Dictionnaire français - anglais

agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
Erie as a choice of enforcement defaults... Accordingly, procedures in federal and state court can be understood as default procedures to enforce this substantive entitlement, and these defaults are often abrogated by private contract or through legislation....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: scholarship.law.ufl.edu
From fictions and aggregates to real entities in the theory of the firm... Although legal personality is important in both accounts, everything is said to be achieved by private contract alone and the law’s role in creating legal entity status is dismissed....
Evidentiary arbitrage: the fabrication of evidence and the verifiability of contract performanceThe design of legal obligations, whether by a public body such as a legislature or by private contract, should anticipate the enforcement process that induces compliance....
A descriptive catalogue of pictures, poetical and historical inventionsPainted by William Blake, in Water Colours, Being the Ancient Method of Fresco Painting Restored: and Drawings, For Public Inspection,and for Sale by Private Contract, At N 28 Corner of Broad Street-Golden Square London; Printed by D....
technologie et réglementation technique - iate.europa.eu
Welfare theorems with innitely many goods... an economy based on private ownership, mutually agreed exchange, and competition
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: paulklein.ca
Retirement: throwing out the baby with theMandatory retirement should not be regarded as blanket age discrimination, but rather as part of a mutually agreed company personnel policy, or collective agreement, generally negotiated by individuals with reasonable bargaining power....
Profit sharing approaches for freight forwarders: an overviewThe idea of collaborative planning processes is to directly connect the resources and exchange relevant data in order to create a common and mutually agreed upon plan [Kilger et al.(2002)]....
Badminton as means of the development of human intellectHuman Psychophysiology forms mutually agreed unity wheretargeted development of one of the components can ensure thedevelopment of the other....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Agreement on access and benefit-sharing for academic research: a toolbox for drafting mutually agreed terms for access to genetic resources and to associated traditional knowledge and benefit-sharing... If mutually negotiated and agreed upon by the involved partners this agreement can yield a “Mutually Agreed Terms” ABS contract
gré à gré
technologie et réglementation technique - iate.europa.eu
transactions de gré à gré entre particuliers

privately negotiated dealings between individuals in transferable securities

général - iate.europa.eu
marché des produits dérivés négociés de gré à gré

privately negotiated derivatives market

finances - iate.europa.eu
C'est pourquoi la charge financière en question était compensée au moyen de contrats négociés de gré à gré.

Therefore the respective financial burden was compensated through the negotiated contracts.

construction européenne - eur-lex.europa.eu
Nous aurions tous aimé en arriver à des règlements négociés de gré à gré.

We all would have preferred a negotiated agreement through free collective bargaining.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Lorsque vous concluez un Contrat à Terme ou NDF de Gré à Gré (« Contrats de Gré à Gré ») avec Ebury Markets, vous concluez un contrat négocié de manière privée avec Ebury Markets, agissant à titre principal.

When you enter into an OTC Forward Contract or NDF (“OTC Contracts”) with Ebury Markets, you will be entering into a privately negotiated contract with Ebury Markets as principal.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Making heritage at the cannes film festival... Studying the CFF from a heritage perspective will contribute to theoretical debates that situate film festivals as places where memories and identities are contested and negotiated....
technologie et réglementation technique - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net
A poststructural investigation of music teachers and music education in film... I employed two poststructural approaches to analysis which view meaning as plural, negotiated and produced primarily by the reader's encounter with the text....
Family strategies against the jesuits in colonial argentina: catamarca, 1683-1767... In the gaps of that struggle, each family negotiated their identity against a multiplicity of interests in play, seeking the best of possibilities in a world that was rapidly changing
 PDF: doaj.org

Publications scientifiques

Innovations financières : construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré -- le cas des dérivés de crédit
... L'analyse qualitative longitudinale menée sur la période 1996-2005 concerne le développement du marché des dérivés de crédit, marché de gré à gré transnational....
... A longitudinal qualitative study is used to describe the development of the market for credit derivatives over the 1996-2005 period...
politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Innovations financières:construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré–le cas des dérivés de crédit
... L’analyse qualitative longitudinale menée sur la période 1996-2005 concerne le développement du marché des dérivés de crédit, marché de gré à gré transnational....
... A longitudinal qualitative study is used to describe the development of the market for credit derivatives over the 1996-2005 period...
politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk - PDF: leg2.u-bourgogne.fr
Innovations financières : construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré -- le cas des dérivés de crédit.
... L'analyse qualitative longitudinale menée sur la période 1996-2005 concerne le développement du marché des dérivés de crédit, marché de gré à gré transnational....
... A longitudinal qualitative study is used to describe the development of the market for credit derivatives over the 1996-2005 period...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: basepub.dauphine.fr
La transparence est-elle une vertu sur les marchés financiers de gré à gré? résister aux catégories du régulateur par le saut hors du paradigme
... Nous proposons une analyse qualitative du débat actuel sur la régulation des marchés financiers de gré à gré, en nous concentrant sur le cas européen et sur la période 2010-2011....
... We approach this question through a qualitative study of the heated debate over the new regulation of over-the-counter (OTC) financial markets in Europe between 2010 and 2011...
politique tarifaire / activité agricole / recherche et propriété intellectuelle - core.ac.uk -
Le capital-risque et ses deux marchés
... Les tests économétriques valident l'idée que le marché d'enchères, antérieur au marché de gré à gré, a permis à ce dernier de se constituer....
... Econometric tests validate the idea that the auction market, prior to the over-the-counter market, enabled the latter to become established...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.persee.fr
Investigating religious identity in family discourse in saudi arabia:a study of moral order, narratives, power and solidarity... The analysis of moment-to-moment interactions in this research is based on several bodies of work stemming mainly from Interactional Sociolinguistic research including framing (Goffman, 1974), positioning (Davies and Harre, 1990), stance-making (Du Bois, 2007), and alignment (Goffman, 1959) to uncover the various practices by which Muslim identity is (co-)constructed and negotiated....
bâtiment et travaux publics / technologie et réglementation technique / urbanisme et construction - core.ac.uk - PDF: eprints.lancs.ac.uk
In search of a name for lesbians who mother their non-biological children... Language is not only determined by social and individual understandings of mothering and parenting, but is also influenced by pathways to lesbian parenting and negotiated roles and relationships within families. ...
pêche / documentation - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net

Exemples français - anglais

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
structure économique - acta.es
finances - iate.europa.eu
finances / libre circulation des capitaux - iate.europa.eu
finances - iate.europa.eu
finances - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

dont: De gré à gré — reste

of which: OTC — rest

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
options négociables de gré à gré

tradable and over-the-counter (OTC) options

gestion comptable - iate.europa.eu
dont: De gré à gré - reste

of which: OTC - rest

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
dont: De gré à gré - reste

of which: OTC - rest

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
dont: Instruments dérivés de gré à gré

of which: OTC Derivatives

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu
Dont: Instruments dérivés de gré à gré

Of which: OTC derivatives

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu
attribution de marché de gré à gré

direct award of a contract

politique commerciale - iate.europa.eu
passation de marché de gré à gré

direct award of a contract

politique commerciale - iate.europa.eu
dont: Instruments dérivés de gré à gré

Of which: OTC derivatives

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu
position sur dérivé de gré à gré

OTC derivatives position

libre circulation des capitaux - iate.europa.eu
position sur dérivé de gré à gré

position in OTC derivatives

libre circulation des capitaux - iate.europa.eu
dont: Instruments dérivés de gré à gré

of which: OTC Derivatives

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu
conclusion d'un marché de gré à gré

conclusion of a contract by direct agreement

union européenne - iate.europa.eu
recours abusif à une procédure de gré à gré

abuse of the single tendering procedure

pouvoir exécutif et administration publique - iate.europa.eu
dont: De gré à gré - établissements de crédit

of which: OTC - credit institutions

institutions financières et crédit - eur-lex.europa.eu

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues