Dictionnaire français - anglais

santé - iate.europa.eu
santé - iate.europa.eu
Atypical musculoskeletal manifestations of gout in hyperuricemia patients... We report a case series of three patients, one with an acute locked knee suspected to be meniscus tear or intra-articular loose body, a second case with a lump on the dorsal hand suspected to be a benign lesion, and a third case with a finger flexion deformity with carpal tunnel syndrome;...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.dovepress.com
Case report fracture of the fabella: an uncommon injury in knee... However, it causes an intermittent mechanical pain of the knee and it can mistakenly harm another knee pathology like intra-articular loose body....
 PDF: ftp:
Fracture of the fabella: an uncommon injury in knee... However, it causes an intermittent mechanical pain of the knee and it can mistakenly harm another knee pathology like intra-articular loose body....
 PDF: doaj.org
Midcarpal joint loose body, where does it come from?We report a case of intra-articular loose body in the mid-carpal joint following the fracture of the distal radius....
 PDF: doaj.org
Midcarpal joint loose body, where does it come from? AbstractWe report a case of intra-articular loose body in the mid-carpal joint following the fracture of the distal radius....

Exemples français - anglais

vie sociale / sciences naturelles et appliquées - iate.europa.eu
documentation / informatique et traitement des données / milieu naturel - acta.es
milieu naturel / sciences naturelles et appliquées - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Le mécanisme de ce type de douleur est dû à la présence de la souris articulaire (détritus - fragments de cartilage et de destruction osseuse, déposés à la surface articulaire).

The mechanism of this type of pain is due to the presence of the articular mouse (detritus - fragments of cartilage and bone destruction, deposited on the articular surface).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Aussi appelé «corps lâche» ou «souris articulaire», il peut se coincer dans votre articulation, ce qui peut causer un fléchissement et même «attraper» le genou.

Also called a “loose body” or “joint mouse,” this can become caught in your joint, causing your knee to buckle and even “catch.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

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