Dictionnaire français - anglais


politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
1 claw abrasives in layer cages- a review... A low-cost, non-invasive method by which the claws of caged layers can be kept short and blunt can be achieved by fitting 8 mm strips of abrasive tape on the egg guard....
politique et structures industrielles - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.pjbs.org
Peculiarities of the mechanical wood processing and wooden pressboard materials by grinding methods... To he pertain grinding with flat zone of the contact, with band wheel by part (cylindrical), with free tape, with pressed (narrow and broad ironing)....

Publications scientifiques

The ibm virtual tape server: making tapecontrollers more autonomic The IBM Virtual Tape Server provides a revolutionary tape storage solution that emulates tape drives using a disk cache, providing up to 256 virtual tape-drive images and stacking the virtual...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Perceived benefits of kinesio tape® compared to non-kinesiology tape and no tape in healthy collegiate athletes... Multipledisciplines use Kinesio Tape® during treatment (Kinesio Taping® Association International, 2013e) for sportsrelatedinjuries....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
The effect of friction between a cylindrical guide and magnetic tape on lateral tape motionThe reduction of lateral tape motion (LTM) in tape drives is a key requirement for improved performance of tape drives since read/write errors are likely to occur if lateral tape motion exceeds ten percent...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: talkelab.ucsd.edu

Exemples français - anglais

politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Il ne faut pas manquer d'y monter - à pied - pour découvrir, sitôt la porte franchie, une lacette harmonieuse, avec sa petite église romane.

You have to visit it - on foot - to discover, as soon as pass the doorway, a harmonious space with its small Romanesque church.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
C’est une matinée fraiche à Fresno, en Californie, la semaine dernière Jenine-Lacette DShazer a vu un home recroquevillé sur le trottoir avec son chien blanc près de lui.

On a cold December day in Fresno, California, Jenine-Lacette DShazer noticed a sad homeless man with a white dog curled up in his arms.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Avec son petit diamètre et sa forme près de la tête, il est rehaussé d’un liseré en cuir qui, grâce à une lacette se noue facilement à l’arrière de la tête.

With its small diameter and short crown, it is enhanced by a leather border that, thanks to a laces, can be easily tied at the back of the head.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Universal s'est engagé dans un plan à long terme pour préserver et restaurer sa musique de film inédite et, à partir de lacette semaine, sortiront certaines de ces partitions en tant qu'albums de en éditions limitées.

Universal has embarked on a long-range plan to preserve and restore its unreleased movie music and, starting next week, release some of these scores as limited-edition soundtrack albums.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues