Publications scientifiques

L'impact de la révolution et de l'empire sur la démographie provençale : l'exemple des bouches-du-rhône
... The repercussions of these events are important concerning regional demography : if the population declined globally, notably because of emigration and conscription, one must

be aware

of nuances between the cities (very large decline in Marseille) and the countryside (slight increase).
Europe / recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole - -
Consommation alimentaire : une orientation interdisciplinaire
... The biologists of nutrition, the first to be aware of the problem, have tried to solve it, but without any lasting success....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle - -
Involvement of veterinarians in nursing home pet programmes: experiences and prospects
... It is important to be aware that such animals are not just pets but that they also participate in therapeutic, educational or social activities....
... L'important est de prendre conscience que cet animal n'est pas seulement un animal de compagnie mais qu'il participe à des activités ayant un objectif thérapeutique, éducatif ou social...
général - - PDF:
5 u.s. supreme court cases every christian should be aware ofWhat United Stated Supreme Court cases should Christians be aware of? Posting about the five United States Supreme Court cases of which all Christians should be aware from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the...
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Osteoporosis: what to be aware of as a patient... Albans VT via the development and distribution of an “Osteoporosis: What to be aware of as a patient” brochure to patients that met the criteria for being at risk of being osteoporotic (women ages 65+, women who are post-menopausal but younger than 65,...
général - - PDF:
Be aware all clear outstanding finance... In this report, you’ll find any vehicle specific alerts to be aware of, important updates to the vehicle over its lifetime, as well as a list of the most common breakdown and MOT faults recorded for this make and model....
général - - PDF:
An issue of drug interaction in cardiological practice: what shall physician be aware of?... The key result of the review is conclusion that physicians in their practical work must be aware of possible drug interaction and pay attention to this part of drug sheet or on electronic sources, the links provided in the article
général - - PDF:
When using voter advice applications, citizens should be aware that they reflect the political assumptions of their developers... Here, Thomas Fossen and Bert Van Der Brink argue that though VAA’s present themselves as objective sources of political information, they in fact reflect the presuppositions of their developers, and their users should be aware of this when using them
général - - PDF:

Synonymes et termes associés anglais

Exemples anglais - français

droit -
sciences humaines -
sciences humaines -
vie politique -
vie politique / général -
vie politique -

Traductions en contexte anglais - français

Be aware

of anger, be aware of fear, be aware of doubts; even be aware of irritability.

Et à le faire même lorsqu'on se sent accablé par la crainte, le doute, l'incertitude.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
My sensei drilled it into us: Be aware, be aware, be aware.

Mon sensei l'a foré en nous: Soyez conscient, soyez conscient, soyez conscient.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Be aware of what you're saying, be aware of what you're doing, be aware of what you're thinking, be aware of how you're acting.

Sois consciente de ce que tu dis, sois consciente de ce que tu penses, sois consciente de ton agir.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
To be aware of Time is to be aware of the Universe, and to be aware of the Universe is to be aware of Time.

Etre conscience du Temps, c’est être conscience de l’Univers, et être conscient de l’Univers, c’est être conscient du Temps.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Always be aware of your surrounding and be aware of anything suspicious.

Soyez toujours conscient de votre environnement et de regarder pour quelque chose de suspect.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Any other information the driver shall be aware of

Toute autre information qui doit être connue du conducteur

général -
Be aware the person might truly not be aware of their own mistakes

Réalisez qu’ils n’ont peut-être pas conscience de leurs erreurs

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
As for men – be aware yourself, and teach your sons to be aware.

Apprendre ce que c'est (si vous ne la connaissez pas deja) et l'enseigner a vos enfants.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
You have to be aware, aware of your responsibilities.

Vous devez être conscientconscient de vos responsabilités.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
You cannot “think aware,” you can only “be aware.

Tu ne peux penser conscient, tu ne peux « qu'être conscient ».

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
You will be aware of things that you would not be aware of before.

pour aller vers un peuple que tu ne connaissais point auparavant.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
It is good to be aware, but it is better to be self aware.

C’est bien de faire confiance mais c’est encore mieux de s’informer soi-même.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
So, if you have decided to be aware, you must be aware of Self.

Donc, si vous avez décidé d’être conscient, vous devez être conscient de Soi.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
To be aware of our intentions is to be aware of the smallest movements

C’est-à-dire être conscient de tous les moindres mouvements

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
You can be aware of the contact with your clothing: be aware of the temperature on your skin; you can be aware of the muscles.

Vous pouvez prendre conscience du contact avec vos vêtements, de la température sur votre peau, de vos muscles.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues