Dictionnaire anglais - français

sciences naturelles et appliquées - iate.europa.eu
Cucurbit ipm on farm demonstrations... Each field was scouted weekly for striped cucumber beetle, squash bugs and aphids, traps were placed to monitor for squash vine borer, and samples were taken weekly of any possible diseases and brought to Dr....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: ecommons.cornell.edu
On-farm cooperator trials 2010: effect of extended-duration row covers on muskmelon and winter squash on bacterial wilt and yield... Other insect pests such as squash vine borer and squash bugs may also have an economic impact on yield, particularly in squash
First report of squash vine borer, melittia cucurbitae (harris, 1828) (lepidoptera, sessidae) in brazil and south america: distribution extension and geographic distribution map... Our study reports for the first time the occurrence of squash vine borer, M....

Synonymes et termes associés anglais

Exemples anglais - français

milieu naturel - iate.europa.eu
sciences naturelles et appliquées / agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu

Traductions en contexte anglais - français

For the control of squash vine borers, apply insecticide to the stems of squash plants near the base every 7 days from late May through June.

Pour lutter contre les foreurs de la vigne, appliquer un insecticide sur les tiges des plants de courges près de la base tous les 7 jours, de la fin de mai à juin.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
For both insects, synthetic pesticides include esfenvalerate, permethrin, bigenthrin, and Sevin controls just squash vine borers.

Pour les deux insectes, les pesticides synthétiques comprennent l'esfenvalérate, la perméthrine, la bigenthrine, et les Sevin contrôlent seulement les foreurs de la vigne.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

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