Dictionnaire français - anglais


informatique et traitement des données - iate.europa.eu
Subverting blackface and the epistemology of american identity in john berryman's 77 dream songs... However, when one observes the history of this tradition of minstrelsy, its initial reception, its transcodification into the white American racial ideology, and subsequent scholarly analyses of its implications, it is evident that Berryman creates an anti-model of minstrelsy...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu
Videoconference capacity leasing on hybrid clouds.... This service allows a great number of users per conference, multiple simultaneous conferences, different client software (requiring transcodification of audio and video flows) and provides a service like automatic recording....
 PDF: oa.upm.es
An approach to the process of understanding numerals by children:relationships between mental representations and semiotic representationsWith support in the works of Duval (2004) regarding the operation of conversion between semiotic registries, the studies of numerical “transcodification” are analyzed....
 PDF: doaj.org

Publications scientifiques

Le monde naturel, entre corps et cultures
... Such idea lays down the theoretic basis of a semiotic according to which sense is intended as virtual possibility of transcodification, and signification as concrete realization of such transcodification....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.erudit.org

Exemples français - anglais

informatique et traitement des données - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Le transcodeur (5) reconnaît le premier URL comme faisant référence à une page Web sur une liste de transcodification.

The transcoder (5) recognises the first URL as relating to a web page on a. transcode list.

électronique et électrotechnique - wipo.int
La propagation des éléments de référentiel depuis les « chaines métiers locales » vers le SI comptable et financier, en assurant la transcodification de ces éléments, le cas échéant.

Propagating data repository information from the “local business chains” to the accounting and financial IS, transcoding this information, where applicable.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues