Dictionnaire français - anglais

union européenne / pouvoir exécutif et administration publique / éducation / éducation et communication / général - iate.europa.eu
Contrat à durée indéterminée et contrat d'apprentissage de 1er et 3e niveaux

Open-ended contract and 1st and 3rd level apprenticeship contract

politique tarifaire - eur-lex.europa.eu
Contrat à durée indéterminée et contrat d'apprentissage de 1er et 3e niveaux

Open-ended contract and 1st and 3rd level apprenticeship contract

politique tarifaire - eur-lex.europa.eu
Le contrat d'apprentissage doit être signé par le maître d'apprentissage et par l'apprenti.

The apprenticeship contract must be signed by the instructor and the apprentice.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
être lié à l'entreprise par un contrat de travail ou contrat d'apprentissage ;

bound to the company by an employment or apprenticeship contract.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
lié à l'entreprise par un contrat de travail ou un contrat d'apprentissage.

bound to the company by an employment or apprenticeship contract.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle et la formation professionnelle initiale : étapes de choix professionnel et résiliations de contrat d'apprentissageLa résiliation précoce du contrat d’apprentissage est un événement critique dans le parcours de formation, et exige une adaptation du choix professionnel et une réorientation professionnelle....
The effects of being subject to the colombian apprenticeship contract on manufacturing firm performanceThis paper evaluates the intent to treat local average treatment effects of the Colombian apprenticeship contract on manufacturing firm dynamics taking advantage of an exogenous variation generated by the 2002 labor reform and the regulation design....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.zora.uzh.chgénéral - core.ac.uk - PDF: sedici.unlp.edu.ar
Le contrat d'apprentissage en relation d'aide individuelle auprès d'élèves en difficulté... Ainsi, le contrat d'apprentissage peut s'avérer une technique appropriée pour aider les élèves à devenir responsable de leur cheminement....
Considerations on amending and supplementing law no. 279/2005 on apprenticeship at work by law no. 179/2013Changes and additions made to the Law on apprenticeship contract and call into question the manner in whichthe Romanian legislator understands that give efficiency to this legal institutions....
The first seven years of working life of young people without qualifications: state employment measures... More than four in ten non graduate young people have benefited from training, a "contrat en alternance" (paid apprenticeship contract), a "contrat emploi solidarité" (solidarity employment contract) or an "emploi jeune" (youth insertion job) during the first seven years of their working...
Apprenticeship and training in premodern england... I then propose a new account of how training costs and repayments were distributed over the apprenticeship contract such that neither master or apprentice risked significant loss from early termination....
Contributions for the measurement of the impact of the training for work policy: a proposal for the assessment of the apprenticeship contract in colombiaThe apprenticeship contract (AC) is a training for work strategy that combines training in vocational aspects with a practical phase in a company....
 PDF: doaj.org
contrat d'apprentissage
droit - iate.europa.eu
contrat d'apprentissage
droit - iate.europa.eu
En 1640 l'apprentissage signifiait réellement être « mis sous contrat d'apprentissage », ce qui était apparenté à la propriété.

In 1640 apprenticeship actually meant to be ‘indentured’, which was akin to ownership.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Je m'y refusai quelque temps; mais, enfin, je me laissai persuader, et je signai mon contrat d'apprentissage, n'étant encore âgé que de douze ans.

I stood out some time, but at last was persuaded, and signed the indentures when I was yet but twelve years old.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Je m'y refusai quelque temps; mais, enfin, je me laissai persuader, et je signai mon contrat d'apprentissage, n'étant encore âgé que de douze ans.

I stood out some time, but at last was persuaded, and signed the indenture, when I was yet but twelve years old.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Unfree labour : did indenture reduce labour supply to tea plantations in assam?Migration to tea plantations in Assam in the 19th century used indentured contracts....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
Indenture: an institution for a credible commitment without extortion.The aim of Kritikos and Bolle [1998] was to analyze the institution of the Indenture Game within today´s institutional setting....
Eastham-leinour indenture, 1830Fonds consists of one indenture, the sale of part of lot 94 in Niagara Township, to Thomas Eastham, by James Leinour....
Indenture between william dickson [jr.] and robert m. wilson, february 7, 1859....politics.An indenture between William Dickson [Jr.]...
“this holy sacrament of service in fiji” christianity and the abolition of indo-fijian indentureThis thesis explores the influence of Christianity on the end of Indian indenture in early 20thcentury British Fiji....
contrat d'apprentissage
droit - iate.europa.eu
contrat d'apprentissage
pouvoir exécutif et administration publique / éducation - iate.europa.eu
17(2) Le directeur enregistre le contrat d'apprentissage s'il est d'avis que ce contrat :

22(2) The executive director must register an apprenticeship agreement if he or she is of the opinion that

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
17(7) Les parties à un contrat d'apprentissage sont réputées ne pas avoir contrevenu au contrat si l'apprenti :

22(7) The parties to an apprenticeship agreement are deemed not to have contravened the agreement where an apprentice

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
22(2) Le directeur général enregistre le contrat d'apprentissage s'il est d'avis :

22(2) The executive director must register an apprenticeship agreement if he or she is of the opinion that

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
21(2) Le contrat d'apprentissage est rédigé au moyen de la formule approuvée.

21(2) An apprenticeship agreement must be in the approved form.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
c) que l'enregistrement du contrat d'apprentissage d'une personne a été suspendu ou annulé;

(c) the registration of a person's apprenticeship agreement has been suspended or cancelled;

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Financing training : issues and options... As a first approximation, the cost of firm-specific training is absorbed by the employer, and the cost of transferable training is shifted to the trainee by means of a reduction in his wages, often within the framework of an apprenticeship agreement....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www-wds.worldbank.org
contrat d'apprentissage
éducation - iate.europa.eu
Recherchez-vous un contrat d'apprentissage ou un contrat de professionnalisation ? *

Are you applying for a vacation scheme or training contract? *

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un contrat de formation est un contrat d'apprentissage avec un bureau de formation agréé.

A training contract is a learnership contract with a registered training office

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un contrat de formation est un contrat d'apprentissage avec un bureau de formation agréé.

A training contract is a learnership contract with a registered training office.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le nombre d'élèves bénéficiant d'un contrat de travail ou d'un contrat d'apprentissage est infinitésimal.

The number of graduates obtaining a training contract or paralegal work is consistently high.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Vous devrez signer un contrat d'apprentissage avec une entreprise.

In addition, you have to sign a training contract with a company.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Entering the world of work in europe: contrasting situations... In Germany, it entails two distinct stages: access to a combined job/training contract followed by access to employment....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.insee.fr
10 lessons for new clinicians... A sneak preview of some of the lessons includes “How to deal with a hopeless student – its not private practice so you cannot sack them so what can you do?” and “Patience!– don’t forget that they are not trainee solicitors with full time exposure to cases like with training contracts”.The...
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Sustainability in community organizing: lessons from the community organisers programme in england (2011-2015)... Five elements undermined the program’s sustainability: (i) a weak definition of sustainability; (ii) the short duration of the training contract; (iii) an over-emphasis on autonomy; (iv) insufficient training and support for volunteer community organizers, and (v) a lack of progression opportunities....
Becoming a solicitor : an examination of the process by which trainee solicitors develop the appropriate skills and identity that enable them to become recognised as fully qualified members of the solicitors' profession.... Very little work has been done in this area and two fundamental questions remained unanswered - what is it that trainee solicitors actually do and what is it that they are becoming, in other words, what is the solicitors' profession? The study focuses on the two year training contract and covers the trainees' experience of training from entry into a solicitors' firm to admission to the rolls....
contrat d'apprentissage
droit - iate.europa.eu

Publications scientifiques

Itinéraire d’un graveur à la fin du règne de louis xiv. charles pinon, élève de françois chéron et commis de nicolas de launay
... Un contrat d’apprentissage daté de 1696 entre François Chéron et son élève Charles Pinon permet notamment d’attribuer plusieurs médailles du début du XVIIIe siècle à ce jeune graveur....
... One apprenticeship contract (1696) between François Chéron (1638-1698) and his pupil Charles Pinon allows to attribute severals medal to this younger engraver at the begining of the...
général - core.ac.uk -

Exemples français - anglais

communication / industrie mécanique - techdico
général / industrie mécanique - techdico
environnement - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

contrat d'apprentissage (1) >> contrat d'apprentissage (1) x stage (1) >> stage (1) x

Entry Level (1) >> Entry Level (1) x Training (1) >> Training (1) x

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Type de contrat : Contrat d'apprentissage 12 /18 mois

Type of Contract: Fixed term 12-18-month apprenticeship

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Contrat d'apprentissage de 2e niveau, à durée déterminée et temporaire ≥ 12 mois

2nd level apprenticeship, fixed-term and temporary contract ≥ 12 months

politique commerciale - eur-lex.europa.eu
Contrat d'apprentissage de 2e niveau, à durée déterminée et temporaire ≥ 12 mois

2nd level apprenticeship, fixed-term and temporary contract ≥ 12 months

politique commerciale - eur-lex.europa.eu
Vous pouvez également conclure un contrat d'apprentissage.

You can also undertake a procurement apprenticeship.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
contrat d'apprentissage. Un contrat de travail à durée indéterminée est un contrat établi entre le salarié et l'employeur, dont le terme n'est pas fixé au préalable.

An indefinite duration contract of employment is a contract between the employee and the employer, for which the actual duration of the contract has not been agreed in advance.

droit civil - eur-lex.europa.eu
Elle était heureuse d'avoir trouvé ce contrat d'apprentissage.

She was really happy to know about this training program.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
(2) Le présent code s'applique au contrat d'apprentissage.

(2) The provisions of this Code are applicable even in the case of the contract of apprenticeship.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les avantages du Contrat d'Apprentissage pour votre entreprise

The advantages of the Learning Contract for your company

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
J'ai développé un contrat d'apprentissage avec les étudiants.

I develop a learning contract with the group of students.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Préparation par alternance Contrat d'apprentissage en deux ans.

A study of differentiated instructional change over three years.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
à conclure un contrat d'apprentissage, dès lors qu'ils «

provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Liste des formations en Contrat d'Apprentissage au CSJC

List of training courses in Apprenticeship Contracts at the CSJC

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
contrat d'apprentissage, pour une durée n'excédant pas trois

summer school recess, for a period not to exceed three

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Comme tout contrat de travail, le contrat d'apprentissage peut faire l'objet de rupture.

Like any other contract, the manners contract can be broken.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues