caption: "Bob Black, construction superintendent, surveys the shambles left when vicious winds struck the Casa Rena Apartments is construction at 4301 S Sooner road in Midwest City Sunday afternoon.
Ranking construction superintendent competencies and attributes required for successThis is the second in a series of articles reviewing the results of an ongoing mixed methods research project designed to document construction superintendent competencies and attributes, and develop postsecondary curricula to support superintendent education and training....
chef de chantier
bâtiment et travaux publics - techdico
En qualité de Chef de chantier, vous faites partie du pool international de Boskalis.

As a Superintendent you will be employed in the international pool of Boskalis.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’exceptionnelle qualité de travail de ce chef de chantier reflète les valeurs de toute l’équipe de Beaubois.

The exceptional quality of work provided by this superintendent is a reflection of the values held by the entire Beaubois team.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous allons affecter un chef de projet, chef de chantier, ingénieur et d’autres membres du personnel selon les besoins pour gérer efficacement le processus de construction.

We will assign a project manager, field superintendent, engineer and other staff members as needed to effectively manage the construction process.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous allons affecter un chef de projet, chef de chantier, ingénieur et d’autres membres du personnel selon les besoins pour gérer efficacement le processus de construction.

We will assign a project manager, field superintendent, engineer and other staff members as required to effectively manage the construction process. .

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous allons affecter un chef de projet, chef de chantier, ingénieur et d’autres membres du personnel selon les besoins pour gérer efficacement le processus de construction.

We will assign a project manager, field superintendent, engineer and other staff members as required to effectively manage the construction process.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Factors related to superintendent retention and turnoverUtilizing a nonparametric statistical method, this secondary data analysis of the AASA, The School Superintendents Association (formerly the American Association of School Administrators) American School Superintendent 2010 Decennial Study on superintendents analyzes factors...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: lib.dr.iastate.edu
Construction superintendent skill setsThis is the first of a series of articles reviewing the results of an ongoing qualitative research project designed to document construction superintendent skill sets and develop postsecondary curricula to support superintendent education....
Superintendent evaluations: superintendent and board president perspectivesThe purpose of this field experience was to examine the formal evaluation process of superintendents from the perspective of superintendents and school board presidents....
Board of education policy cei superintendent evaluationThe Cobb County Board of Education (Board) will evaluate the Superintendent annually, including the provisions of Board Policy BBD (Board-School Superintendent Relations), and share the results of the evaluation with the Superintendent ...
Superintendent-board responsibilities... To this end, the board shall delegate to the superintendent such powers as may be required to manage the district in a manner consistent with board policy and state and federal law....
chef de chantier
défense - iate.europa.eu
The design of a hsmm-based operator state monitoring display... Because this method requires substantial knowledge in probability theory to understand, the difficulty lies in the accurate, useful display of the HSMM information to a team commander in the field....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dspace.mit.edu
chef de chantier
électronique et électrotechnique - iate.europa.eu
Le premier jour, le responsable régional de notre entreprise de sécurité privée accompagne le ou les agent(s) de sécurité de chantier pour une visite du site avec le chef de chantier.

The first day, the regional head of our private security firm accompanies or agent (s) site security for a site visit with the foreman.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The functions of traffic flow control simulation system based on the cellular automaton : toward the construction of signal agents based on multi-agent techniques... The system gives a simulation field to investigate traffic signal control systems by means of multi-agent techniques based on distributed systems, instead of central control system, generally applied systems for traffic signal control....
électronique et électrotechnique / transports aérien et spatial - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
Intelligent agent architecture for digital library... In this paper we present the architecture of digital library by adopting multi agent approach from artificial intelligence....
Multi-agent based distributed semi-automatic sensors surveillance system architecture... The proposed architecture is grouped in three agents layers: the sensors agents layer, sensor processing agents layer and finally, the support assistant agents layers....

Publications scientifiques

A modifiable agent-based software architecture for intelligent virtual environments for training... However, little attention has been paid to software engineering issues, and most of these sys-tems are developed in an ad-hoc way that does not allow the reuse of their components or an easy modification of the application, even though some authors claim that the use of agents makes systems be more modifiable....
urbanisme et construction / bâtiment et travaux publics / emploi - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.fdi.ucm.es
Towards the smart construction site: improving productivity and safety of construction projects using multi-agent systems, real-time simulation and automated machine controlWith the increasing complexity of construction projects grows the challenge of securing safety and achieving desirable productivity as the chief priorities of the construction industry....
institutions financières et crédit / bâtiment et travaux publics / consommation - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Tishman Construction Corporation est le chef de chantier.

Tishman Construction Corporation is the construction manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Philippe était chef de chantier dans le bâtiment.

Philippe was a construction manager in the building industry.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Tishman Construction Corporation est le chef de chantier.

Tishman Construction was the construction manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Tishman Construction Corporation est le chef de chantier.

The Tishman Construction Corporation is the builder.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Selon Thierry, la fonction de Chef de Chantier c’est : « prendre en charge le suivi du chantier.

According to Thierry, the role of a site manager is to: “take charge of monitoring the site.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous recherchons donc actuellement un autre chef de chantier.

We are currently looking for another major building project.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Administrateur, responsable clientèle et chef de chantier depuis 2008

Administrator, account manager and supervisor since 2008

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Grand merci au chef de chantier, homme efficace et compétent.

A big thank you to the site manager; a very efficient and competent person.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Vous venez de prendre vos premières responsabilités de chef de chantier.

You have just received your first assignment as a project manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le chef de chantier est l'ingénieur Carlo Donegani (1775-1845).

The engineer and project manager was Carlo Donegani (1775–1845).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il est chef de chantier, marié à Samantha (Jessica Chastain).

Curtis works in the local sand mine and is married to Samantha (Jessica Chastain).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Guillaume est très autonome dans son métier de Chef de chantier.

Guillaume is very independent in his role as Site Manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Meneur d’hommes, le chef de chantier / chef d’équipe encadre une ou deux équipes sur les chantiers.

Will work primarily in the field as Jr. Crew Chief / Instrument Man on a one, two or three-person field crew.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
José María Castell était quant à lui le chef de chantier.

José María Castell was in charge of the construction work.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L'emploi chef de chantier exige une présence permanente sur le terrain.

Conducting development actions requires a permanent presence on the field.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues