Dictionnaire français - anglais


industrie mécanique - techdico
Original article girls, gangs, and getting out: gender differences and similarities in leaving the gangThis study draws from role exit theory and feminist criminology to examine whether the catalysts and consequences of gang disengagement differ between males and females....
industrie mécanique / commercialisation - core.ac.uk - PDF: yvj.sagepub.com
général - techdico

Publications scientifiques

When does disengagement correlate with performance in spoken dialog computer tutoring?In this paper we investigate how student disengagement relates to two performance metrics in a spoken dialog computer tutoring corpus, both when disengagement is measured through manual annotation by a trained human ...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: d-scholarship.pitt.edu
Re-evaluating the disengagement process: the case of fatahRecently, a number of studies have looked at the disengagement/de-radicalisation of terrorist groups and individuals....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Neuronal correlates of attention and its disengagement in the superior colliculus of ratOrienting attention to a new target requires prior disengagement of attention from the current focus....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
The interrelationship between apc/c and plk1 activities in centriole disengagementSummaryMother–daughter centriole disengagement, the necessary first step in centriole duplication, involves Plk1 activity in early mitosis and separase activity after APC/C activity mediates securin degradation....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org

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