Dictionnaire français - anglais

industrie - iate.europa.eu
La diversité des formes d'habitat organisé dans la grande couronne francilienne : essai de typologie des ensembles d'habitat groupé... Deux éléments semblent favoriser la standardisation des formes produites : la concentration de l'offre au sein de quelques très grands groupes de promotion immobilière, et la production d'ensembles pavillonnaires de types standardisés, propres aux différents types de promoteurs....
The growth of speculative building in greece: modes of housing production and socioeconomic change, 1950-1974...Athens.Given the decline in the role of precapitalist housing, the growth of speculative building is a corollary of trends in aggregate residential investment....
général - core.ac.uk -général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
Un urbain régulé, filtré, où la photographie est interdite... Après avoir traversé un quartier entièrement neuf dont les rues finissaient dans les champs de blé et où est l'horizon était barré par des grues ou des panneaux de promotion immobilière, nous arrivâmes devant un portail en fer forgé qui s'ouvrait devant nous à 9h30 du matin....
Pricing construction work: a marketing viewpoint... he This paper examines examining the relevance of two prevalent marketing paradigms – marketing mix and relationship marketing – to pricing construction work generally, and the traditional contracting (TC), design and construction (D&C) and speculative building (SB) procurement systems in particular....
Development trends of single family housing estates in i̇zmir metropolitan fringe area... As a result of the study, constraints of single family housing estates were determined as lack of public space and urban services, automobile dependency, unnecessary consumption and fragmentation of agricultural land and open space, and speculative building....
Pricing construction work: a marketing viewpoint... This paper examines the challenges involved in terms of the two prevalent marketing paradigms—marketing mix and relationship marketing—to pricing construction work generally, and the traditional contracting (TC), design and construction (D&C) and speculative building (SB) procurement systems in particular....
promotion immobilière
structure économique - acta.es
Une promotion immobilière sous contraintes environnementales.

Property Development under Environmental Constraints.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ce bureau se spécialise dans la Transaction Immobilière mais également dans la Promotion Immobilière.

This office is specialized in Property Transactions but also in Property Development.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Immobilier et construction (matériaux de construction, promotion immobilière)

Property and construction (construction materials, property development)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Immobilier et construction (matériaux de construction, promotion immobilière)

Property and Construction (Construction Materials, Property Development)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La société Sefiteg Promotion, est une société de promotion immobilière créée en 1989.

Sefiteg is a property development company established in 1989.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le développement péri-urbain est-il inédit et spécifique ?
...péri-urbanisation que connaît la France depuis vingt ans présente des caractères spécifiques sur lesquels tout le monde s'accorde : «éclatement» de la ville, osmose ville-campagne, promotion immobilière en «nouveaux villages», rôle de l'automobile, prédominance des classes moyennes, dispersion des activités....
...The phenomenon of sub-urbanization, known in France for twenty years, has specific features upon which the whole word agrees : city «splitting», town-country osmosis, real property development of «Lewitt towns», role of the automobile, predominance of the middle class, dispersion of activities....
général - core.ac.uk -
Le rôle des promotions foncières et immobilières dans la production des périphéries : application à la belgique et à ses nouveaux espaces résidentiels
... En troisième partie, la prise en compte de la promotion immobilière permet d’expliquer la particularité belge de la forte prédominance de l’auto-promotion dans la constitution des stocks de logements....
... In the third part, the property development issue is taken into account in order to explain why the self-provided sector is so highly prevailing in Belgium....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: orbi.uliege.be
An exploratory review of whole life cycle costing for malaysia property developmentThe demand of implementing Whole Life Cycle Costing (WLCC) towards property development has increased since the launch of Value Management Circular 3/2009 by the Economic Planning Unit Malaysia....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: publisher.uthm.edu.my
Open access sustainable urban property development and neighbourhood dynamicsAbstract: Concerns about the sustainability of urban property development are increasing amid broader concerns of sustainable development and contemporary financial crisis....
Re-examining the control mechanism for sustainable property development on highland areas:Governing property development has always requires a holistic approach in decision making....
Property development cycle and acquisition strategiesThis presenation is part of the UDIA (Qld) Property Development Essentials program, which is a two-day introductory course designed for new entrants to the property industry....
Stakeholder participation for sustainable property development AbstractComplexity in property development projects involves and affects stakeholders with different attributes, interests, needs and concerns....
Promotion immobilière
institutions de l'union européenne et fonction publique européenne - eur-lex.europa.eu
général - eur-lex.europa.eu

Publications scientifiques

Supporting building owners and facility managers in the validation and visualisation of asset information models (aim) through open standards and open technologiesAccurate and valid data is essential during the development of building projects and throughout the use phase of buildings....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk

Exemples français - anglais

bâtiment et travaux publics / organisation de l'entreprise - iate.europa.eu
bâtiment et travaux publics / finances - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Autres activités de promotion immobilière

Other development and sale of real estate

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Promotion Immobilière (promotion et investissement immobilier essentiellement aux U.S.A.)

Development Services (real estate development and investment activities primarily in the U.S.)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Promotion immobilière Opération de promotion immobilière de 150 logements dédiés à l'hôtellerie et au tourisme à l'entrée de Megève (74).

Real estate operation for 130 housing lots dedicated to hospitality and tourism at the entrance to Megève (74)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Focus sur les compétences clés : la promotion immobilière

Focus on core competency : Real Estate Development

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
— Bouygues Construction: construction, promotion immobilière, médias et télécommunications,

Bouygues: construction, property services and telecommunications/media,

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Montage de contrats de promotion immobilière (promoteur-propriétaire)

Drafting of real estate development contracts (property developer-owner)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Étapes de promotion immobilière: Où commence le développeur immobilier?

Real Estate Development Steps / Where does the real estate developer start working?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
promotion immobilière, vente, gestion, transaction, financement et solutions d'accompagnement.

Real estate development, sales, management, transaction, financing and accompanying solutions.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Services de promotion (activités de promotion immobilière et d’investissement essentiellement déployées aux États-Unis)

Development Services (real estate development and investment activities primarily in the U.S.)

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nouvelle promotion immobilière d’appartements, penthouses et maisons, située sur une…

New Real Estate Promotion of apartments, penthouses and townhouses, located…

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Sa principale activité est la promotion immobilière industrielle et urbaine.

Its main activity is the development of industrial and urban properties.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
IMMOBEL est un acteur majeur de la promotion immobilière européenne.

IMMOBEL is a major player in European property development.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Wagner Real Estate regroupe l’ensemble des activités de promotion immobilière.

Wagner Real Estate includes all the activities of real estate development.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Recrutement de directeur technique en promotion immobilière par un spécialiste

Recruitment of technical director in real estate development by a specialist

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Immobel est un acteur majeur de la promotion immobilière européenne.

Immobel is a major player in European property development.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues