Dictionnaire français - anglais

sciences naturelles et appliquées / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
The transmission of beet mosaic and beet yellows viruses by aphides; a comparative study of a non-persistent and a persistent virus having host plants and vectors in common... With beet yellows virus infectivity of the vectors is not affected by preliminary fasting, but always increases with increasing feeding time on both infected and healthy plants....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: repository.rothamsted.ac.uk
Ultrastructural features of beta leaves infected with beet yellows virusA cytochemical and electron microscope study has been made of leaves of sugar beet infected with beet yellows virus....
Relation of beet yellows virus to the phloem and to movement in the sieve tube... The observations also indicate that the beet yellows virus moves from cell to cell and in the sieve tube in the form of complete particles, and that this movement may occur through sieve-plate pores in the sieve tube...
Early-season predation impacts the establishment of aphids and spread of beet yellows virus in sugar beetThe potential of predators to impact he establishment of aphid vectors and the spread of beet yellows virus in sugar beet was examined....
An explanation for the difference in photosynthetic capabilities of healthy and beet yellows virus-infected sugar beets (beta vulgaris l.)...L.) infected with the Beet Yellows Virus exhibit lower rates of net photosynthesis at light saturation than do healthy plants....
sciences naturelles et appliquées / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
sciences naturelles et appliquées / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu

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