Dictionnaire français - anglais


industrie mécanique - techdico
Energy price changes, and induced scrapping and revaluation of capital a putty clay approachThe paper presents a framework for analyzing the effect of unanticipatedenergy price changes on the firms' plans for scrapping of capital and onthe induced changes in the value of capital....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: ssb.brage.unit.no
Impact of the car scrapping scheme on consumer behaviour and aggregate consumption... The proclaimed importance of this industry led to the introduction of a new economic tool to support the short-term consumption, usually referred to as the car scrapping scheme....
 PDF: www.vse.cz
Growth, capital scrapping, and the rate of capacity utilisationThe aim of this short article is to build a model in order to take into account capital scrapping (or bankruptcies) in an income distribution and growth model....
Utilization and maintenance in a model with terminal scrappingWe draw on three strands of literature dealing with utilization, maintenance, and scrapping in order to analyze the properties of the respective policies and their interac-tions....
Some novel implications of replacemnt and scrapping... Thus the voluminous literature that has developed ignores the marked difference be-tween replacement and scrapping and glosses over their significant implications for microeconomic and aggregate dynamics....

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