Dictionnaire français - anglais

industrie mécanique / transport terrestre - techdico iate.europa.eu
Addendum to a blueprint for ocean energy development 2010-2015...dThe Summit brought together participants, both new and those who had attended the firstdOWET Developersʼ Summit 2010, to review the Blueprint for Ocean Energy Developmentd2010-2015 and to discuss: the progress made in developing ocean energy during thedpast year, ongoing challenges, and modifications to the Blueprint needed to refine itsdstrategies to advance ocean energy development in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest ofdNorth America by 2015...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: hdl.handle.net
The package blueprint: visually analyzing and quantifying package dependencies... In this paper, we present a visualization, named Package Blueprint, that reveals in detail package internal structure, as well as the dependencies between an observed package and its neighbors, at both package and class levels...
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Socio-cultural community blueprint in the asean community... What are the factors influencing development of research in humanities and social sciences in ASEAN community? As shown in the official blueprint of ASEAN Community Blueprint, these factors are addressed in three broad areas – Socio-Cultural ASEAN Community Blueprint, ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint and ASEAN Political Community Blueprint...
The application and development of inclusive service design in the context of a bus service... An inclusive service blueprint was developed to graphically represent the level of difficulty in using the service by younger and older people across the door-to-door journey, and tohighlight areas for service improvements...
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Design of a finite domain constraint programming library for ml... The design of the library is presented from first principles and provides a blueprint for a practical implementation in a functional or object-oriented setting...

Exemples français - anglais

industrie agro-alimentaire / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
technologie et réglementation technique / bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu
technologie et réglementation technique / bâtiment et travaux publics - iate.europa.eu

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