Dictionnaire français - anglais

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Transférer le liquide de digestion refroidi dans une ampoule à décantation de 2 litres pourvue d'un vibrateur fixé par une pince supplémentaire.

The chilled digestion fluid is transferred to a 2 litre separation funnel, equipped with a vibrator in an extra clamp.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Transférer le liquide de digestion refroidi dans une ampoule à décantation de 2 litres pourvue d'un vibrateur fixé par une pince supplémentaire.

The chilled digestion fluid is transferred to a 2 litre separation funnel, equipped with a vibrator in an extra clamp.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
ampoule à décantation
chimie - iate.europa.eu
Placer un volume mesuré de l'échantillon, neutralisé si nécessaire, dans une ampoule à décantation de 250 ml (3.2.11).

Place a measured volume of the sample, neutralised if necessary, into a 250 ml separating funnel (2.2.11).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Placer un volume mesuré de l'échantillon, neutralisé si nécessaire, dans une ampoule à décantation de 250 ml (2.2.11).

Place a measured volume of the sample, neutralised if necessary, into a 250 ml separating funnel (2.2.11).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Transvaser l'éluat de l'opération 5.4.2 dans une ampoule à décanter de 1 l. Rincer la fiole conique avec 5 à 10 ml de méthanol (3.2) et combiner le liquide de lavage avec le contenu de l'ampoule à décantation.

Transfer the eluate obtained in (5.4.2) into a 1 litre separating funnel. Rinse the conical flask with 5 to 10 ml methanol (3.2) and combine the washings with the contents of the separating funnel.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Après la séparation de phases, faire passer la couche de chloroforme dans une seconde ampoule à décantation contenant 110 ml d'eau désionisée et 5 ml de solution acide de bleu de méthylène (3.2.3).

After phase separation, run the chloroform layer into a second separating funnel, containing 110 ml of deionised water and 5 ml of acidic methylene blue solution (2.2.3).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Après la séparation des phases, faire passer la couche de chloroforme dans une seconde ampoule à décantation contenant 110 ml d'eau désionisée et 5 ml de solution acide de bleu de méthylène (2.2.3).

After phase separation, run the chloroform layer into a second separating funnel, containing 110 ml of deionised water and 5 ml of acidic methylene blue solution (2.2.3).

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Antibacterial compounds activity of mangrove leaf extract rhizophora mucronata on aeromonas hydrophyla...R.mucronata leaves crude extract increased after the extract was purified utilizing separating funnel....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: doaj.org
Blood viscosity : i. conditions affecting the viscosity of blood after withdrawal from the body.... of blood in a separating funnel for 1 minute
A process for obtaining b-aescin from indian horsechestnut (aesculus indica).... Butanol/isopropanolfraction with base in a separating funnel with gentle shaking....
Spectrophotometric determination of microamount of boron in iron and steel by solvent extraction... After boiling out the excess hydrogen peroxide by gentle heating, the solution was filtered through filter paper into a polyethylene separating funnel....
Production of biodiesel from watermelon (citrullus lanatus) seed oil... After shaking, themixture was poured into a separating funnel and was allowed to stand for 24hours....
 PDF: doaj.org

Publications scientifiques

Characterization and antibacterial activity of a glycoside antibiotic from... The fermentation broth was extracted using butanol solvent in a separation funnel....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.ajol.info
Microchannel extraction of te⁴⁺ from a stream of cdte via mibk in supported liquid membrane... Separation funnel experiments were also conducted to characterize the extraction of Te in hydrochloric acid with MIBK....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: creativecommons.org
Investigation of the bioremediation potential of aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in soil for crude oil biodegradation... Extracts were isolated from the samples with chloroform in a separation funnel....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: core.ac.uk
Investigation of symphytum cordatum alkaloids by liquid–liquid partitioning, thin-layer chromatography and liquid chromatography–ion-trap mass spectrometry... roots, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) were extracted as free tertiary bases and polar N-oxides in a merely one-step liquid-liquid partitioning (LLP) in separation funnel and subsequently pre-fractionated by preparative multiple-development (MD) thin-layer chromatography (TLC) on silica gel plates....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: archive-ouverte.unige.ch
Sonocatalytic oxidative desulfurization of thiophene and its derivatives ... After each reaction cycle, the aqueous phase was removed by a separation funnel and the oxidative desulfurization reaction of the remaining treated organic phase was repeated three or four times with reuse of the same amounts of fresh hydrogen...
général - core.ac.uk -

Exemples français - anglais

technologie et réglementation technique / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu

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