Dictionnaire anglais - français

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The Mourning Dove is also called as Turtle Dove OR American Mourning Dove OR Rain Dove.

En anglais la tourterelle triste est appelée : Mourning dove, Turtle dove, Rain dove ou American mourning dove.

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Different names include Turtle Dove, American Mourning Dove and Rain Dove.

En anglais la tourterelle triste est appelée : Mourning dove, Turtle dove, Rain dove ou American mourning dove.

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The mourning dove is closely related to the eared dove (Zenaida auriculata) and the Socorro dove (Zenaida graysoni).

La Tourterelle triste est proche parente de la Tourterelle oreillarde (Zenaida auriculata) et de la Tourterelle de Socorro (Zenaida graysoni).

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Like other columbids, the Mourning Dove drinks without lifting or tilting its head.

Comme la plupart des Columbidae, la Tourterelle triste boit par succion, sans lever la tête ni l'incliner sur le côté.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Like other columbids, the mourning dove drinks without lifting or tilting its head.

Comme la plupart des Columbidae, la Tourterelle triste boit par succion, sans lever la tête ni l'incliner sur le côté.

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Loving your child to death: considerations of the care of chronically ill children and euthanasia in emil sher’s mourning dove... that they wish their child to be dead? The purpose of the present paper is to explore these questions and aspects of the care of chronically or terminally ill children using Mourning Dove’s portrayal of one family’s attempt to care for their ill daughter....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov
Mourning dove capture and banding /... Sex and age criteria are reviewed and the new banding codes of the Bird Banding Laboratory are explained as they relate to mourning doves....
Feeding use of a tropical agroecosystem (cuba) by mourning dove (zenaida macroura l)The Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura L.)...
 PDF: rua.ua.es
Fish-line entanglement of nesting mourning dove, zenaida macrouraWe give a detailed account of monofilament entanglement in nesting material of a gravid female Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) which resulted in death....
mourning dove
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Synonymes et termes associés anglais

Exemples anglais - français

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Traductions en contexte anglais - français

This is the Indian theory of existence." - Mourning Dove

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

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This is the Indian theory of existence.” ––Mourning Dove

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

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This is the Indian theory of existence.” ~ Mourning Dove

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
This is the Indian theory of existence.” -Mourning Dove

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
This is the Indian theory of existence.” – Mourning Dove

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

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These faint colors belong to the male Mourning Dove.

Ces tumeurs bénignes appartiennent au groupe des tumeurs mucineuses.

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This is the Indian theory of existence. – Mourning Dove, Salish

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

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This is the Indian theory of existence. – Mourning Dove Salish.

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

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Murder on the Lake of Fire (Mourning Dove Mysteries, #1)

Meurtre sur le lac en feu: Les mystères de Mourning Dove, T1

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Murder on the Lake of Fire (Mourning Dove Mysteries #1)

Meurtre sur le lac en feu: Les mystères de Mourning Dove, T1

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How to Determine the Age of a Mourning Dove Hatchling

Comment déterminer l'âge d'un perroquet ondulé

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This is the Indian theory of existence. – Mourning Dove Salish

Telle est la théorie indienne de l' existence. -Mourning Dove

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Murder on the Lake of Fire - Mourning Dove Mysteries #1

Meurtre sur le lac en feu: Les mystères de Mourning Dove, T1

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Murder on the Lake of Fire: Mourning Dove Mysteries, #1

Meurtre sur le lac en feu: Les mystères de Mourning Dove, T1

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Title: Murder on the Lake of Fire (Mourning Dove Mysteries, #1)

Meurtre sur le lac en feu: Les mystères de Mourning Dove, T1

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues