Dictionnaire français - anglais


santé - acta.es iate.europa.eu
Insérez l’aiguille 1 cm au-dessus de la surface occlusive des dents dans le triangle au lingula.

Insert the needle 1 cm above the occlusive surface of the teeth in the triangle at the lingula.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le genre actuel Lingula diffère légèrement d'un fossile de plus de 510 millions d'années vivant au cambrien.

The living genus Lingula differs little from a Cambrian fossil relative more than 510 million years old.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le lingula est une projection osseuse sur la face interne de la branche 1 cm au-dessus de la plaine occlusive.

The lingula is a bony projection on the medial surface of the ramus 1 cm above the occlusive plain.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le but est d’insérer l’aiguille juste supérieure et postérieure à la lingula; si l’aiguille est insérée trop faible, l’anesthésie n’a pas lieu.

The goal is to insert the needle just superior and posterior to the lingula; if the needle is inserted too low, anesthesia does not occur.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Par exemple: lingula (a brachiopodes); la stromatolites, qui avait été confiné à des environnements marginaux par "Ordovicien; la Pleuromeia (Une plante petite mince); la Dicroidium (A fougère).[10][60][61][62]

For example: Lingula (a brachiopod); stromatolites, which had been confined to marginal environments since the Ordovician; Pleuromeia (a small, weedy plant); Dicroidium (a seed fern).[78][79][80]

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
De l'origine historique des noms lingule, lingula, anatina, et de la confusion des formes chez les brachiopodes
Les premiers auteurs à publier sur les lingules – Lingula - furent français : BRUGUIÈRE créa le genre Lingula en 1791 [et non en 1797], cette date acceptée par tous les auteurs jusqu'à la fin du XIXème siècle et confirmée dans...
....The first descriptions of Lingula were made from then extant specimens by three famous French scientists: BRUGUIÈRE, CUVIER, and LAMARCK....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: documents.irevues.inist.fr
Les brachiopodes actuels sont-ils des indicateurs (paléo) bathymétriques ?
... Deux exemples, Gryphus vitreus et Lingula anatina, sont donnés....
... Two examples, Gryphus vitreus and Lingula anatina, are given....
général - core.ac.uk -
Cone beam computed tomographic analysis of the shape, height, and location of the mandibular lingula in a population of children... This is the first study to identify and classify the different morphological shapes of the mandibular lingula (ML) in children using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Some aspects of the ecology of lingula (brachiopoda) in kaneohe bay, hawaii...48-49.Lingula is one of the most morphologlcally conservative genera known....
Original research article a morphological and morphometric study of the lingula in dry adult human mandibles of south indian origin and its clinical significanceBackground: Lingula is a bony projection on the medial surface of the mandibular ramus....
Morphologic and morphometric analysis of lingula in localizing mandibular foramen with its surgical importance... Considering the close relationship of lingula with neurovascular structures entering through mandibular foramen, lingula is often used as an important bony landmark during oral and maxillofacial surgical approach ...
 PDF: doaj.org
Morphological study of the lingula in adult human mandibles of brazilians individuals and clinical implications... The purpose of this research was to study, in macerated adult human mandibles, the height of the lingula and provide morphometric data for its location considering aspects such as shape of the lingula, gender, and race....
 PDF: doaj.org

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