Dictionnaire anglais - français



peace plan

vie politique - iate.europa.eu
Lord Owen served as EU peace negotiator in the former Yugoslavia and was co-author of the Vance-Owen Peace Plan.

Il a ensuite co-présidé, avec Lord Owen, la Conférence internationale sur l’ex-Yougoslavie, préparant le Plan de paix Vance-Owen.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Lord David Owen was Co-Chairman of the International Conf. on the former Yugoslavia & co-author of the Vance-Owen peace plan.

Il a ensuite co-présidé, avec Lord Owen, la Conférence internationale sur l’ex-Yougoslavie, préparant le Plan de paix Vance-Owen.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

Publications scientifiques

Meurtre dans le pacifique : regards sur la crise de la société fidjienne à travers les témoignages d'owen scott et annie goldson
In her film, "An Island Calling", inspired by Owen Scott's biographical narrative, "Deep beyond the Reef", Annie Goldson depicts a fragmented portrait of Fijian society....
général - core.ac.uk -
Étude de la réaction d(d, n)3he à 27,5 mev par une méthode de temps de vol
... The angular distribution is compared with the stripping theory of Owen and Madansky and gives an interaction radius of 4.5...
... La distribution angulaire obtenue a été comparée à la théorie de stripping de Owen et Madansky et a conduit à un rayon d'interaction de 4,5 fermi...
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -
‘the authority of the written word’ : ecriture et transgressions dans the cider house rules, a prayer for owen meany et a widow for one year de john irving.
Written by contemporary American author John Irving, The Cider House Rules, A Prayer for Owen Meany and A Widow for One Year propose three different fictional worlds, shaped by a common question concerning the process of creation, both of the individual and of the...
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
Marshall mcluhan and the economies of knowledge
... This article lays out the relationships between economies, circulation theory, and protocol theory, then considers the relationship of McLuhan’s work to the economy of artist’s research and research-creation, as outlined by the Toronto Research Group (bpNichol and Steve McCaffery), Lysianne Léchot Hirt, and Owen Chapman and Kim Sawchuk....
Europe / recherche et propriété intellectuelle - core.ac.uk -
V. taylor, the passion narrative of st luke. a critical and historical investigation. edited by owen e. evans (coll. society for new testament studies. monograph séries n° 19). 1972
... Edited by Owen E....
... In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 5ᵉ année, fasc...
général - core.ac.uk -
[mr owen and mr zorbas]...1986.Right, Mr Ron Owen, Lecturer, Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Nick Zorbas Head Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: creativecommons.org
Actor reginald owen marries, 1956... Actor Reginald Owen marries, 21 November 1956....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: digitallibrary.usc.edu
Divorce : being a correspondence between horace greeley and robert dale owen.An exchange of editorials on the topic of the liberalization of divorce laws in Indiana between Horace Greeley and Robert Dale Owen....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.hathitrust.org
Owen: aligning long collinear regions of genomesSummary: OWEN is an interactive tool for aligning two long DNA sequences that represents similarity between them by a chain of collinear local similarities....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
The shapley value, the owen value, and the veil of ignoranceWe show that the Owen value for TU games with a cooperation structure extends the Shapley value in a consistent way....
fiscalité / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.worldscinet.com

Traductions en contexte anglais - français

We find Owen Chamberlain, American physicist; Owen Richardson, also physicist but British; Owen Benjamin, American comedian; Owen Hargreaves, English footballer; Owen Wilson, American actor.

On retrouve Owen Chamberlain, physicien américain ; Owen Richardson, également physicien mais britannique ; Owen Benjamin, humoriste américain ; Owen Hargreaves, footballeur anglais ; Owen Wilson, acteur américain.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Find the best Restaurants in Owen Sound, Hotels in Owen Sound, Furniture in Owen Sound...

Trouve les meilleurs restaurants à Owen Sound, hôtels à Owen Sound, meubles à Owen Sound...

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library – Owen Sound

Bibliothèque publique d'Owen Sound & North Grey Union Portes ouvertes Owen Sound

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
2000 - The Owen Sound Platers become the Owen Sound Attack.

2000 : les Platers d'Owen Sound deviennent l'Attack d'Owen Sound.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Eric Owen Moss, Principal and Lead Designer, Eric Owen Moss Architects

Fondateur et Designer en chef d’Eric Owen Moss Architects.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The Owen Gun, which was known officially as the Owen Machine Carbine

L’Owen Gun, qui était connu officiellement comme Owen Machine...

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Raw is Owen: May 24, 1999 Tribute in memory of Owen Hart.

Raw is Owen 24 mai 1999 La WWF rend hommage à Owen Hart, le frère de Bret Hart.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
42 years later, Owen Wyn Owen heard the sad story of Thomas Parry.

42 ans plus tard, Owen Wyn Owen prend connaissance de la triste histoire de J.G Parry-Thomas.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
24 been shown numbers of examples from the Vance-Owen, the Stoltenberg-Owen

26 de nombreux exemples, le plan Vance-Owen, les négociations Stoltenberg-

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
In 1915, Baker absorbed the R.M. Owen Co., which built the Owen Magnetic.

En 1915, la société absorba la firme R.M. Owen qui produisait les Owen Magnetic.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
42 years later, Owen Wyn Owen heard the sad story of Thomas Parry.

42 ans plus tard, Owen Wyn Owen prend connaissance de la triste histoire de John Godfrey Parry-Thomas.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
42 years later, Owen Wyn Owen heard the sad story of Thomas Parry.

Aujourd’hui encore, les causes en restent inexpliquées.42 ans plus tard, Owen Wyn Owen prend connaissance de la triste histoire de J.G Parry-Thomas.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
42 years later, Owen Wyn Owen heard the sad story of Thomas Parry.

15 - 42 ans plus tard, Owen Wyn Owen prend connaissance de la triste histoire de Thomas Parry.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The Owen Gun, which was known officially as the Owen Machine Carbine, was an Australian submachine gun designed by Evelyn Owen in 1939.

L’Owen Gun, qui était connu officiellement comme Owen Machine Carbine, était un pistolet-mitrailleur australien conçu par Evelyn (Evo) Owen en 1939.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The Owen Gun, which was known officially as the Owen Machine Carbine, was an Australian submachine gun designed by Evelyn Owen in 1939.

Le PM Owen gun MKI 1943, qui était connu officiellement sous le nom de Owen Machine Carbine, était une mitraillette australienne conçue par Evelyn (Evo) Owen en 1939.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues