Dictionnaire français - anglais

culture et religion - iate.europa.eu
Le métier d’escorteur au xixe siècle en chine du nord : de la protection des caravanes des marchands du shanxi aux convois des premières banques du pays... L’interaction entre ces deux classes sociales fit alors émerger un nouveau corps de métier, ainsi que la création, entre le XVIIIe et le XIXe siècle, des premières biaoju 镖局, les « compagnies d’escorte » privées
A study to determine the effectiveness of the apprenticeship training programs operated by the craft trades in dallas... In order to arrive at a point of determination concerning the effectiveness of the apprenticeship, it will be necessary to delve into the organization, administration, and implementation of the apprenticeship training program as operated by the Dallas Independent School District in cooperation with the craft trades and their respective labor unions....
général - core.ac.uk -général - core.ac.uk - PDF: digital.library.unt.edu
Tailleurs de pierre et maçons : un chantier au moyen âge... Deux formes de rétribution sont attestées pour ce corps de métier : soit une somme forfaitaire pour un travail dit à la tâche ou bien un salaire dit à la journée ou à la semaine....
Single-family house construction cost variation attributable to site and time of construction... The calculation of costs of construction, craft trades and installation works, other construction-related costs and the market value estimate served as the basis for determining both the cost and sales price of the single-family...
La nuit comme bien commun de l’humanité : vers un urbanisme des liens et des médiations ?... C’est une matière sensible qui ne peut être abordée par un seul regard, monopolisée par une seule discipline ou un seul corps de métier....
Media kit 2015 communicate successfully with your customers print & online... From craft trades to industry and on to meat research and development – with us you reach top decision-makers from every corner of the world of meat....
Joachim dittrich & ludger deitmer: bridging the gap – experiences and a concept in technology education, networks and regional innovation in the field of intelligent building technology 1 bridging the gap – experiences and a concept in technology educatio... And there is a technology gap based on the fact, that the introduction of these science-based technologies conflicts with craft trades ’ modes of learning which are of reactive nature due to traditions and sometimes miss-interpreted market pressures....
Comparison of tax records and accounting of an individual entrepreneurThis bachelor thesis is focused on comparison of the management of tax records and the accounting of an individual entrepreneur engaged in craft trades, in one year....
corps de métier
bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu
GA planifie l’ensemble de ses interventions pour pouvoir intégrer ensuite les différents corps de métier indispensables à la réalisation.

GA plans all the work it is involved in so as to be able to subsequently integrate the different building trades that are indispensable to the construction.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cordaid forme aussi, au sein de la population locale, des chefs de chantiers dans les différents corps de métier de la construction.

Cordaid also trains site managers from the local population in the various building trades.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
C’est une opération longue pour les équipes qui varient en nombre de 10 à 45 personnes, représentant de multiples corps de métier.

It is a long process for the teams, which vary from 10 to 45 people, representing many building trades.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Consultez notre site régulièrement pour des nouvelles sur divers projets, l’industrie ou des enjeux qui concernent l’un des corps de métier syndiqués.

Check back regularly for news about our upcoming projects, industry insights or developments that affect any of the building trades unions.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
An outline of modern imperialism ...... for the use of classes run in connection with the Amalgamated union of building trade workers' educational scheme, and the National council of labour colleges.""Foreword"...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.hathitrust.org
The illustrated carpenter and builder."The largest circulation of any journal in the building trade."Some...
Is trade facilitation the right direction to go in building trade capacity?This paper uses the gravity equation of international trade to study the relationship between trade facilitation commitments and trade flows using the OECDIWTO Trade Capacity Building - Trade Facilitation Database....
Trade circular and general reporter....Internet.Continued by: Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers of Great Britain and Ireland....
Pay flexibility in an ageing workforce:a model of pay for the german building tradeStarting from the demographic change, the average age of work team members in the German building trade is expected to increase in the following decades....
corps de métier
bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu
Travaux de couverture et travaux d'autres corps de métier spécialisés

Roof works and other special trade construction works

bâtiment et travaux publics - eur-lex.europa.eu
Travaux de corps de métier spécialisés autres que travaux de couverture

Special trade construction works other than roof works

bâtiment et travaux publics - eur-lex.europa.eu
le marché sera attribué globalement pour l'ensemble des corps de métier

the contract will be awarded on an all-trades basis

général - iate.europa.eu
L’IRAP rassemble différents corps de métier :

The IRAP laboratory brings together various trades:

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Gestion et coordination des différents corps de métier

Management and coordination of the various bodies of trade

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Southern journal of agricultural economics december, 1977 fuel-insulation tradeoffs for arkansas broiler houses... Most grower contracts contain an There is a trade-off between insulation and efficiency clause in which part of their payment energy consumption which will provide the same depends on how efficient they are in converting...
bâtiment et travaux publics / politique énergétique - core.ac.uk - PDF: ageconsearch.umn.edu
Refractory materials for flame deflector protection system corrosion control: similar industries and/or launch facilities surveyA trade study and litera ture survey of refractory materials (fi rebrick....
An analysis of the degree of competition in the construction industry in hong kong....IV.2 --- Entropy Indexes For Construction Trade Groups for Year 1980 -1992 --- p.27Chapter...
Commissioned by ministry of trade and industry authors... The key issues presented in this study are: 1) Overview on Liaoning (administration and economy of Liaoning, industrial advantages, international trade, and future outlook of Liaoning, 2) business opportunities (descriptions of local business companies; on-going and future business projects in which Finnish companies could...
International trade: the united states needs an integrated approach to trade preference programs... trade preference programs promote economic development in poorer nations by providing duty-free export opportunities in the United States....
corps de métier
bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu
Towards an empirical vulnerability function for use in debris flow risk assessment... The buildings studied within the test site were constructed by using brick masonry and concrete, a typical design in post-1950s building craft in alpine countries....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
Djenne: african city of mud, riba exhibition, march 3 - may 29 2010... Creative mud building thrives where masons adapt traditional knowledge, building craft and magic to a modern, changing world....
 PDF: core.ac.uk
corps de métier
bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu
J’ai été enthousiasmé de rencontrer tous ces gens venant de corps de métier si différents.

I was thrilled to meet all these people from such different crafts.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ces ateliers rassemblent les compétences d'une douzaine de corps de métier répartis dans toute la région.

Those workshops gather the skills of a dozen different craftsmen, spread all over the region.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Après ses études, il a fondé l'Institut de recherche Yamanaka avec cinq autres corps de métier spécialisés.

Upon graduating from university he formed the Yamanaka Research Institute together with five other crafts specialists.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il existe de nombreux artisans dans la ville, et chaque corps de métier a son propre bazar.

city numerous artificers, and each craft has a separate bazaar.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les étudiants de n'importe quelle école ont leur propre balle tout comme les travailleurs de chaque corps de métier.

The students of each school have their own ball; the workers from each city craft are also carrying their balls.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Tenuous lines of descent: indian arts and crafts of the reservation period
... A partir d'une période de répression quand tous les éléments des cultures autochtones étaient repoussés, et à travers l'encouragement intermittent par les corps de métier, jusqu'à présent, l'art autochtone a subsisté, s'est agrandi et s'est développé....
...Over the past century notable changes have taken place in the appreciation of Indian arts and crafts in Canada....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Feasibility study of venus surfuce cooling using chemical reactions with the atmosphereA literature search and theoretical analysis were conducted to investigate the feasibility of cooling a craft on Venus through chemical reformation of materials from the atmosphere....
bâtiment et travaux publics / politique énergétique / politique de l'environnement - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net

Publications scientifiques

Business plan -- poptávky jinakThe main focus of this Master´s Thesis is to prepare a business plan of the project, which will change the relations in craft and construction work in the Czech republic....
Europe / bâtiment et travaux publics / politique des transports - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.nusl.cz
Craft education in sustaining and developing craft traditions... During this process, the discussions on the role of craft tradition have concerned the specific features of Finnish craft culture....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: journals.hioa.no
From gender-segregated subjects to multi-material craft: craft student teachers’views on the future of the craft subjectThis paper describes the views of student teachers of craft about the future of craft as a school subject....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Firing up craft capital: the renaissance of craft and craft policy in the united kingdomFiring Up Craft Capital: The renaissance of craft and craft policy in the United Kingdom, This article was accepted for publication on the 23rd June 2015....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Fédération des caisses de maladie des corps de métier

Federal Association of Guild Sickness Funds

questions sociales - iate.europa.eu
Tout corps de métier, tous types d’entrepreneurs.

All manner of celebrity, all manner of business people.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Qu’importe le corps de métier ou l’uniforme.

It doesn’t matter what branch or the value of the uniform.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’INNOVATION : Pour innover dans nos corps de métier

Innovation: to create value in our areas of operation

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Chaque journée est consacrée à un corps de métier.

That’s why every afternoon is devoted to body work.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
C’était un corps de métier qui m’était complètement étranger

I was left with a body that felt totally alien

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
D’autres sont plus spécifiques à certains corps de métier :

Each one more suitable for certain types of workout:

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Préparez des checklists simples, pour chaque corps de métier.

Prepare some simple checklists, for every profession.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pour chaque corps de métier, l’entraide professionnelle est essentielle.

For either type of job, hands-on professional help is crucial.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Plus de 17 000 définitions commentées, tous corps de métier.

More than 23,000 meticulously researched new definitions, including 17,000 new entries.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il coordonnera également les interventions de différents corps de métier.

The committee will also coordinate the operations of various voluntary

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Corps de métier: De plus en plus de femmes deviennent médecins.

Growing by the year: more women are becoming doctors

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Tout les corps de métier sont présent sur le navire.

Security officers are present throughout the ship.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le maçon est le premier corps de métier qui inter...

The building contractor is the first professional that comes in …

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cela montre juste votre haine envers ce corps de métier.

You complement this with your hatred of the legal profession.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues