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communication - techdico
communication - techdico
“why the anomaly that is super bowl marketing is a justifiable investment”By now, we have well established that the Super Bowl is the holy grail of marketing, the championship for the battle of the brands, and the ultimate showcase of creative prowess which determines bragging...
communication / commercialisation / concurrence - core.ac.uk - PDF: scholarworks.uark.edu
Status of this memo domain-wide prefix distribution with two-level is-isThis memo provides information for the Internet community....
Domain-wide prefix distribution with two-level is-is", rfc 2966This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements....
communication - techdico
communication - techdico
système d’information SI
communication - techdico
Le nouveau système d’information SICS, cœur du programme

The new SICS information system, the heart of the program

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Development of structure of information system for continuous improvement of qms in educational institution (the case tpu)... Practical impact of information system for continuous improvement of QMS in TPU is demonstrated
communication / production et structures agricoles / construction européenne - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
Wireless internet information system for medical response in disasters (wiisard)The Wireless Internet Information System for Medical Response in Disasters (WIISARD) explores the use of scalable wireless networks to facilitate medical care at the site of a disaster....
Web-based integrated timetable information system for railways and airlines AbstractThe paper presents a traffic information system called KRJ that covers Polish railways and airlines transportation systems....
Composite information system byThe Composite Information System Tool Kit (CIS/TK) is a prototype currently being developed at the Composite Information System Laboratory (CISL) at Sloan School of Management....

Publications scientifiques

Un modèle de management de système d'information transposé d'un modèle de knowledge management
Dans la plupart des définitions du Système d’Information (SI), l’Homme n'est pas considéré comme un composant du système....
... du processus d’apprentissage organisationnel ?The definition of Information System do not consider individual as a component of the Information System....
général - core.ac.uk -
Développement d’un système d’information de gestion des compétences: une affaire de compromis
A partir du concept de compromis, cette recherche en cours traite de la conception d’un système d’information (SI) pour le management des compétences....
...On the basis of the concept of compromise, this research in progress deals with the development of an Information System of competencies management....
général - core.ac.uk -
Etude dynamique de la qualité de l'information et des données d'un système d'information complexe
... Malheureusement, toutes ces méthodologies ont une vision boîte noire du système d'information (SI) et essaient d'évaluer la QI en utilisant des formulaires....
... The quantity of available data is not the only problem to be handled and a new concept has arisen: the quality of data and its influence over information system performance....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
L'évaluation de l'efficacité des systèmes d'information : des situations normales aux situations extrêmes
Comment évaluer l’efficacité d’un système d’information (SI) ? Il faut évaluer différemment l’efficacité d’un SI destiné à une situation normale de gestion, d’un SI destiné à une situation extrême....
...How to evaluate the efficiency of an information system (IS)? The efficiency of an IS intended for a normal management situation must be assessed differently from an IS intended for an extreme situation....
général - core.ac.uk -
The vrije universiteit it service capability maturity model... Examples of IT services are the maintenance of software systems, operation of information systems, the management and maintenance of workstations, networks or mainframes, or the provision of contingency services....
communication / construction européenne / vie politique et sécurité publique - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
The it anamnesis? diagnosing software requirementsCentral to this thesis is the question of what concepts, considerations and general patterns in anamnesis protocols may be applicable to problem analysis in information technology....
santé / communication / emploi - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
The web is smaller than it seems...
communication - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Application of web services in teaching of it-discipline ...
communication - core.ac.uk -
Clients' perceptions towards it security of e-banking in bosnia and herzegovina...
Europe / communication / analyse économique - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues