Dictionnaire français - anglais

assurance - iate.europa.eu
Optimal sampling of paid content... We show thatsampling enhances subscription demand only if consumers have low quality expectations in relation to actual quality....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.zora.uzh.ch
Mobile termination, network externalities, and consumer expectations... Externalities arise when firms discriminate between on- and off-net calls or when subscription demand is elastic....
Content, advertising, and circulation in an optimizing model of the media firm... Subscription demand is a function of the subscription price, the media’s editorial content, and advertising, and advertising demand a function of the advertising price and circulation.The...
The dual-tranche offer mechanism in hong kong and the characteristics of ipo subscription demand and initial return levels... Average retail subscription rates on issues immediately prior to a given offering, the clustering of IPOs and the performance of the overall Hong Kong secondary market in the period surrounding the retail application window all serve as significant factors in explaining both IPO returns and excess subscription demand....
A retail benchmarking approach to efficient two-way access pricing: termination-based price discrimination with elastic subscription demandWe study how access pricing affects network competition when consumers' subscription demand is elastic and networks compete with non-linear prices and can use termination-based price discrimination....

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Merci de ne pas utiliser pas ce formulaire pour les renouvellements de cotisation, les membres reçoivent automatiquement un appel de cotisation.

Please, do not use this form for the contribution renewal, our members will automatically receive an invitation to pay the membership fee.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Je pense que vous avez tous reçu votre appel de cotisation pour l’année 2016.

I hope that by this time you have all had your pledge programs for the year 2016.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Nous ferons parvenir très bientôt notre appel de cotisation annuelle à tous les anciens membres .

Finally we will soon be sending our annual membership appeal.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues