Dictionnaire français - anglais


industrie mécanique - techdico
Il est également utilisé pour augmenter le désir sexuel, augmenter le flux d'urine et comme astringent.

It is also used to enhance sexual desire, to increase urine flow, and as an astringent.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il est également utilisé pour augmenter le désir sexuel, augmenter le flux d'urine et comme astringent.

It is also used to enhance desire, to increase urine flow, and as an astringent.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Vous pouvez utiliser des promotions commerciales pour augmenter vos ventes et augmenter votre placement sur le marché.

You can use trade promotions to enhance your sales and increase your market placement.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
De telles modifications peuvent servir à augmenter l'activité thérapeutique des gène duplex modifiés pour augmenter la stabilité.

Such modifications can be used to increase potency of duplex constructs that have been modified to enhance stability.

santé - wipo.int
Comment augmenter l’impact économique du tourisme d’affaires dans le canton de neuchâtel?... C’est pourquoi, ce travail s’intéresse aux améliorations pouvant augmenter l’impact économique du tourisme d’affaires dans cette région...
Lmfbr steam generator development: duplex bayonet tube steam generator. volume ii... The basic bayonet tube generator design previously developed by C-E under AEC Contract AT(11-1)-3031 was expanded by incorporating duplex heat transfer tubes to enhance the unit's overall safety and reliability...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.ukindustrie mécanique - core.ac.uk - PDF: digital.library.unt.edu
Discussion sur le projet de décret sur l'imposition des privilégiés pour augmenter les recettes du trésor royal, lors de la séance du 22 septembre 1789... Discussion sur le projet de décret sur l'imposition des privilégiés pour augmenter les recettes du Trésor royal, lors de la séance du 22 septembre 1789...
Ldcl patterns induced by combinations among saliva (30 µl), a variety of fruit beverages and plant extracts and a polyphenols.... Note that in all cases, low-inhibitory amounts of the various agents acted in a distinct synergistic manner to enhance the antioxidant capacity of 50 µL of saliva...
École nationale d'administration publique: développer les compétences des fonctionnaires pour augmenter la capacité de l'etat dans la gestion des politiques publiquesPlus d’une vingtaine d’années d’existence dédiées à la mission de développer les compétencesdes fonctionnaires pour augmenter la capacité de l’État dans la gestion des politiques publiquesfait de l’ENAP un modèle dans le domaine de la formation...
Aircraft flight envelope determination using upset detection and physical modeling methodsThe development of flight control systems to enhance aircraft safety during periods of vehicle impairment or degraded operations has been the focus of extensive work in recent years...
Premier appareil lenticulaire à feu tournant installé au phare de cordouan par augustin fresnel en 1823... Cette technique permet d'alléger considérablement le poids de la lentille, mais aussi de concentrer dans une même direction plusieurs rayons de la lumière, de manière à augmenter la clarté...
Enhancement of coherent x ray diffraction from nanocrystals by introduction of x ray optics... In order to enhance the available signal, Kirkpatrick-Baez focusing optics have been introduced in the 34-ID-C beamline at APS...
général / transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
Comment améliorer, augmenter, augmenter ou augmenter le volume d'un mp3?

How to improve, raise, increase or boost the volume of an mp3?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Comment améliorer, normaliser, augmenter, augmenter ou augmenter le volume d'un mp3?

How to improve, normalize, raise, increase or boost the volume of an mp3?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Cela ne fait qu’augmenter, augmenter, augmenter,

That is just going to simply increase, increase, increase, increase.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Augmenter nos connaissances, c'est augmenter nos compétences.

To increase our knowledge is to increase our awareness.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Magenta augmenter la pression et augmenter l'excitabilité nerveuse;

Magenta raise the pressure and increase the nervous excitability;

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
New feeder line rail freight paradigm for the european railways... Taking into consideration theso far adopted legal solutions of the EU Commission for internationalisation(liberalisation) of the European railway system,the concept of the new rail freight model was developed inorder to contribute to the increase of the quality, as well as to thegrowth of the volume of the rail freight services in Europe...
transport terrestre / politique des transports / construction européenne - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
The impact of haulroad geometric parameters on open pit mine strip ratio... The SRs and the overall slope angle were compared with a base scenario, where the results show an increase in the SR when: (a) the width of the haul roads was increased; (b) the longitudinal grade of the road was decreased; and (c) switchbacks were added...
Respiratory quotient during exercise... During moderate and heavy work three phases could be distinguished in the time course of RQ: a) initial increase, B) secondary drop followed by c) a continuous rise to a steady state which was reached after 335-4 min work...
transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu
Augmenter le financement pour l’éducation et augmenter la rémunération des intellectuels ;

Increase education funding and enhance the compensation for intellectuals

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Augmenter la taille du pénis peut certainement augmenter votre vie sexuelle.

A gain in penis size can surely enhance your sex life.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Agriculture - utilisés pour neutraliser l'acidité du sol, augmenter les nutriments pour les plantes, augmenter la matière organique, augmenter les organismes dans le sol et augmenter les éléments à l'état de traces.

Agriculture – to neutralize soil acidity, increase plant nutrients, increase organic matter, enhance soil organisms and increase trace elements.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il a été utilisé traditionnellement pour augmenter le débit du lait maternel chez les femmes allaitantes, augmenter la libido, et augmenter le flux menstruel.

Traditionally, it was used to increase the flow of breast milk in nursing women, enhance libido, and increase menstrual flow.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il a été utilisé traditionnellement pour augmenter le débit du lait maternel chez les femmes allaitantes, augmenter la libido, et augmenter le flux menstruel.

It was used traditionally to increase the flow of breast milk in nursing women, enhance libido, and increase menstrual flow.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Wavelet transform with application in roadside landscape design... We also observe that landscape transition enhance driver’s heart rate on a small scale, which makes a positive effect on driver and can be adopted as a countermeasure against the fatigue of driver in the further road landscape design
transport terrestre / politique des transports - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.scientific.net
Optimal allocation of multi-type facts devices and its effect in enhancing system security using bbo, wipso & pso... Keywords: FACTS devices, PSO, WIPSO, BBO, Enhance system security, Optimal placemen
 PDF: doaj.org
The relationship between product modification and personal identity... This research explores the process of how individuals utilise their cars to construct, enhance and maintain their identities by modifying them...
 PDF: core.ac.uk
Strategies for sustainable urban and transport development in nigeriaA transportation system can enhance the productivity and quality of life of a community if properly planned and managed...
Sustainability aspects of energy conversion in modern high-speed trains with traction induction motors... Increasing efforts are being expended to enhance the sustainability of transportation technologies and systems...
 PDF: doaj.org
industrie mécanique - techdico
Augmenter les communications clients pour augmenter vos ventes ?

Increase customer communications to increase your sales?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pour augmenter ses revenus, il faudra augmenter ses ventes.

For your revenue to increase, your sales have to increase.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pour augmenter les ventes, vous devez augmenter les téléchargements.

In order to increase sales, you need to increase downloads.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Pour augmenter ses revenus, il faudra augmenter ses ventes.

In order to increase revenue, sales have to increase.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
augmenter le trafic de son blog, augmenter ses visites sur son blog, augmenter son trafic, augmenter son trafic de blog, avoir plus de trafic web

content for blog traffic, get more blog traffic, how to increase blog traffic, increase blog traffic

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Key words: goal-setting, reinforcement, feedback a behavioral intervention to increase exercise among nursing home residents1A behavioral intervention of goal-setting with feedback and contingent reinforcement was used to increase stationary bike riding in 8 male nursing home residents with multiple major medical and psychiatric disorders...
industrie mécanique / commercialisation - core.ac.uk - PDF: gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org

Publications scientifiques

Étude de la stabilité thermique et protection à la surcharge de cathodes pour batteries au lithium-ion
... En plus, notre étude a montré que la substitution partielle du manganèse par le nickel dans LiMn2O4 pour augmenter son potentiel opérationnel a affecté à la baisse sa stabilité thermique; et ce, à des températures aussi basses que 60 °C...
... In order to enhance the safe operation of this material by providing a protection form electrical abuse during overcharge, we have developed a new class of overcharge protection additives...
général - core.ac.uk -
Nanocristaux pour les mémoires flash (multicouches, métalliques et organisés)
... Afin d'augmenter la fenêtre de programmation, une première approche consiste à augmenter la densité de stockage de charges grâce à l'utilisation d'une double couche de nanocristaux en silicium...
... In order to increase the programming window, a first approach is to increase the density of charges stored in the device through the use of a double layer of silicon nanocrystals...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.theses.fr
Evolution des réserves lipidiques des pépins de raisin pendant leur germination
... Les lipides polaires, au contraire, tendent à augmenter...
... The level of neutral decrease, however polar lipids increase...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Technique de reconfiguration d'antennes par décomposition des diagrammes de rayonnement
... Le déploiement des systèmes à multiples antennes (MIMO) est une solution très intéressante pouvant augmenter la fiabilité du canal et la quantité d'information transmise...
... Employing Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems is a very interesting solution to improve reliability of channel and enhance data transmission...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: publications.polymtl.ca
L'arôme de la marchandise. la commercialisation de l'olfactif
... Ils font ensuite état de l'utilisation croissante des fragrances pour augmenter l'intérêt du consommateur à l'égard de divers produits manufacturés en raffinant leur « aura »...
... There follows a discussion of the growing use of scents to enhance the consumer appeal or " aura " of manufactured products...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.erudit.org
Surabaya smart subway development as an alternative mode in ahmad yani corridor surabaya by tod concept application AbstractOne of the phenomenon occured nowadays is the population increase...
organisation des transports / transport terrestre / politique des transports - core.ac.uk -
Mind the gap: perceptions of passenger aggression and train car supervision in a commuter rail system... When operational issues increase rider tension (i...
politique des transports / transport terrestre - core.ac.uk - PDF: scholarcommons.usf.edu
• thompson and flavin surveillance accuracy requirements in support of separation services surveillance accuracy requirements in support of separation servicessystem to improve flight efficiency, to increase airspace capacity, to reduce flight delays, and to control operating costs as the demand for air travel continues to grow...
transports aérien et spatial / technologie et réglementation technique / droit international - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Hardware-aware block size tailoring on adaptive spacetree grids for shallow water waves.... a mesh, it is often more efficient to augment them by regular Cartesian blocks embedded into the spacetree leaves...
organisation des transports / transports aérien et spatial - core.ac.uk - PDF: dro.dur.ac.uk
General manager, transportation services all wards... Staff suggests that greater compliance with the rush hour regulations and bicycle lane restrictions will only be achieved through a combination of increased fines, directed enforcement patrols and towing to augment the current enforcement protocols and the raising of public awareness as it relates to this issue...
transport terrestre / transports aérien et spatial / politique des transports - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu

Exemples français - anglais

transports aérien et spatial - techdico
transports aérien et spatial - techdico
transports aérien et spatial - techdico
transports aérien et spatial - techdico
transports aérien et spatial - techdico
transports aérien et spatial - techdico
sciences humaines - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Les émissions de CO2 continuent à augmenter, augmenter, augmenter.

Carbon emissions keep rising, and rising, and rising.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Les émissions de CO2 continuent à augmenter, augmenter, augmenter.

CO2 is just steadily growing and growing and growing.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ça a commencé à augmenter, augmenter, augmenter, et puis BOOM, hier, 4000.

It started growing, growing, growing, and then BOOM to 4000 yesterday.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La criminalité va augmenter, la consommation de drogues va augmenter, la violence va augmenter.

The crime is going to go up, the drug use is going to go up, the abuse is going to go up.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Vous ferez l'expérience d'une scène sonore énorme et souhaiterez uniquement augmenter, augmenter, augmenter le volume.

You will experience a huge soundstage and only want to turn the volume up, up, up and up.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Peut-on augmenter l’éducation sans augmenter la pollution ?

Can you grow the economy without adding pollution?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Comment augmenter mon revenu sans augmenter mes heures?

How do I increase my income without adding more hours to my day?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
On ne peut pas augmenter l'un sans augmenter l'autre !

You can't increase one without increasing the other.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Fondamentalement, vous voyez le stock augmenter… reculer… augmenter encore.

Basically, you see the stock run up… pull back… run up again.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Mais comment augmenter la taille sans augmenter le poids ?

But how could increase the size without increasing the weight?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Augmenter la dépense, ce n’est pas augmenter le déficit ».

Spending on the military doesn't increase the deficit.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Puis-je augmenter les résultats sans augmenter les coûts ?

Can I grow the business without growing the costs?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Augmenter le taux métabolique (augmenter la brûlure de graisses)

Increase the metabolic rate (increase in fat burning )

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Puis-je augmenter les résultats sans augmenter les coûts ?

How can I increase the benefits without increasing the costs?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Augmenter le nombre d'érythrocytes dans le sang, augmenter l'immunité.

Increase the number of erythrocytes in the blood, increasing immunity.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues