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Principes liés à un chef d'entreprise à Hong Kong

Principles Related To A Hong Kong Company Director

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Vous n'êtes plus un chef d'entreprise, vous redevenez simple quidam !

You are no longer the company director; you have become an everyday person again!

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L'avocat conseil d'entreprise est compétent dans son domaine d'intervention et il bénéficie de la confiance du chef d'entreprise.

The corporate counsel is competent in their field of intervention and enjoys the confidence of the company director.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Situation financière et familiale du chef d'entreprise actuel et du successeur;

Financial and family situation of the current company director and of the successor;

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le chef d'entreprise renonce à une rémunération variable de son travail.

The company director waives any variable remuneration for its work.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pierre-marie durand, avoué lyonnais, roi de l'électricité
... Il fut pourtant un chef d'entreprise aussi atypique que novateur....
... He was, though, a company director as atypical as innovative....
général - core.ac.uk -
Le vigneron, nouvel acteur culturel du territoire rural?... Le vigneron est tout à la fois : un paysan, un technicien ou un oenologue, un chef d'entreprise, un commercial, un communiquant....
Corporate manslaughter and the company director... This paper examines the current law of manslaughter from the intimate position of the company director, and the rôle which they have played in the conception and birth of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
général - core.ac.uk -général - core.ac.uk - PDF: ssudl.solent.ac.uk
Processus décisionnel en stratégie de marketing dans les microentreprises... D'une part, nous avons identifié des variables internes qui influencent le processus décisionnel du chef d'entreprise comme les connaissances et l'expérience de ce dernier et l'influence des employés et des clients auprès du dirigeant....
A grounded theory study of how individuals work their way towards the executive company director position: balancing visibility and exposure within u.k. corporations.This research was instigated primarily because the author became aware of the lack of research into the executive company director domain....
Effects of individualist and collectivist group norms and choice on intrinsic motivation... Participants then completed an anagram task under conditions of personal choice or when the task was either assigned to them by an in-group (company director) or out-group (experimenter) social agent....
[photograph 2012.201.b0366b.0283]... Caption: "Metropolitan Ballet Company Director Conrad Ludlow and Ruth Ann Campbell, member of the party committee and Ballet Society Board Member, are pictured beside on of the many white trees which formed...
Hong kong employment law update - august 2017... due to lack of consideration Civil servant successful in claiming benefits for same-sex spouse Recent UK decision on legal privilege may have consequences in Hong Kong First company director sentenced to imprisonment after defaulting on MPF contributions Expat employees may benefit from UK employment law protection Company director fined for default...
chef d'entreprise
économie - iate.europa.eu
Dans Cargo Shipment, vous devriez devenir un chef d'entreprise de transport.

In Cargo Shipment you try to become a transport company manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Dans Cargo Shipment, vous devriez devenir un chef d'entreprise de transport.

In Cargo Shipment you should become a transport company manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Responsabilité civile du chef d'entreprise (notamment en cas de faute de gestion).

Civil liability of the company manager (especially in case of management fault).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Responsabilité civile du chef d'entreprise (notamment en cas de fautes de gestion).

Civil liability of the company manager (especially in case of management fault).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
un artiste est une marque et celui qui l'incarne un chef d'entreprise.

an artist is a brand and the person who embodies it is a company manager.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The role and importance of information bankruptcy... From the moment of risk of bankruptcy until the end of the bankruptcy proceedings company manager responsible for their preparation, proper use and timely submission to the court.Data...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
A report on an arts administration internship with the summer theatre at mount holyoke collegeI served as Company Manager of the Summer Theatre at Mount Holyoke College....
Mary e. mallick letters, 1955-1956... Mallick, George Palmer, Carrington & Casey Land Company manager, Carrington & Casey Land Company, and the Edward Chase family, especially son Russell and daughter Alice; mentions Mary's father, John P....
For up to $300,000,000 principal amount of new 7 % convertible... If you are in any doubt as to how to deal with it, you should consult your investment dealer, stockbroker, trust company manager, bank manager, lawyer or other professional advisor....
[photograph 2012.201.b0307b.0221]... lee, company manager, were present.
chef d'entreprise
économie - iate.europa.eu
En tant que chef d'entreprise, il est important d'avoir une compréhension globale de vos finances.

As the head of a business, it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of your finances.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En tant que chef d'entreprise, il est important d'avoir une compréhension globale de vos finances.

As the head of a business, it’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of your finances.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
chef d'entreprise
transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
Dynamic control of an m/m/1 service system with adjustable arrival and service ratesWe study a service facility in which the system manager dynamically controls the arrival and service rates to maximize the long-run average value generated....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dx.doi.org
On-line gps integrity monitoring and deformation analysis for . . .... This information can be made available to the system manager, or interested parties, on a continuous basis, or whenever a preset displacement threshold is exceeded....
Fsm: a federated system manager... This paper describes a federated system architecture (federated system manager, abbr.,...
Magnetospheric multiscale (mms) system manager... As a result, the MMS flight dynamics team turned to the System Manager to put the routine or error-prone under machine control freeing the analysts for activities that require human judgment.The...
Distribution statement a "approved for public release; distribution is unlimited" inet system manager... As such, the integrated Network Enhanced Telemetry (iNET) Program is currently developing a System Manager application to provide a model for coordinated management of networked telemetry....
économie - iate.europa.eu
An economic evaluation of cash and accrual accounting methods for farmersTax management is an important consideration for the successful farm manager....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: lib.dr.iastate.edu
Sweet potatoes gain favor as state cash crop... Caption: "Gaining favor as a cash crop in southwestern Oklahoma are sweet potatoes, a small portion of the approximately 500 acres devoted to this crop, shown being irrigated by Roy Ward, Oklahoma A & M experiment farm manager (left), and Elmer Waller.
[photograph 2012.201.b0262b.0617]... Caption: "Barrie Savage awards the first place ribbon for Track Room from stables with a small number of stalls to Indian Creek Farm Manager Kurt Hufferd, left, and his staff Sam Berry and Robin Williams.
[photograph 2012.201.b1289.0776]... Caption: "Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed inspects his tobacco crop with farm manager Freeman Cooper (right) on his 500-acre farm ay Maysville, Kentucky, where he is vacationing.
Conveying the role of professional farm managers to potential clienteleMany farmland owners opt to work directly with farmer-tenants while others choose to hire a professional farm manager to assist in the management of their land....
économie - iate.europa.eu
The state of open data report 2017... It includes survey results of 2,300 respondents and a collection of articles from industry experts, as well as a foreword from Jean-Claude Burgelman, Head of Unit Open Data Policies and Science Cloud at the European Commission....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: figshare.com
Terms of reference english to arabic translator (part-time) ssa contract ocha in the occupied palestinian territory background... The translator will report directly to the Arabic Communications and Information Officer in the Advocacy Unit, and ultimately to the Head of Unit, and be tasked with the translation of OCHA reports upon demand within the allotted time frame: Timeframe: Up to 2500 words in ONE working da
Campus 3 notification expiration - enrollment number 5696720{~61692876:1~}Previously, we were inform you that the Head of Unit Computer Center has been replaced by Mr....
Community competence to control mergers : the jurisdictional divide... Francisco-Enrique Gonzalez-Diaz, Head of Unit, Merger Task Force, The European CommissionFirst made available online on 11 April 201
Presentation on 'the state of open data' 2017... It includes survey results of 2,300 respondents and a collection of articles from industry experts, as well as a foreword from Jean-Claude Burgelman, Head of Unit Open Data Policies and Science Cloud at the European Commission

Exemples français - anglais

emploi et travail - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

1 nouveau chef d'entreprise sur 4 en Europe est un chef d'entreprise sociale.

According to European Commission, one of four start-ups each year is a social business company.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Qui peut mieux comprendre les besoins d'un chef d'entreprise qu'un autre chef d'entreprise

No one understand the demands of a business leader better than other business leaders.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
1 nouveau chef d'entreprise sur 4 en Europe est un chef d'entreprise sociale.

One out of four new entrepreneurs in Europe is a social entrepreneur.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
régime de prévoyance à droit discrétionnaire du chef d'entreprise

discretionary endowment scheme

assurance - iate.europa.eu
L'entreprise sociale 1 nouveau chef d'entreprise sur 4 en Europe est un chef d'entreprise sociale.

According to European Commission, one of four start-ups each year is a social business company.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L'entreprise sociale 1 nouveau chef d'entreprise sur 4 en Europe est un chef d'entreprise sociale.

One out of four new entrepreneurs in Europe is a social entrepreneur.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Alors, on devient chef d'entreprise comme n'importe quel chef d'entreprise, ajoute Raphaël, la passion en plus.

Then we become just like any other fashion business,” added Centenera.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Chef d'entreprise : comment financer ma formation ?

Entrepreneurship training: How can I get training?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Patrick Bernasconi (1955-), chef d'entreprise français

Patrick Bernasconi (born 1955), French business executive

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Chef d'entreprise, fondateur d'Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Chief Executive Officer, of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Chef d'entreprise, fondateur d'Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Chief executive officer, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le chef d'entreprise doit toujours avoir comme objectif d'améliorer sa trésorerie d'entreprise.

Business owners should always strive to improve their company.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Donald Trump était un chef d'entreprise avant d'être un chef d'État.

Donald Trump was a successful business man before becoming a president.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Donald Trump était un chef d'entreprise avant d'être un chef d'État.

Donald Trump was a businessman before he was president.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
contrat collectif souscrit par un chef d'entreprise pour les salariés de son entreprise

group insurance taken out by the head of an enterprise on behalf of his employees

économie - iate.europa.eu

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues