Dictionnaire français - anglais


droit civil / droit - iate.europa.eu
Servitude La servitude est l'intolérable qui peut être infiniment tolérée.

Servitude is the intolerable thing that can be tolerated indefinitely.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Aujourd’hui, nous avons remplacé la servitude physique par la servitude psychique.

Today, brutal slavery has been replaced with psychological servitude.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Une servitude ne peut naitre que si la servitude est divisée.

Retaining of a Servitude when the Servient Thing is Divided

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La servitude de restriction d'usage : une servitude réelle ou une obligation personnelle ?

Is the servitude of restriction of use a real servitude or a mere personal obligation?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Intérêts ou droits fonciers admissibles : servitude, servitude réelle ou convention de conservation

Eligible interests or rights in land: conservation easement, covenant or real servitude

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Conscience de soi et reconnaissance
... Le problème de l'articulation du développement phénoménologique de la conscience de soi avec la dialectique de domination et de servitude revient à examiner le devenir de la conscience de soi qui passe par la reconnaissance....
... The problem of the articulation of the phenomenological development of self-consciousness with the dialectic of domination and of servitude amounts to examining the becoming of self-consciousness which passes through recognition....
général - core.ac.uk -
Childhood in the barracks
...eu égard à la conception traditionnelle rigoureuse que se fait Reegan de ses devoirs de père, ainsi qu'à ses propres combats intérieurs ; malgré l'isolement, le mutisme et la servitude inhérents à l'enfance, ces enfants, dont le portrait reste plus succinct que celui des adultes, ne sont pas des enfants martyrs.Chevalier...
...The paper considers the representation of childhood in The Barracks, where the emphasis is not laid on the individual characters and dramas of the children, but on their strictly delimitated place, status and role within the family constellation, in view of Reegan's traditional and rigorous conception of his duty as a father, and of his inner struggles : notwithstanding the isolation, mutism and servitude inherent to childhood, these children, whose characterization remains more succinct than that of the adults, are not martyrized.
général - core.ac.uk -
Cham et noé. race et esclavage entre judaïsme, christianisme et islam
Le récit biblique de l'ivresse de Noé et la malédiction qui voue Canaan à la servitude furent le prétexte d'une des justifications les plus répandues de l'esclavage des Noirs....
... The biblical story of the drunkenness of Noe and the cursing of Canaan with servitude has offered a pretext for one of the most widespread justifications for racial slavery....
général - core.ac.uk -
Sur la servitude volontaire des mariandyniens d'héraclée du pont
général - core.ac.uk -
Indentured servitude in eighteenth-century maryland
...This study of the role of indentured servitude in late colonial Maryland offers a new perspective on the transformation of its labour force from white servants to African slaves....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hssh.journals.yorku.ca
Sur la constitutionnalité de la « servitude montagne »... 342-26 du Code du tourisme, relatifs à la « servitude Montagne »....
“freedom” and ”coercion”—virtue words and vice words... The normative changes in what we value -- in what we regard as good and evil, right and wrong -- are equally dramatic: the abolition of chattel slavery, the disestablishment of religion, the end of indentured servitude, the demise of monarchy, the prohibition of torture and blood sanctions, the banning of child labor, the emancipation of women, the prevalence of birth control and premarital...
général - core.ac.uk -droits et libertés / vie sociale - core.ac.uk - PDF: scholarship.law.duke.edu
Une histoire de la ‟servitude volontaire” d’étienne la boétieÀ l’heure où la "servitude volontaire" séduit de plus en plus les sciences humaines et sociales, il convient de remonter aux origines propres du Discours de la servitude volontaire d’Étienne La...
Series on women and migration sri lanka: good practices to prevent women migrant workers from going into exploitative forms of labour by... Whether in the recruitment stage, the journey or living and working in another country, women migrant workers, especially those in irregular situations, are vulnerable to harassment, intimidation or threats to themselves and their families, economic and sexual exploitation, racial discrimination and xenophobia, poor working conditions, increased health risks and other forms of abuse, including trafficking into forced labour, debt bondage, involuntary servitude and situations of captivity....
Soyons audacieux. réponse à la réponse à ma réponse à la réponse d'armelle enders à mon article : "le lusotropicalisme comme idéologie de l'amour dans la servitude"... Réponse à la réponse à ma réponse à la réponse d'Armelle Enders à mon article : "Le lusotropicalisme comme idéologie de l'amour dans la servitude"....
Le droit romain et la servitude aux antilles... En quelque sorte, la question principale est de savoir si la triste expérience de la servitude antillaise correspond à l’esclavage de l’Antiquité classique romaine ou encore à celui de l’antiquité tardive (IVe-VIe s....
Servitude et grandeur militaires: laurette, la veillée de vincennes, la canne de jonc,......Souvenirs de servitude militaire (livre 1, p....
droit civil / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche / environnement / institutions financières et crédit / droit - iate.europa.eu
obstacle à l'exercice d'une servitude

interference with the exercise of an easement

droit - iate.europa.eu
servitude de jouissance et d'occupation exclusives

easement for exclusive use and occupation

droit - iate.europa.eu
La servitude la plus courante en Californie est la servitude d'utilité, une servitude brute expresse.

The commonest easement in California is the utility easement, an express gross easement.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Une servitude est classée comme une servitude en brut (personnel pour les individus) ou une servitude appurlocataire (liée à la terre).

An easement is classified as an easement in gross (personal to the individuals) or an easement appurtenant (tied to the land).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
111.2(2) Le droit analogue à une servitude est réputé être une servitude législative et être, à toutes fins, une servitude :

111.2(2) A right analogous to an easement is deemed to be a statutory easement and is an easement for all purposes if,

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Actio confessoria for protection of easementThe Law on Fundamentals of Property Relations, prescribes the possibility of raising two lawsuits to protect the easement....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Easement curve of involute gear tooth with pre-set shapeThe paper contains a new methodology to set and optimize parameters of easement curve of involute gear tooth....
 PDF: doaj.org
An easement in a future codification of civil lawEasement means, a right enjoyed by the owner of land over the lands of another: such as rights of way, right of light, rights of support, rights to a flow of air or water etc....
 PDF: doaj.org
The classification of easementEasement means, a right enjoyed by the owner of land over the lands of another: such as rights of way, right of light, rights of support, rights to a flow of air or water etc....
 PDF: doaj.org
Valuation of real estate with easement AbstractThis article deals with the easement valuation....
agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
Criminal squatting and adverse possession: a case of interpretative logic...s.144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 precludes a claim to adverse possession....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: gala.gre.ac.uk
Australian cadastres: the role of adverse possession of part parcels...management system should ideally disclose the complete legal status of all land with disclosure of all public and private rights and restrictions, including rights acquired under adverse possession....
Adverse possession and crown leasehold in queenslandThe decision of Eckford v Stanbroke Pastoral Co Pty Ltd [2012] QSC 48 ,although a decision refusing summary judgement raises a very important question of the ability to claim adverse possession of a pastoral lease issued in 1956 under the Land Act 1962 (Queensland).Division...
A critique of the doctrine of adverse possessionAdverse possession allows for a ‘wrongful ’ possessor of land to have their interests ripen into a title if they can demonstrate active possession for a certain time frame....
Chazakah: judaic law's non-adverse possessionThis article questions the current doctrine of adverse possession....
agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
droit - iate.europa.eu
Salespeople stress and how should they cope with it to avoid the burnout... Based on data collected from 512 salespeople in the US, I conclude that those sales people that use right form of coping will end up reducing burnout....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: essuir.sumdu.edu.ua
An empirical study on sustainable agriculture land use right transfer in the heihe river basinAgriculture land use right transfer (ALURT) is a new policy designed to meet the demand of the sustainable development of agriculture in China....
 PDF: doaj.org
From land use right to land development right: institutional change in china’s urban development... The socialist land use right as an institution of the out-going central planning system became an obstacle to the emerging land market for urban redevelopment, although land leasing as a new institution...
Transferring price of rural land use right with npv and game analytical method ...first considers the risk of contractor's capability to fulfill contract as well as the risk of the state policy and market change during the turnover process of the rural land use right....

Publications scientifiques

Exile on penal servitude in the russian empire in the 19th century: some aspects of applyingThe results of the research of the main features of the execution of criminal penalties in the form of exile on servitude in the Russian Empire in the 19th century are presented in the article....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Nine months a slave: when pregnancy is involuntary servitude to a foetus... To provide further arguments in support of legalising abortion services, we argue that the state cannot demand of a woman that she maintains an unwanted pregnancy because that demand places her in a state of involuntary servitude....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dx.doi.org
Down on the farm and barefoot in the kitchen: farm labour and domestic labour as forms of servitudeThis article evaluates the claim that working conditions for farm workers and domestic workers in South Africa can be analysed in terms of the constitutional prohibition against servitude....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.tandfonline.com

Exemples français - anglais

droit - iate.europa.eu
droit - iate.europa.eu
droit - iate.europa.eu
droit - iate.europa.eu
droit - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

jour de servitude

aperture in the party wall or the neighbour's wall existing in virtue of an agreement,title or prescription

droit - iate.europa.eu
servitude d'écoulement des eaux

right to an unhampered flow of water

droit - iate.europa.eu
servitude altius non tollendi

level not to be exceeded by structures

droit - iate.europa.eu
L'invention concerne un processeur de servitude pour un système informatique comprenant un processeur central et ledit processeur de servitude.

A service processor is provided for a computer system that includes a host processor and the service processor.

informatique et traitement des données - wipo.int
La servitude, même volontaire, est, et reste, une servitude.

A servant is still, and always will be ,a servant.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
immeuble frappé d'une servitude de non-bâtir

real landed property with ban on construction

démographie et population - iate.europa.eu
immeuble frappé d'une servitude de non-bâtir

real estate property with ban on construction

démographie et population - iate.europa.eu
repérage des points de servitude au sol

servicing point markings

transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
repérage des points de servitude au sol

ground support point identification

transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
servitude inhérente à la notion de service public

obligation inherent in the concept of a public service

transports - iate.europa.eu
Sachez –puisse Allah vous orienter vers Son obéissance– qu’il existe deux sortes de servitude ; une servitude particulière et une servitude générale.

Make dua to Allah to guide you in the right direction, protect you and bless you.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En lui ni diversité ni unité ; ni servitude ni absence de servitude.

There is no variety nor unity in him; no bondage nor absence of bondage.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Coalition d'Asie du Sud contre la servitude des enfants


questions sociales - iate.europa.eu
On minimise ainsi le fardeau de servitude sur l'unité centrale.

Overhead burden on the central processing unit is minimized.

communication - wipo.int
Selon l'invention, un dispositif de servitude auxiliaire pour véhicule de travail fournit des matériels de servitude pouvant comprendre un générateur électrique, une pompe hydraulique et un compresseur d'air.

A service pack for a work vehicle provides service systems, which may include an electrical generator, a hydraulic pump and an air compressor.

organisation des transports - wipo.int

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues