Dictionnaire français - anglais


urbanisme et construction - iate.europa.eu
Coping in the chair : a validation study of the monitoring blunting dental scale : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in psychology at massey university, wellington, new zealandThe monitoring-blunting theory of coping in threatening situations (Miller, 1981, 1987) suggests that when faced with a threatening situation, individuals can respond either by attending to ...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: mro.massey.ac.nz
Predicted dna shape for enhancing and blunting flank variants.(a) Predicted minor groove width (MGW) for significant enhancing and blunting flank variants of the Cgt GBS library ranked by their fold change in response to hormone treatment....
It depends on the situation: monitoring, blunting and perceived control.... The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship among the constructs of monitoring, blunting, and one situational characteristic, namely perceived control....
Cascade control of a residual water blunting systemIn this paper, a solution for the automatic control of a residual water blunting system is proposed....
 PDF: doaj.org
Decreased modulation of eeg oscillations in high-functioning autism during a motor control task... Within the HFA group, blunting of central ERD attenuation was associated with impairments in clinical measures of praxis imitation (r = -0.4;...
 PDF: doaj.org
urbanisme et construction - iate.europa.eu
Spectral sharpening with positivitySpectral sharpening is a method for developing camera or other optical-device sensor functions that are more narrowband than those in hardware, by means of a linear transform of sensor...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Multispectral image sharpening with multiresolution analysis and the mtfHigh resolution panchromatic imagery can be used to increase the spatial resolution of low resolution spectral imagery through spatial/spectral sharpening techniques....
Essential auditory contrast-sharpening is preneuronalContrast-sharpening is a fundamental feature of mammalian sensory perception....
Positive bradford curves through sharpening... Spectral sharpening is a method which finds the linear combination of a set of sensors that is most sensitive to a given interval of the visible spectrum....
Positive bradford curves through sharpening... Spectral sharpening is a method which finds the linear combination of a set of sensors that is most sensitive to a given interval of the visible spectrum....

Synonymes et termes associés français

Traductions en contexte français - anglais

Une émouture convexe est donc, en théorie, moins susceptible de s’ébrécher.

The lack of moving parts is, in theory, less likely to break.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Le Fällkniven F1 fut, pour beaucoup, le premier couteau à émouture convexe.

For many the Fällkniven F1 is the first introduction to a knife with a convex edge.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
La lame est de type wharncliffe avec une émouture creuse et une pointe extrêmement tranchante.

The blade is a wharncliffe shape with a high hollow grind and an extremely sharp tip.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Aprés en dessous du mm, cela va être difficile de faire une émouture de toute façon.

And with the A/C mod below this becomes a moot issue anyway.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Un couteau de camping est défini comme un couteau de taille moyenne avec une construction moins robuste et une lame qui varie de 12 à 20 cm de longueur avec un point d’équilibre près de la manche et une émouture plate ou une émouture creuse.

A camp knife is defined as a medium sized knife with less robust construction and a blade that ranges from 5 inches to 8 in length with a balance point near the hilt and a flat grind or a hollow grind.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En effet, cette étape est délicate et demande une grande dextérité manuelle pour obtenir un tranchant efficace et une émouture symétrique des deux côtés.

In effect, this stage is delicate and requires extreme manual dexterity to obtain an effective and sharpe edge and also be symetrical on both sides.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
En conséquent, il peut être affûté à un bord beaucoup plus fin que le sabre, mais il maintiendra un bord tranchant mieux qu’une émouture creuse.

As a result, it can be honed to a much finer edge than a saber grind but will hold an edge better than a hollow grind.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Bien qu’il existe plusieurs types différents d’émouture de lame, les deux plus adaptés pour les couteaux de survie sont les émouture de sabre et les emouture plate.

While there are several different types of blade grinds, the two best suited for survival knives are the saber grind and the flat grind.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Il est généralement fabriqué en acier inoxydable et son émouture prononcée lui confère un pouvoir de pénétration exceptionnel, non seulement dans l’air mais aussi dans les bois les plus durs.

Throwing knives are usually made out of stainless steel with a distinct bevelled edge that allows it to penetrate simply by way of not only the air but in addition the hardest of woods.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

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