Dictionnaire français - anglais


recherche et propriété intellectuelle / gestion administrative - iate.europa.eu techdico
plus-value à la cession de titres

capital gain on the sale of securities

finances - iate.europa.eu
Plus-value sur vente Contract Logistics à MGF non encore comptabilisée

Capital gain on sale of Contract Logistics to MGF, not yet recorded

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
MC a ainsi réalisé une plus-value de 1566,4 millions d'euros.

The capital gain realised by MC was EUR 1566,4 million.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
MC a ainsi réalisé une plus-value de 9,3 millions d'euros.

The capital gain realised by MC was EUR 9,3 million.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Cet article concerne l’Impôt sur la plus-value des terrains naturels urbains (dit » plus-value communale « ).

This article pertains to the Tax on the Increase of the Value of Urban Nature Lands (known as “municipal capital gain”).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les pnr en france : une autre vie s'invente-t-elle ici ? analyse des critères pour déterminer une plus-value des parcs
... L'étude « Valeurs spécifiques des PNR » s'attache à caractériser et quantifier cette plus-value...
...For the 50th years of the Parks, the FPNRF wishes to be able to communicate on their capital gain in the development of their territory....
général - core.ac.uk -
La plus-value du logement acquis par des époux : répartition en cas d'utilisation des avoirs de la prévoyance professionnelleLe potentiel de plus-value de biens immobiliers est important (même – ou peut-être encore plus – en temps de crise économique)....
A puzzling rise in financial profits and the role of capital gain-like revenues... Drawing on the insights from Keynes, Minsky, and Hilferding, the paper identifies a peculiar type of profitcapital gain-like revenues that take the form of profits from underwriting, mergers and acquisitions, securitization, and trade in financial assets....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: archive-ouverte.unige.chgénéral - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.peri.umass.edu
Une récupération spécifique du marc de café aurait-elle une plus-value pour la communauté? : cas de l'île de montréal...gouvernementales.Ainsi, à la vue de toutes ces informations et après analyse, il s’avère que la récupération spécifique du marc de café est pertinente et apporte une plus-value à la communauté....
Do accounting earnings or free cash flows provide a better estimate of capital gain rates of return on stocks?... The motivation of this paper is to discover whether the accounting earnings approach or the finance FCFE approach provides a better explanation for estimating the capital gain rates of return on American and Japanese equities....
La plus-value des loisirs des éducateurs sociaux et des éducatrices sociales en milieu institutionnel...
Partnership profits share for services: an aggregate exegesis of revenue procedure 93-27 (part 2)... His Alternative A would be to hold the transaction (receipt of the profits share) open for two years under the indeterminable character variant of the open transaction doctrine to see whether there will be (1) no sale with the two-year window and resultant nonrecognition and sale thereafter likely at capital gain (just like a proprietress), or (2) a sale in year two resulting in ordinary income because of a transitory partner....
Typologie des savoirs et transmission informatique...que la machine régurgite ensuite ce savoir à d’autres hommes sous la même forme ou sous une forme traitée, la médiation par la machine n’ayant de sens que s’il en résulte une plus-value par rapport à la transmission immédiate d’homme à homme....
Where did all the borrowing go? a forensic analysis of the u.s. external position... In particular, it highlights and quantifies the role played by net capital gains on the U.S....
Australian bank and corporate sector vulnerabilities...manageable.Banking sector;Banks;Corporate sector;Credit risk;Financial assets;Financial soundness indicators;Risk management;capital adequacy, capital adequacy ratio, banking, probability of default, liquidity ratio, tier 1 capital, capital markets, corporate loans, banks ? loan, banking corporation, securitization, bank of canada, bank loans, return on assets, option pricing, commercial property, prudential regulation, capital ratio, return on equity, subsidiaries, banking sector developments, bond issuance, international capital markets, private capital markets, banks ? asset, banking system, bank asset quality, net interest margin, banks ? liabilities, bank asset, equity capital, capital losses, capital adequacy ratios, equity ratio, banks ? balance sheets, dividend payout, bank capital, bank lending, private capital, capital gain, private equity
transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
commercialisation - iate.europa.eu
calcul de la plus-value imposable

calculating the taxable appreciation in value

finances - iate.europa.eu
année de l'échéance de la plus-value

year in the appreciation period

commercialisation - iate.europa.eu
Plus-value sur réalisation transfert des actions

Capital appreciation on completion of asset transfer

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu
impôt communal sur la plus-value des immeubles

communal tax on appreciation of immovable property

finances - iate.europa.eu
un montant de – 0,2 million d'EUR correspondant à la plus-value sur la vente de SSTD

A sum of EUR – 0,2 million corresponding to the capital appreciation on the sale of SSTD

commercialisation - eur-lex.europa.eu
Conception and testing of feedback functionality in a screen simulator designed for nursing students
... Conclusion : En plus d’apporter une plus-value au simulateur sur écran par rapport à ce qui se retrouve sur le marché, ce projet contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur l’utilité de la présence de rétroaction...
... The first was to contribute to the development of a feedback functionality in a screen simulator, the second was to document the perception of its usefulness following a laboratory-guided experimentation with nursing students, and finally, the third objective aimed to describe its overall appreciation of the simulator....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
State-sponsored marketing programs: the case of jersey freshAppreciation is expressed to each and every participant of the retailer and wholesaler focus group meeting and mail survey....
commercialisation / production et structures agricoles - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Executive summary........................................Appreciation is expressed to each and every participant of the producer focus group meeting and mail survey....
A study of chinese yuan (rmb) appreciation accompanying with others factors including foreign direct investment (fdi) and their effect on china economyThe Chinese Yuan (RMB) has been on the trend of appreciation over the last decade, and such a trend will likely be continuing for some years over the next decade....
 PDF: doaj.org
Heinz arndt: an appreciationThis appreciation was compiled on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (BIES) by Peter McCawley, one of the first of Heinz Arndt's graduate ...
Rmb undervaluation and appreciation... Econometric analysis and an examination of the appreciation of seventeen currencies belonging to countries and areas under the same economic development stage show that the RMB should appreciate at an annual speed of 3.2%....
commercialisation / démographie et population - iate.europa.eu
Cet article concerne l’Impôt sur la plus-value des terrains naturels urbains (dit » plus-value communale « ).

The Municipal Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land (usually called Plusvalía Municipal).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le fait qu'une plus-value puisse générer des produits si elle est vendue ne doit pas non plus être pris en considération.

Nor can the question as to whether or not an increase in value following a sale generates revenue.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Selon la Landesbank, la cession de LBB en 1994 et en 1998 a généré une plus-value.

In the Landesbank's view, an increase in value had been achieved by the transfer of LBB in 1994 and 1998.

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu
La plus-value, elle, doit davantage être considérée comme un bonus".

Any increase in value should be seen as a bonus.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La plus-value, elle, doit davantage être considérée comme un bonus".

Any increase in value should be seen as a bonus.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Real zeros of a class of hyperbolic polynomials with random coefficients... In the former case the number of oscillations continues to be a fraction of n and decreases with the increase in value of μ(n)....
commercialisation / industrie mécanique / production et structures agricoles - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
commercialisation - iate.europa.eu
finances - iate.europa.eu
The nature of lease payments on gold loans prepared by international and financial accounts branch australian bureau of statistics november 2004the nature of lease payments on gold loansGold loans or deposits are undertaken by monetary authorities to obtain a non-holding gain return on gold....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
A study of the statement of comprehensive income : relating the problem of recycling... If such measurement is performed, profits containing an unrealized holding gain will pose a serious problem....
finances / environnement / économie - iate.europa.eu acta.es
Il y a deux différents types de plus-value : la plus-value absolue et la plus-value relative.

There are two kinds of surplus value, Absolute surplus-value and Relative surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Plus-value qui, de manière toujours croissante, forme à nouveau plus de plus-value.

Surplus value which, in a constantly increasing fashion, forms more surplus value again.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Dans la vulgate marxiste, il y a deux types de plus-value : la plus-value absolue et la plus-value relative.

In the Marxist vulgate there are two types of surplus value: absolute surplus value and relative surplus value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Dans la vulgate marxiste, il y a deux types de plus-value :​ la plus-value absolue et la plus-value relative.

In the Marxist vulgate there are two types of surplus value: absolute surplus value and relative surplus value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Chapitre VI : La production de plus-value absolue et de plus-value relative


général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The surplus value of semantic annotations... Semantic annotation creates surplus value if the annotated data can be used beyond any foreseen application....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.loc.gov
Third form of extraction surplus valueIn Volume 1 of Capital Marx discusses three distinct ways that capital can increase surplus value, but he names only two of these as absolute surplus value and relative surplus value....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
démographie et population - iate.europa.eu
Apprenticeship issues and challenges facing canadian manufacturing industries... With the rise in value of the Canadian dollar and increased international competition from developing countries, manufacturing industries must increasingly invest in the skills of their...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.csls.ca
Study of living standards apprenticeship issues and challenges facing canadian... With the rise in value of the Canadian dollar and increased international competition from developing countries, manufacturing industries must increasingly invest in the skills of their...
The deterrent effects of national anti-cartel laws: evidence from the international vitamins cartel... After this cartel began operating, exports from countries where the cartel conspirators' headquarters were located to those nations in Asia, Western Europe, and Latin America that did not have active cartel enforcement regimes tended to rise in value more than in those nations that had such regimes....
Physical fitness contributes to cardio-respiratory synchronization... A novel experimental design focused on guiding elevated respiration to induce the entrainment of heart rate, and produce an equivalent rise in value....
How much do firms hedge with derivatives?... In a sample of 234 large non-financial corporations that use derivatives, we find that if the median firm simultaneously experiences a three standard deviation change in interest rates, currency exchange rates, and commodity prices, it will collect $15 million of cash from its entire derivatives portfolio and that the entire derivatives portfolio will rise in value by $31 million....

Publications scientifiques

Le capital fictif et ses effets sur la macroéconomie et sur le monde du travail au brésil
La crise capitaliste mondiale, qui s'est manifestée dès les années 1970, a cherché de nouvelles stratégies d'accumulation pour augmenter la plus-value et s'opposer à la baisse des taux de profit....
...Since the world crisis in the 1970's, capitalism sought new strategies of accumulation to increase the surplus-value and to counter-attack the low rate of profit....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
Marx et les prix relatifs
... Le renversement de l'ordre d'exposition fait apparaître que la théorie marxiste de l'exploitation, et en particulier le mécanisme de la plus-value absolue, ne dérivent qu'apparemment de la théorie de la valeur travail, alors qu'elles en sont en fait indépendantes....
...This paper is intended to show that the framework of Capital which starts with the statement of the labour theory of value in volume I and ends with the production prices in volume III does not correspond to the heuristic movement...
général - core.ac.uk -
Le contrôle républicain du marché. vignerons et négociants sous la troisième république
... The 1919 statute on denominations of origin and its application attributed the surplus value to the vineyard owners and not to the wine merchants' brands....
général - core.ac.uk -
Use of services on farms in poland (based on the fadn data)*... An increase in value and share of services for operating activities was observed....
industrie mécanique / commercialisation / production et structures agricoles - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
A fuzzy measure of the ability of a real estate capital to increase in value. the real estate decision problem for ortigia... The study proposes in this regard, a new methodology, warranting a continuity process with some traditional economic and evaluation approach, using some new tools, such as the developed rough set by the Operations Research for other issues, but, in this case, that have an instrumental role for the identification of the capacity to increase in value of a real estate capital and to propose a fuzzy measure of this capacity....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Comparison of value results from use of signal.Each subplot gives the percent increase in value using the best signal relative to the no signal case....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Stochastic growth models... In this paper, this assumption is relaxed by considering models in which the increase in value of an asset in a period is a random variable whose distribution is a function of either the value or the age of the asset at the start of the period....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dx.doi.org

Exemples français - anglais

fiscalité - iate.europa.eu
finances - iate.europa.eu
commercialisation / économie - iate.europa.eu
recherche et propriété intellectuelle - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

impôt sur la plus-value des terrains

tax on the increase in the value of land

fiscalité - iate.europa.eu
impôt sur la plus-value des terrains urbains

tax on the increase in the value of urban land

fiscalité - iate.europa.eu
La plus-value de 40 sera imposée à 40 %.

The net proceeds of 40 will be taxed at 40 %.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Profit ou perte (plus-value réalisée lors du transfert

Profit or loss (gain on transfer

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Après plus décennies d’offensive néolibérale, l’accroissement de la plus-value absolue redevient une forme importante d’extraction de la plus-value et s’ajoute à la plus-value relative.

After several decades of neoliberal offensives, increases in absolute surplus-value have become, once again, a major element in the extraction of surplus-value and add to the relative surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La plus-value produite par la prolongation du travail effectué s'appelle plus-value absolue.

The surplus-value produced by prolongation of the working-day, I call absolute surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La plus-value produite par la prolongation du travail effectué s'appelle plus-value absolue.

The surplus-value produced by prolongation of the working day, I call absolute surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
C’est ce que Marx nomme, respectivement, la plus-value absolue et la plus-value relative.

Here, Marx discusses absolute and relative surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
+ =====L’importance de la plus-value absolue et de la plus-value relative pour l’accumulation capitaliste=====

The importance of absolute and relative surplus value for capitalist accumulation

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Après plusieurs décennies d’offensive néolibérale, l’accroissement de la plus-value absolue redevient une forme importante d’extraction de la plus-value et s’ajoute à la plus-value

After several decades of neoliberal offensives, increases in absolute surplus-value have become, once again, a major element in the extraction of surplus-value and add to the relative surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Mais son but, c'est l'appropriation de la plus-value, et même d'une plus-value croissant le plus rapidement possible.

His main incentive is appropriation of surplus value, indeed an appropriation increasing as rapidly as possible.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
plus-value réalisée sur obligations et autres titres à revenu fixe

profit on bonds and other fixed-income securities

finances - iate.europa.eu
Après plusieurs décennies d’offensive néolibérale, l’accroissement de la plus-value absolue redevient une forme importante d’extraction de la plus-value et s’ajoute à la plus-value relative.

After several decades of neoliberal offensives, increases in absolute surplus-value have become, once again, a major element in the extraction of surplus-value and add to the relative surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La plus-value produite par la prolongation de la journée de travail s’appelle plus-value absolue.

The surplus-value produced by prolongation of the working day, I call absolute surplus value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La plus-value produite par la prolongation de la journée de travail s’appelle plus-value absolue.

The surplus-value produced by prolongation of the working-day, I call absolute surplus-value.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues