Dictionnaire français - anglais


transport terrestre / industries du cuir et du textile - iate.europa.eu acta.es
Accessoires pour lingerie.

The inventive device is suitable as an accessory for lingerie articles.

industries du cuir et du textile - wipo.int
La présente invention concerne la lingerie.

The present invention relates to lingerie.

industries du cuir et du textile - wipo.int
La boutique Lingerie : pour fabriquer, réparer votre lingerie.

The Lingerie shop: to manufacture, repair your lingerie.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Test Lingerie : Votre lingerie en dit beaucoup sur vous !

Yes, it’s true – your lingerie says a lot about you!

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Passionnée de lingerie, Lisa crée sa propre lingerie depuis 2012.

Passionate about lingerie, Lisa has been creating her own lingerie since 2012.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La revanche du soutien-gorge.le corps des ouvrières de la lingerie (1968-2012)
De 1968 à 2012, le corps des ouvrières de la lingerie en France constitue un lieu d’observation heuristique en articulant plusieurs niveaux d’analyse et de temporalités....
...The body of female lingerie workers in France between 1968 and 2012 offers a heuristic vantage point to address several levels of analysis and temporalities....
général - core.ac.uk -
Le travail féminin du vêtement....references.Première section (1) : L'industrie de la broderie sur linge -- Deuxième section : L'industrie du col, du corset, de la cravate -- Troisième section : L'industrie de la lingerie a Bruxelles.Mode...
Characteristics in the lingerie looks designed by john gallianoThis study aims at developing and producing the creative design of a lingerie look after reviewing the aesthetic value about lingerie look featured in John Galliano’s works....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.netgénéral - core.ac.uk - PDF: ocean.kisti.re.kr
Lingerie and morality: generation y kazakhstani women’s attitude toward lingerieThis paper explores the tension between ‘resistance’ and ‘obedience’ manifested in narratives concerning lingerie expressed by Kazakhstani women born in the 1980s and 1990s....
 PDF: doaj.org
Interior & exterior, beevan's lingerie shop, southern california, 1929 [image 2]Photograph of exterior of Beevan's lingerie shop, Southern California, 1929....
The power and postcolonial meanings of lingerie for urban professional indian women living in indiaThe purpose of this research is to investigate the power and postcolonial meanings of lingerie for urban Indian professional women (UIPW) living in India to better understand the consumer behaviour of lingerie consumption....
'you do act differently when you're in it’: lingerie and femininity...https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09589236.2013.874942This paper examines British women's accounts of buying and wearing lingerie taken from in-depth interviews exploring experiences of shopping in sex shops....
transport terrestre / santé - iate.europa.eu acta.es
Quels items offrez-vous (lingerie, vaisselle, décorations, meubles...)?

What items can you provide (linens, dishes, decorations, furniture, etc.)?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ce système permet d'obtenir le contrôle d'un inventaire d'articles textiles, tel que vêtements d'hôpitaux, lingerie et autres.

This permits inventory control for cloth items such as hospital garments, linen and the like.

communication - wipo.int
Ça vient de la maison… du côté de la lingerie

It comes from the house ... from the linen-room....

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le vestiaire et la lingerie actuelle servaient de pièce à chaussures ! !

The current cloakroom and linen room were originally used for keeping shoes!!

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Une danse dans l’ancienne lingerie, désaffectée depuis deux mois à peine.

Dancing in the ancient linen room, disused since two month.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Extend fight against flu... A thorough mechanical cleansing of the rooms with hot soap sudsand water and boiling or destruction by fire of exposed bedding or linen, the liberal use of fresh air and sunshineand the usual precautions relative to the destruction of sputum, as in tuberculosis, are the means of disinfection.Where...
santé / activité agricole / politique agricole - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net
Cars, buses, etc., tanner motor livery, southern california, 1931... Clair; see 7x7 neg[ative]s, see 8x10; Original print order: 13 ea[ch] #3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 1 ea[ch] #4, 7, 1 ea[ch]; Size: 8x10; Finish: gl[ossy]; Mount: 12 ea[ch] linen 8"; Re-order: 1#8, 1 ea[ch] 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 5, 2 ea[ch] 7, 8; Size: 8x10, 5x7; Finish: gl[ossy]; Year: 1931; Job: 11-25-199" -- on envelope front....
Investigating the laundry logistics system of small-sized public hospital: can the efficiency of operations be improved under the constraints of thailand’s administrative culture?... Findings and Originality Delays in the provision of linen and patient clothing (1-4 days bottleneck) were adversely affected by unstructured laundry operations, insufficient personnel, poor job design and worn-out equipment....
Cars with air wheel tires, 1317 south hope street, los angeles, ca, 1932... "Subject: cars with air wheel tires; Client: M[ac]Donald-Dodson Inc[orporated], 1317 S[outh] Hope; Original Print Order: 2 ea[ch]; Size: 8x10; Finish: gl[ossy]; Mount: linen 8"; Re-order: 2 ea[ch], 1#1; Year: 1932; Job: 8-8-33" -- on envelope front....
transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
La lingerie et les dessous sont souvent considérés comme l’apanage des femmes.

Women’s Bra and Panty are usually known as undergarments.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un article de lingerie masculine comprend une partie destinée à accueillir les organes génitaux qui se présente comme une poche.

The part of the men's undergarment that is intended to accommodate the genitals is configured in the form of a pouch.

industries du cuir et du textile - wipo.int
Bikes and bloomers pattern #3 three piece cycling suit... Her three-part design features a tailored jacket, a long A-line skirt that can be raised in height via loops sewn into the hem that catch at buttons on the waistband and an all-in-one undergarment (like a vintage onesie), which combines a blouse and bloomer
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: research.gold.ac.uk
Thermoelectric cooling and heating of human body temperature... A thermoelectric cooling/heating prototype system has been designed and tested, and successfully demonstrates the temperature of circulating water within small tubes incorporated into a person’s vest undergarment can be used to regulate body temperature....
The maximum evaporative potential of constant wear immersion suits influences the risk of excessive heat strain for helicopter aircrew.... The maximum evaporative potential (im/clo) of six clothing ensembles (three with a flight suit (FLY) and three with a CWIS) of varying undergarment layers were measured with a heated sweating manikin....
 PDF: doaj.org
Air conditioned suitAn environmentally controlled suit is described consisting of an airtight outergarment attached by an airtight bellows to the wall of a sterile chamber, an undergarment providing for circulation of air near the skin of the wearer, and a circulation system comprised of air supply and distribution to the extremities of the undegarment...
industries du cuir et du textile - acta.es
Commanders, all units reporting directly to this headquarters... Shirts intended to be worn as undergarments will not be worn as outer garments....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.knox.army.mil
Fully fashioned: the pringle of scotland storyMarking Pringle of Scotland's 200th anniversary, this exhibition curated by Alistair O'Neill traced the history of the company from a small hosiery firm making undergarments to an international fashion brand known for its outerwear.Using...
Spacesuit materials add comfort to undergarments... In 2011, Jockey International, headquartered in Kenosha, Wisconsin, released a line of men's and women's undergarments incorporating the NASA technolog
Effect of undergarments on micro-environment under anti-static dust-free clothing... In this study, the effect of different undergarments on micro-climate environment under anti-static dust-free clothing was investigated....
Posture and undergarments... The figure and undergarments form the foundation for the outer clothing....

Publications scientifiques

Pullman linen supply co., southern california, 1925 [image]Photograph of exterior of Pullman Linen Supply Co.,...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: digitallibrary.usc.edu

Synonymes et termes associés français

Exemples français - anglais

politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

PMC Lingerie crée et distribue trois marques (Envie de lingerie, Mojito Lingerie et Petit Béguin) et fabrique également des produits sous marques distributeurs.

PMC Lingerie creates and distributes three brands (Envie de Lingerie, Mojito Lingerie and Petit Béguin) and also manufactures products under private label.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En 2010, elle fonde sa propre compagnie de lingerie, By Caprice Lingerie Ltd.

She lives in London where she runs her company, By Caprice Lingerie Ltd.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
PMC Lingerie crée et distribue quatre marques (Envie de lingerie, Mojito Lingerie, Petit Béguin & Baiser volé) et fabrique également des produits sous MDD.

PMC Lingerie creates and distributes three brands (Envie de Lingerie, Mojito Lingerie and Petit Béguin) and also manufactures products under private label.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Dans les années 1960, des fabricants de lingerie commencent à rendre la lingerie glamour.

In the 1960, lingerie manufacturers such as begin to glamorise lingerie.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cora Harrington a créé le blog exclusivement dédié à la lingerie, The Lingerie Addict.

Cora Harrington has built an incredibly successful community for her blog, The Lingerie Addict.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cora Harrington a créé le blog exclusivement dédié à la lingerie, The Lingerie Addict.

Cora Harrington blogs about bras and more at The Lingerie Addict.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
fabrication sur mesure de vêtements,de lingerie et de chapeaux

bespoke tailoring,dressmaking and hatmaking

politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
La lingerie et les shorts de bain doivent être essayés par-dessus votre propre lingerie

lingerie and swimwear must only be tried on over your own lingerie garments.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’événement est organisé par Lingerie Française¸ une organisation qui représente les marques françaises de lingerie.

The shopping event is organised by Lingerie Française¸ an organisation that represents French Lingerie brands.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La maison de lingerie AJOUR c'est un producteur mondialement connu de la lingerie de luxe.

Fashion lingerie house AJOUR is worldwide known producer of lingerie of premium class.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il ya quelques jours j'étais à la présentation de la marque de lingerie Lingerie Almu.

A few days ago I was in the presentation of the lingerie brand Almu Lingerie.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Lingerie La lingerie sexy est le moyen le plus facile de pimenter vos relations sexuelles.

Sexy underwear is the easiest way to make your sex life brighter.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’événement est organisé par Lingerie Française¸ une organisation représentant les marques de la lingerie hexagonale.

The shopping event is organised by Lingerie Française¸ an organisation that represents French Lingerie brands.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le Salon International de la Lingerie c’est l’événement incontournable des acheteurs du secteur de la Lingerie.

Le Salon International de la Lingerie is the unavoidable event for buyers operating in the Lingerie sector.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Sokoloff Lingerie, c’est une jeune entreprise qui conçoit et confectionne de la lingerie fine 100% québécoise.

Sokoloff Lingerie is a company that designs and manufactures fine lingerie that is 100% made in Quebec.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues