Dictionnaire français - anglais

emploi / emploi et travail - iate.europa.eu
Telecom Italia: demande de chômage technique, quelque 4.000 emplois concernés (source)

Telecom Italia asks for temporary layoffs for 4,000 workers: source

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En tout, un tiers des travailleurs sont affectés par les licenciements ou le chômage technique.

Altogether, a third of workers were concerned by layoffs or technical unemployment.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il nous a mis tous en chômage technique pendant trois mois et l’état n’a rien dit.

They put us all in layoffs for three months and the government said nothing.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il nous a mis tous en chômage technique pendant trois mois et l’État n’a rien dit.

They put us all in layoffs for three months and the government said nothing.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il nous a mis tous en chômage technique pendant trois mois et l’Etat n’a rien dit.

They put us all in layoffs for three months and the government said nothing.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Does employment protection create its own political support... Workers in low productivity matches stand to gain the most since they face the highest risk of layoff....
emploi / marché du travail / pouvoir exécutif et administration publique - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
A theory of the natural unemployment rate and the duration of employment... Evidence is presented that most unemployed workers became unemployed because their previous jobs came to an end; only a minority are on temporary layoff or have just entered the labor force....
chômage technique
droit - iate.europa.eu
Social networks and their impact on the employment and earnings of mexican immigrants... Instead, strong ties allow for a lower employment likelihood possibly through the shelter against temporary unemployment provided by close family members....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF:
Long-run effects of the common agricultural policy for switzerland: a simulation analysis... Taking into account adjustment costs due to temporary unemployment still produces sizeable welfare gains....
Emergency unemployment compensationThe Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program is a temporary unemployment insurance program that provides up to 13 additional weeks of unemployment benefits to certain workers who have exhausted their rights to regular unemployment...
2011), “trade adjustment costs and assistance: the labour market dynamics... Evidence has, for instance, confirmed that some groups of workers tend to face temporary unemployment an
Nominal wage adjustment, demand shortage and economic policy... By applying it into a continuous-time money-in-utility model we examine macroeconomic dynamics with and without a liquidity trap and obtain the condition for persistent unemployment, and that for temporary unemployment, to occur....
droit - iate.europa.eu
chômage technique
droit - iate.europa.eu
Mali K7 et seydoni vont mettre leurs employés en chômage technique dès demain.

Mali K7 and seydoni will lay off their employees from tomorrow on.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
On pouvait lire à la porte de certains bureaux « Fermeture, chômage technique à partir du mercredi 16 mars ».

One could read on the door of some offices "Closing, lay off from Wednesday March 16".

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un arrêt de travail, quelle que fût sa durée, exigerait en outre de mettre en chômage technique d’autres catégories de travailleurs.

A work stoppage of any length would moreover require the lay off of other categories of employees.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The good, the bad, and the ugly about recessions... VF Corporation has announced that it will lay off about 13,000 workers nationally....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: libres.uncg.edu
__________________ _ layoff/employment benefit information 11/19/99 prepared by: human resources issue no. 1The following information pertains to employee benefits and lay-off issues....
chômage technique
droit / politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
Doivent-ils redouter une période de chômage technique ?

Are we on the cusp of a period of technological unemployment?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
obligation de mettre du personnel au chômage technique....

It takes people losing their jobs to technological unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Comment est votre confiance avec cette mise au chômage technique ?

What’s your take on that idea of technological unemployment?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il ne va pas de foutre au chômage technique au moins ?

Will this not finally cause technological unemployment?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
A deep dive into technological unemployment: a state-level analysis on the employment effect of technological innovations... This paper adds to the limited, macroeconomic literature on technological unemployment, and provides policy makers with important implications on how to prepare citizens for the imminent waves of technological changes
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: scholarship.claremont.edu
Technological unemployment and socio-economic development: historical perspectives and the future...then to Marx and Keynes, dozens of scholars have made predictions using economic theory about the future, and whether technology will someday displace all workers, often called "technological unemployment."...
Corporate life cycle as a tool to solve technological unemployment just as to lift out of poverty AbstractThis article has to find out connections between the technological unemployment and the corporate life cycle and also to prove, that the technological unemployment is not just a threat, but also a tool to lift out of poverty....
Technological unemployment : a brief history of an ideaThis article traces a brief history of a particularly relevant concept in political economy and economic sociology: technological unemployment....
Savings, expectations and technological unemployment: a generalization of assumptions for the hicksian fixwage traverse... With all but one of these assumptions the possibility of permanent technological unemployment emerges....
chômage technique
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
Employment regulation and worker-carers: reproducing gender inequality in the domestic and market spheres?... The case of paid care work draws attention to how employment regulation can reproduce the gendered undervaluation of non-standard work and shape outcomes for women
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: researchbank.rmit.edu.au
Employment inequality, employment regulation, and social welfare... In such a situation, the role of fair-employment regulation is to ensure fair access to jobs for all....
Oecd economic studies no. 21. winter 1993 employment regulation and patterns of work in ec countries... Statistical indicators for employment regulation....................
Impacts of employment regulation: towards an evaluation frameworkThe main objective of this report is to propose an approach for evaluating the impact of employment regulation on innovation, productivity and economic growth in the New Zealand economy....
What future for industrial relations in europe?... It is also clear that the European Union, far from acting as a force for harmonisation of regulatory standards and a strengthening of the “social dimension” of employment regulation, is encouraging the erosion of nationally based employment protections and provoking a growing divergence of outcomes....
chômage technique
politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
Non, malgré un incendie dans les installations de Biopharma, il n'y aura pas de chômage technique

No, despite the fire that destroyed Biopharma’s plant, there won’t be temporary lay-offs

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il va sans dire que la perte de revenu est plus importante dans le cas d’un chômage technique que dans celui d’un chômage partiel, alors que le revenu de remplacement est, en gros, équivalent à des allocations de chômage.

It goes without saying that income loss is greater in the case of temporary lay-off than in the case of short-time working, while income replacement is roughly equivalent to that of unemployment benefits.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le syndicat avait alors menacé d’organiser une grève et réussi à négocier un chômage technique temporaire pour 165 travailleurs.

The union then threatened to hold a strike and managed to negotiate temporary lay-offs for 165 workers.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En juin 2009, 40 % environ de la main-dœuvre de la sidérurgie de lUnion a été affectée par la crise économique, avec des licenciements définitifs ou temporaires et du chômage technique.

In June 2009 around 40 % of the work force in the EU steel sector was affected by the economic crises in the form of permanent or temporary lay-offs and short-time working.

commerce international - eur-lex.europa.eu

Publications scientifiques

Nominal wage contracts, aggregate and firm-specific uncertainty — how high is the private gain from indexation? ∗... According to the model, nominal wage contracts should be more prevalent, when layoff is not so costly for the worker, due to high unemployment benefits or short duration of unemployment spells
politique économique / emploi / forêt - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Perceived breach of contract for one's own layoff vs. someone else's layoff: personal pink slips hurt moreIn this study we examine how the perception of layoff as a violation of a psychological contract can vary depending upon one's perception of employer contractual obligation....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.zora.uzh.ch
How do layoff costs affect employment?... In search models where agents are left to fend for themselves, layoff costs have the opposite tendency of lowering unemployment when such costs reduce the amount of labor reallocation....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: swopec.hhs.se

Exemples français - anglais

conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu
conditions et organisation du travail / protection sociale - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Malheureusement, la paix est en chômage technique.

Unfortunately, peace is in technical unemployment.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
← Yasmina Khadra : « La paix est en chômage technique

Yasmina Khadra: “Peace is in technical unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Content que ton chômage technique ait pris fin !

I am glad your unemployment mission has been accomplished!

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Yasmina Khadra : « La paix est en chômage technique

Yasmina Khadra: “Peace Is in Technical Unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Yasmina Khadra : « La paix est en chômage technique » →

Yasmina Khadra: “Peace is in technical unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
← Yasmina Khadra : « La paix est en chômage technique

Yasmina Khadra: “Peace Is in Technical Unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
L’interdiction a mis au chômage technique plusieurs abattoirs.

The ban has put several abattoirs out of business.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Yasmina Khadra : « La paix est en chômage technique » →

Yasmina Khadra: “Peace Is in Technical Unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Yasmina Khadra : « La paix est en chômage technique

Yasmina Khadra: “Peace is in technical unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
ApCholu est une entreprise qui apporte son aide aux personnes au chômage ou chômage technique.

ReAct provides a package of support to help people who have been made redundant or are under threat of redundancy.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Demain Mirafiori reprend la production, après cinq semaines de chômage technique, pour quatre jours, avant une nouvelle période de chômage technique jusqu’au 11 janvier.

Tomorrow Mirafiori starts production again, after five weeks of the workers being laid off, for four days, before a new lay-off until January 11.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Démarches en matière de licenciement ou de chômage technique

Matters concerning redundancy, termination or technical unemployment

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Chômage technique l'an prochain au même niveau qu'en 2009

Net result at same level as in the previous year, 2009

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Risque de chômage technique pour une centaine de salariés

Risk of technical unemployment for about a hundred employees

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il n'est pour l'heure, pas question de chômage technique.

For the moment, they are not technical unemployment.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues