Dictionnaire français - anglais

institutions de l'union européenne et fonction publique européenne - iate.europa.eu
Le comité a émis un avis favorable

The committee adopted a favourable opinion

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Le comité a émis un avis favorable.

The Committee adopted a favourable opinion.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Cet avis favorable accompagne la demande d'adhésion.

That favourable opinion shall accompany the application.'

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Le comité a émis un avis favorable

The committee adopted a favourable opinion

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
la Commission des Communautés européennes émet un avis favorable

the commission of the European Communities hereby delivers a favourable opinion

union européenne - iate.europa.eu
Mon appli santé, bientôt remboursée par la sécu ?... " Avis favorable " : c'est la conclusion donnée par la Haute Autorité de la Santé pour le remboursement par la Sécurité Sociale de l'application Diabeo, destinée à l'accompagnement...
Valoración del informe pericial sobre la custodia de menores en sentencias judiciales: estudio comparativo entre informes privados y oficiales (expert assessment report on child custody in court judgments: comparative study between private and official reports)... Analysis suggests that the judgments expressed a favourable opinion withpreference for expert reports made by employees assigned to family courts psychosocial teams....
général - core.ac.uk -général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Characteristics and practices in university teaching most valued by firstyear students compared in chemistry and in food science & technology degrees at the university of burgos... The results show that the student body values more the professional characteristics of its teaching staff than the personal ones; and the image transmitted by the teaching staff that uses ICT is always positive, creating a favourable opinion of his teaching, and the student body reaches to consider that ICTs are indispensable to nowadays education.
 PDF: doaj.org
Complementary and alternative medicine - some public health views... In contrast, population express a favourable opinion on alternative methods of treatment, and more than a third of them actually make use of them
“against all odds”. the mediation of the conseil national du patronat français in defense of the spain’s entry into the common market (1976-1986)... The favourable opinion of the CNPF on Spain’s application for accession offers an alternative perspective of France’s policy toward Spain in the context of the second Community enlargement
 PDF: doaj.org
Istituto di studi e analisi economica public credit guarantees and sme finance... The diffusion of the papers is subject to the favourable opinion of an anonymous referee, whom we would like to thank....
avis favorable
finances - iate.europa.eu
L’étude a reçu un avis favorable du Comité consultatif

Receive a favorable recommendation from the investigating committee

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un avis favorable a été émis par la commission d’enquête

Receive a favorable recommendation from the investigating committee

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
la collecte sélective, avec un avis favorable de la commission,

another congregation with a favorable recommendation,

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ils ont émis un avis favorable avec toutefois quelques recommandations.

But members sent it onward with a favorable recommendation, albeit with a series of conditions.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ces mesures ont également reçu un premier avis favorable des

The following measures also received a favorable recommendation

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Essays in college course-taking... We do find, however, evidence that students with the least favorable recommendation are more likely to be diverted toward quantitative courses that do not count toward a major....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net
Shareholder votes and proxy advisors: evidence from say on pay... However, we find no market reaction to the announcement of such changes, even when material enough to result in a favorable recommendation and vote the following year....
The client is king : do mutual fund relationships bias analyst recommendations?... However, this favorable recommendation bias toward a client's existing portfolio stocks is mitigated if the stock in question is highly visible to other mutual fund investors....
 PDF: dx.doi.org
The client is king: do mutual fund relationships bias analyst recommendations? �... However, this favorable recommendation bias towards a client’s existing portfolio stocks is mitigated if the stock in question is highly visible to other mutual fund investors....
Final publication recommendation by ra and re for those manuscripts, for which an ra and an re gave identical ratings on three evaluation criteria (n = 24).In the table, three final publication recommendations where Ra made a more favorable recommendation than Re are shown in bold.Notes.§Response...
avis favorable
santé - iate.europa.eu
dapprouver son règlement intérieur, après avis favorable du comité du ciel unique

approving its Rules of Procedure, after a positive opinion of the Single Sky Committee

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
émet un avis favorable, l'Autorité de surveillance AELE doit adopter le projet de mesures

delivers a positive opinion, the EFTA Surveillance Authority shall adopt the draft measures.

gestion administrative - eur-lex.europa.eu
Leur avis favorable devrait accompagner la demande conjointe de l'entreprise ferroviaire et du gestionnaire de l'infrastructure.

Their positive opinion should accompany the application submitted jointly by the rail undertaking and infrastructure manager.

transport terrestre - eur-lex.europa.eu
dapprouver le budget annuel du gestionnaire de réseau, après avis favorable du comité du ciel unique

endorsing the Network Managers annual budget, after a positive opinion of the Single Sky Committee

gestion administrative - eur-lex.europa.eu
parlementaire a exprimé un avis favorable sur ce projet, regrettant

members expresses extremely positive opinion on the project and regrets that it

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Osimertinib (tagrisso®) for the initial treatment of egfr-mutated advanced non–small-cell lung cancer (nsclc)... While osimertinib is not approved in Europe for the first-line setting, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) adopted a positive opinion recommending a change to the terms of the marketing authorisation of osimertinib in April 2018....
santé - core.ac.uk - PDF: eprints.hta.lbg.ac.at
Prescribing assessment: are final year medical students competent to prescribe antibiotics rationally?... The study was performed as academic study after having obtained a positive opinion from the Local Ethics Committee of the University Hospital 'Tsaritsa Joanna-ISUL', Medical University of Sofi a....
 PDF: doaj.org
Decision support in diabetes care: the challenge of supporting patients in their daily living using a mobile glucose predictor... Participants had a positive opinion about the DSS with an average score higher than 7 in a usability questionnaire.Conclusion:The...
 PDF: oa.upm.es
Status of vaccine research and development of vaccines for malaria ... In 2015, the European Medicines Agency announced the adoption of a positive opinion for the malaria vaccine candidate most advanced in development, RTS,S/AS01, which provides modest protection against clinical malaria; in early 2016, WHO recommended...

Publications scientifiques

Facteurs associés à la couverture vaccinale rougeole dans l'académie de grenoble (comparaison des zones avec couverture vaccinale basse et des zones avec couverture vaccinale élevée en 2013)
... L étude met en évidence l avis favorable de toutes les professions pour le vaccin ROR, mais également le manque de formation des personnels de l Académie de Grenoble et le manque de vaccination des plus...
... This study raises the well-enclined opinion of every p
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr
Maximizing positive opinion influence using an evidential approach... Besides, the proposed model searches to detect influencer users that adopt a positive opinion about the product, the idea, etc, to be propagated....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk

Synonymes et termes associés français

Exemples français - anglais

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

l’installation bénéficie d’un avis favorable.

The installation has received very favorable comment.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En cas d'avis favorable à l'autorisation de la substance évaluée, cet avis comprend

In the event of an opinion in favour of authorising the evaluated substance, the opinion shall include

moyen de production agricole - eur-lex.europa.eu
avis favorable à publication après modifications mineures ;

3.Indicate suitability for publication after making minor changes.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Trois issues sont possibles : avis favorable, demande de complément d’information ou avisfavorable.

Three outcomes can arise: a favourable opinion, a request for further information or an unfavourable opinion.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En cas d'avis favorable à l'autorisation du procédé de recyclage évalué, cet avis comprend

In the event of an opinion in favour of authorising the evaluated recycling process, the opinion of the Authority shall include the following

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
» La Commission de Sécurité émet un avis favorable

» The Safety Committee issues a favorable opinion

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
avis favorable ou défavorable à la commission des

supplemental or dissenting views, to the House Committee on the

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Avis favorable à l'extradition d'un Argentin présumé tortionnaire

French court backs extradition of alleged Argentine torturer

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
national consultatif d'éthique a donné un avis favorable

The National Research Ethics Service granted favourable opinion.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Comment le conseil municipal peut emettre un avis favorable ?

So how can your attorney land a favorable verdict?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Je n'étonnerai personne en donnant également un avis favorable.

So of course to no one's surprise I would be giving a favorable review.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
M. HERKEL (Estonie), président de la commission – Avis favorable.

Mr HERKEL (Estonia) – The committee is in favour.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Avis favorable du CHMP pour Dupixent® dans l’UE.

Positive CHMP opinion received for Dupixent® in the EU.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Salut, ça sera un avis favorable pour moi aussi.

Hi, this would be a very useful feature for me as well.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Aucun dossier avec « avis favorable » n’est retenu cette année.

No cases of “false positives” have been reported this year.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues