Dictionnaire anglais - français


industrie mécanique / transports maritime et fluvial / transport terrestre - techdico iate.europa.eu
Inwardly curved topsides, so-called tumblehome, were also more pronounced on later designs, so as to bring the mass of the guns closer to the center line of the ship, thus increasing stability.

Le profilage courbe dit frégatage, se fit également plus prononcé sur les dessins postérieurs à cette période, de manière à amener la masse des canons plus près de la ligne médiane du navire, augmentant ainsi sa stabilité.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Feasibility and design of blast mitigation systems for naval applications using water mist fire suppression systems...examined.(cont.) Given the recent trend toward tumblehome hull forms in future Naval Combatant designs, there exists strong applicability of this system in the "dead" spaces created by the shaping of the tumblehome hull....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: dspace.mit.edu
Tumblehome hullform in vertical plane radiation and diffraction problems... A three-dimensional radiation problem is then studied in which 1-DoF heave and pitch motions are prescribed to the ONR Tumblehome hullform in calm water at zero forward speed and Fn 0.3....
Study on green water of tumblehome hull using dam-break flow and ranse modelsThe tumblehome hull adopts some novelty designs such as low-tumblehome freeboard and wave-piercing bow....
 PDF: doaj.org
An investigation into the damaged stability of a tumblehome hull warship designApproved for public release; distribution is unlimitedThe objective of this study is to investigate the hydrostatic and damaged stability of a tumblehome hull form by comparing the tumblehome form with one of similar displacement and geometric properties in a wallsided hull form....
transport terrestre - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte anglais - français

Second, the stealthy tumblehome hull design of the Zumwalt is naturally less stable than the convex hull of more conventional warships.

Deuxièmement, la conception de la coque tumblehome furtive du Zumwalt est naturellement moins stable que la coque convexe des navires de guerre plus conventionnels.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
It had a tumblehome (a narrowing of the body in the upper parts for greater stability) and a turn under, or curvature towards the underside.

Elle comportait un tumblehome (rétrécissement de la partie supérieure de la carrosserie pour une meilleure stabilité) et une courbure vers le bas.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

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