Dictionnaire français - anglais

communication - techdico
La Ville estime que la fermeture de la rue des Celtes, n'ayant pas entraîné de grands problèmes au niveau de la circulation, rien ne s'oppose à sa fermeture definitive.

The City is of the view that since the closure of Rue des Celtes has not given rise to any major traffic problems, there is no reason not to close it permanently.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Quorum-based asynchronous power-saving protocols for... We identify a rotation closure property for quorum systems....
communication / vie politique et sécurité publique / droit civil - core.ac.uk - PDF: in1.csie.ncu.edu.tw
Induced nilpotent orbits and birational geometryIn general, a nilpotent orbit closure in a complex simple Lie algebra \g,does not have a crepant resolution....
 PDF: arxiv.org
Extending full transitive closure to rank removable edges in gn algorithm ... In this paper, we propose an extension to the Girvan-Newman algorithm for finding the betweenness using the transitive closure property and the greedy technique in Dijkstra's single source shortest path method
Sec24b selectively sorts vangl2 to regulate planar cell polarity during neural tube closure. nat cell biol 12: 41–46; sup pp 41–48... Using a forward-genetic screen in mice, we have identified Sec24b, a cargo-sorting member of the core complex of the COPII endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi transport vesicle, as critical for neural tube closure....
 PDF: ftp:
industrie - iate.europa.eu
Zone effectiveness for the partial protection zone at achieving conservation targets, as determined by experts in fiji (referred to as “periodic closure with uncontrolled harvesting” zone in mills et al. [18]).Zone effectiveness at meeting conservation targets for the permanent closure zone was always 1 (fully effective), and for the open zone was always 0 (completely ineffective) for all scenarios....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Factors associated with permanent closure of the ductus arteriosus: a role for prolonged indomethacin therapy... Muscular con-striction produces a region of ischemic hypoxia in the middle of the ductus muscle media that initiates the process of permanent closure....
Incorporating conservation zone effectiveness for protecting biodiversity in marine planning.... Here, we consider the zone effectiveness of three zones: permanent closure, partial protection, and open, for planning for the protection of five different marine habitats in the Vatu-i-Ra Seascape, Fiji....
 PDF: doaj.org
Incorporating conservation zone effectiveness for protecting biodiversity in marine planning... Here, we consider the zone effectiveness of three zones: permanent closure, partial protection, and open, for planning for the protection of five different marine habitats in the Vatu-i-Ra Seascape, Fiji....
 PDF: ftp:
The number of planning units selected as a permanent closure and partial protection zone in the best solution.... The numbers on the x-axis indicate the zone cost of the partial protection zone relative to the permanent closure zone (i.e....

Publications scientifiques

Évolution postglaciaire du régime hydrosédimentaire et vitesse de l’ablation dans un petit bassin-versant des appalaches près de rimouski (bas-saint-laurent, québec)
... Cette transition correspond dans le temps à la fermeture définitive du couvert forestier à l'échelle régionale, telle que révélée par les données de l'analyse pollinique....
... The transition from basal gravel to superficial organic-rich silty sand by 7200 yr BP is synchronous with the definitive closure of the regional forest cover as established by pollen analysis....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.erudit.org
Learning to close loops from range dataThis paper addresses the loop closure detection problem in slam, and presents a method for solving the problem using pairwise comparison of point clouds in both 2D and 3D....
institutions de l'union européenne et fonction publique européenne / communication - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu

Exemples français - anglais

transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

FERMETURE DEFINITIVE DE LA DISTILLERIE AU 28/12/2019 pour cause de retraite.

Service terminated on 12/8/1929, due to retirement.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cinq espèces ont été recueillies lors de la fermeture definitive du Zoo de St-jean-cap-ferrat en 2009.

Five species were brought here when the Zoo at St Jean Cap Ferrat closed for good in 2009.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le 27 avril 2008, après des années de débat, les Berlinois ont voté, lors d’un référendum local, pour la fermeture definitive de l’aéroport de Berlin-Tempelhof.

In 2008, after a similar referendum, Berliners finally conceded to shutting the Tempelhof airport down.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues