Dictionnaire français - anglais

sciences naturelles et appliquées - iate.europa.eu
A mortality event of the venerid bivalve callista chione (linnaeus, 1758) in a hatchery system. a case studyAbnormal mortality of the smooth venus clam (Callista chione) was encountered when conditioning these clams in a hatchery system....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.repositorio.ieo.es
Open access comparative study on faecal contamination and occurrence of salmonella spp. and vibrio parahaemolyticus in two species of shellfish in... Methodology: 104 samples of bivalves made up of smooth Venus (Callista chione) and red cockles (Acanthocardia tuberculatum) were analysed for Escherichia coli by using MPN technique and for Salmonella by method ISO 6579 and...

Exemples français - anglais

pêche / sciences naturelles et appliquées - iate.europa.eu
sciences naturelles et appliquées - iate.europa.eu
sciences naturelles et appliquées / général - iate.europa.eu
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu

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