Dictionnaire français - anglais

transports maritime et fluvial - iate.europa.eu
Green water reconstructed for rižana watershed, sw sloveniaIn this case study, set in south-west Slovenia, the feasibility of reconstructing green water (the combined amount of evaporated and transpired water in trees and available in the soil) was investigated....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dirros.openscience.si
Green water credits and its applications to watershed eco-compensation in china... The green water credit is one of the eco-compensation modes....
Complementary relationship and dual crop coefficient approach-based study on green water separationSeparating productive green water from non-productive green water could determine the potential for improving green water use through water-to-vapor conversion and the optimization of green water resource...
Green water: definitions and data for assessmentGreen water is that fraction of rainfall that infiltrates into the soil and is available to plants....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Green water on norwegian production shipsGreen water events have made local damage on Norwegian production ships in sea states ignificantly ower than the 100-year sea states....
 PDF: www.npd.no

Synonymes et termes associés français

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Un nouveau coup de mer emporte le bateau sauveteur bien loin du navire.

A man reluctantly abandons his new boat far away from camp.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le coup de mer dans la nuit de lundi à mardi a été dévastateur.

The deaths at the Navy Yard on Monday were tragic.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous n'avons jamais eu un tel coup de mer depuis 25 ou 30 ans.

We haven’t had enrollment like this in 25 to 30 years.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous n"avons jamais eu un tel coup de mer depuis 25-30 ans.

We haven’t had enrollment like this in 25 to 30 years.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un fort coup de mer le roula par-dessus bord à notre grande satisfaction.

A heavy sea at length hurled him overboard, much to our relief.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous n'avons jamais eu un tel coup de mer depuis 25 ou 30 ans.

We haven’t had enrollment like this in 25 to 30 years.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Tels étaient donc les survivants de cette épave, que le premier coup de mer allait submerger.

Such, then, were the survivors of this wreck, which the first surge of the sea would submerge.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Plusieurs plages inondées et un ponton municipal détruit à la suite d’un coup de mer à Cannes.

Several beaches flooded and a pier destroyed after a sea storm in Cannes.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’ingénieur, à travers les mailles du filet qui avaient cédé, avait été enlevé par un coup de mer.

The engineer, the meshes of the net having given way, had been carried off by a wave.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
— De trois hommes d’équipage, le patron ayant été enlevé par un coup de mer, il ne reste que deux, et on signé.

Of the crew of three men, the skipper having been washed overboard by a sea, but two remain, and they have signed.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un paysage sculpté à coup de mer, avec ses falaises profondes, vieillie par le pas des siècles, comme le Parc National de Garajonay

A landscape carved by the sea, with its deep cliffs, or aged by the passage of the centuries, like the National Park of Garajonay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un paysage sculpté à coup de mer, avec ses falaises profondes, vieillie par le pas des siècles, comme le Parc National de Garajonay

A landscape sculpted heavy sea, with its steep cliffs, or envecejido by the passage of centuries, as the National Park Garajonay.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
— Mais, reprit le marin, pouvez-vous nous dire ce qui s'est passé après que vous avez été emporté par le coup de mer ?

But,” resumed the sailor, “can you tell us what happened after you were carried off by the sea?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
– Mais, reprit le marin, pouvez-vous nous dire ce qui s'est passé après que vous avez été emporté par le coup de mer?

But,” resumed the sailor, “can you tell us what happened after you were carried off by the sea?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
— Mais, reprit le marin, pouvez-vous nous dire ce qui s'est passé après que vous avez été emporté par le coup de mer ?

But," resumed the sailor, "can you tell us what happened after you were carried off by the sea?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues