Dictionnaire français - anglais


politique et structures industrielles - iate.europa.eu
Abrasive wear and mechanical properties of carbide composites... It is shown, that the abrasive wear of a carbide composite is controlled by its rigidity (resistance to elastic and plastic strain) and depends firstly on fraction, grain size and properties of the carbide phase, and secondly, on those of the binder
politique et structures industrielles - core.ac.uk - PDF: internet.ktu.lt
High efficiency abrasive waterjet dressing of diamond grinding wheel... The softer binder and the decrease of the feed rates and lead to deeper grooves during dressing of grinding wheel....
Physical-mechanical properties and durability of hydraulic lime-based mortars with non-traditional biopolymers...3.5 mortars prepared with constant water/binder ratio and the binder/aggregate ratio of 1 : 2 by weight....

Publications scientifiques

Atomic force microscopy as a tool for binder identification in ancient photographic processes...photographic archive of Julian Carrillo (Mexico), a microstructural analysis of surface photography was carried on to prove the feasibility of atomic force microscopy to identify the binder used in the manufactured ancient photography....
industries diverses / politique et structures industrielles - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net
Comparison of abdominal compression devices in persons with abdominal paralysis due to spinal cord injury... Use of an abdominal binder is a common intervention following acute SCI.However,...
industries diverses / politique et structures industrielles - core.ac.uk - PDF: soundideas.pugetsound.edu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Consulter l’écran-info qui recommande le pied bordeur J Husqvarna pour de nombreux points de surjet.

Consult the Husqvarna Viking Infodisplay which recommends the J Foot for many overedge stitches.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il entre dans le bordeur de l'échappement d'unité mécanique (11) où il est expulsé par le conduit d'échappement à l'extérieur (12).

Then it enters the exhaust side of the mechanical unit (11) where it is expelled through the duct exhaust to the outside (12).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues