Dictionnaire français - anglais


industries charbonnière et minière - iate.europa.eu
Springing and damping systems of army vehiclesBachelor's thesis is oriented at springing and damping systems of army vehicles....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.nusl.cz
Experimental investigations of higher-order springing and whipping-wils projectSpringing and whipping are becoming increasingly important considerations in ship design as container ships increase in size....
 PDF: doaj.org
industries charbonnière et minière - iate.europa.eu
Legal client counseling for sharia law students: an innovative approach toward increasing professionalism in sharia counseling... For the purpose of this research, semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with seven (7) students who had graduated in 2012 and are currently in the process of completing their chambering at their respective law firms....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.ccsenet.org
The research on the technological system in deep holes chambering processTwo-mass model of bitool chambering was introduced....
 PDF: doaj.org
métallurgie et sidérurgie - iate.europa.eu
Determination of mosquitoes fauna (culicidae: diptera) in poldokhtar county of lorestan province, 2015... Sampling methods for larvae, pupae and mature were ladling, night catch, total and hand catch with an aspirator....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
industrie - iate.europa.eu
Il est fait pour éliminer pochage et serrer perdre la peau autour des paupières, mais ne supprime pas les lignes fines rides.

It is done to remove bagginess and tighten lose skin around the eyelids, but doesn’t remove fine wrinkle lines.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les étiquettes et les procédés permettent de réduire les quantités d'un ou de plusieurs des éléments suivants: blisters, à la fois avant et après le collage, rétrécissement, pochage et bandes épaisses.

The labels and processes provide reduced amounts of one or more of the following: blisters, both before and after bonding, shrinkage, bagginess and gage bands.

chimie - wipo.int
Ainsi pour les banquettes de grande longueur, il est préférable d’effectuer plusieurs coutures plutôt que de risquer pochage ou formation de plis.

For long bench seats, it is preferable to sew several seams rather than run a risk of bagginess or wrinkling.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il est fait pour éliminer pochage et serrer perdre la peau autour des paupières, mais ne supprime pas les lignes fines rides.

It is done to remove bagginess and tighten lose skin around the eyelids, but doesn't remove fine wrinkle lines.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
C'est un lieu d'affaires, et les vêtements de pochage excessive ou de l'oppression tirer immédiatement des opinions stéréotypées sur qui vous êtes.

It is a place of business, and clothes of excessive bagginess or tightness will immediately draw stereotypical opinions about who you are.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Original article experience with ventral penile skin island flap urethroplasty...(3.9%) others had urethral bagginess and postmicturition dribbling....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.ajol.info
industrie mécanique - techdico
industrie mécanique - techdico
Monitoring butterflies using counts of puddling males: a case study of the rajah brooke's birdwing (trogonoptera brookiana albescens)... Males of some subspecies exhibit puddling behavior....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Effects of puddling on percolation and rice yields in rainfed lowland paddy cultivation: case study in... We investigated the effects of puddling on per-colation and rice yields in rainfed lowland paddy cultivation....
industrie mécanique - techdico
A crab spider’s ballooning process (images were converted to negative images to visualize ballooning lines).(A, B) Initial phase of spinning ballooning lines; (C, D, E, F) Fluttering of a bundle of ballooning lines....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Biochemical and histological analysis of mll2 mutants; nafld and dyslipidaemia.... C–D: Histological analysis of H&E stained liver sections demonstrated features consistent with mild NAFLD in all Mll2 mutant and knockout lines (Figure 6C, D & E) with significant increases in macrovesicular steatosis (black arrow), microvesicular steatosis (red arrows) and ballooning hepatocyte degeneration (white arrow), compared to wild-type littermates....
culture et religion - iate.europa.eu
Adoption and welfare impact of improved food legume technologies in bale highlands of ethiopia: intra and inter-household empirical analysis... The study focused particularly on the identification of factors determining adoption of improved food legume technologies, evaluation of welfare impacts of adoption status and intensity of improved food legume varieties, identifying intra-household impact dynamics due to adoption of improved legume varieties and spotting out the major challenges and opportunities faced by smallholders in their adoption of improved food legume technologies.....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
culture et religion - iate.europa.eu
Comparison of parsing and spotting approaches for spoken dialogue understandingWe have studied the optimal strategies for both LR parsing and spotting....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Spotting method for classification of real world dataThis paper makes the case for a spotting computation scheme which gives rise to a new classification methodology for processing real world data by surveying algorithms developed under the Real World Computing...
culture et religion - iate.europa.eu
Organic composition in 20th century abstract art, music and literature... The thesis' second part will be dealing with various manifestations of the organic composition after WWII- action and informal painting in the USA and Europe with its qualitative change....
culture et religion / recherche et propriété intellectuelle - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.nusl.cz
A history of aboriginal futuresAbstract ■ This article addresses the paradox of the persistence, growth, and increasing circulation of work in indigenous media and acrylic painting in Aboriginal Australia, despite the alarming political turn against gains made by indigenous Australians over the last decade, not only by right-wing politicians but...
culture et religion - iate.europa.eu
In vitro evaluation of fracture resistance of teeth restored with ceramic inlays by two undercut elimination techniques... Some methods like blocking out undercuts during cavity preparation with glass Ionomer can reduce the mass of resin cement and therefore the amount of stress....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
[photograph 2012.201.b1361.0913]... Ruth, sought treatment from a psychoanalyst last spring when she found herself blocking out childhood memories as she tried to write her autobiography.
culture et religion - iate.europa.eu
A polychromatic composite layering approach for solving a complex class iv/direct veneer/diastema combination: part ii... Upon reading this article, the reader should: • Become familiar with how to properly select an opaquing agent, composite dentin, and enamel shades that elicit correct color value when performing a direct veneer on a discolored tooth substrate....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.heraeus-venus.com
Maleinduced puberty in female mice: evidence for a synergistic action of social cues... Further experiments using wire mesh barriers, opaquing the eyes and/or occluding the ear canals verified that the second type of cue was tactile and, by extension, that castrated males showed the necessary tactile responses....

Publications scientifiques

Domestic ceramic : functional approaches and feeding practices during the iron age in western gaul according to the archaeological and archaeometric data.
... Ainsi, les techniques culinaires diffèrent : le pochage semble privilégié en zone armoricaine tandis que la vaisselle des populations de l’Ouest du Bassin parisien est majoritairement adaptée aux cuissons mijotées....
... The results show that each area has its own functional typology, unchanged throughout the period....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -

Exemples français - anglais

industries charbonnière et minière - iate.europa.eu
industries charbonnière et minière - iate.europa.eu
industries charbonnière et minière - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Elles supportent très bien le pochage dans une infusion.

It benefits greatly from stirring during infusion.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Lesdits systèmes à feuille support présentent également de meilleures propriétés de contrôle de pochage, de fléchissement et de plissement.

The support film systems also possess enhanced bag/sag/drape control characteristics.

industrie du bois - wipo.int
Arroser la volaille toutes les 10 minutes avec le bouillon de pochage.

Baste the chicken every ten minutes with a little horchata.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le temps de cuisson est plutôt moins long que celui du pochage.

The cooking time is much shorter than the soaking time.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les fruits de mer et la volaille sont de bons choix pour le pochage.

Seafood and poultry are good choices for poaching.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le pochage, c'est une technique de cuisson super facile et très saine.

Stir frying is a very easy, healthy cooking technique.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Du fait de cette prépondérance, 7 techniques de pochage distinctes ont été classifiées.

Besides the measurements, seven different quality indicators were classified subjectively.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
C’est à mi-chemin entre la cuisson vapeur et le pochage, une belle découverte!

It is halfway between steam and poaching cooking, a great discovery!

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’angle du point de pochage se rapporte à l’angle de la forme désirée, qui doit être spécifié à la commande.

The angle of the stencil point is related to the angle of the desired form, which must be specified when ordered.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pour pocher les poissons, placer quelques brins de thym sur le dessus du poisson et dans le liquide de pochage.

When poaching fish, place some sprigs of thyme on top of the fish and in the poaching liquid.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La présente invention comprend, selon divers modes de réalisation, un dispositif de retrait de liquide utilisé pour retirer d'aliments cuits l'excès d'eau de pochage ou d'huile de cuisson.

Various embodiments of the present invention comprise a liquid removal device used to remove excess poaching water or cooking oil from cooked foods.

technologie alimentaire - wipo.int
Le pochage dans l’eau est souvent utilisé comme moyen de cuire les œufs sans avoir à utiliser de matières grasses supplémentaires.

Poaching in water is often used as a way to cook eggs without having to use extra fat.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Totalement hygiénique, la vapeur vive garantit une saturation de vapeur maximale même à basse température, comme lors d'un pochage par exemple.

The 100% hygienic fresh steam guarantees maximum steam saturation, even at low temperatures, such as when poaching.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Aucune méthode de cuisson courante (par exemple, la friture, le pochage et la grillade) ne réduit la concentration de mercure total dans le poisson.

No type of common cooking method (for example, frying, poaching, grilling) reduces the total concentration of mercury in a fish.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Vous ajoutez ensuite ce mélange à un plat de service, et versez de l’huile d’olive dessus, avant d’ajouter l’eau de pochage des oeufs.

You then add this mixture to a serving dish, and drizzle it with olive oil, then add the water from poaching the eggs.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues