Dictionnaire anglais - français


général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Other ewes: ewes other than milk ewes.

Autres brebis: brebis autres que les brebis laitières.

produit agricole transformé - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes other than milk ewes.

Brebis autres que les brebis laitières.

produit agricole transformé - eur-lex.europa.eu
Meat premiums — ewes and goats

Primes à la viande — Brebis et chèvres

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
cheese produced from ewes' milk

fromage obtenu à partir de lait de brebis

agriculture, sylviculture et pêche - iate.europa.eu
Meat Premiums — ewes and goats

Primes à la viande — Brebis et chèvres

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Feeding supply of suckling martinik ewes rearedin intensive conditions:effects of supplement levels and litter size
... Ewes weighing 49 kg LW were used in a 2-season experimental study....
...Alimentation des brebis allaitantes Martinik élevées dans des conditions intensives : effets de différents niveaux de concentrés ou de la taille de portée....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -
Productivity of timahdite and d’man × timahdite ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer in morocco
The reproductive performance of 1117 Timahdite and D'man × Timahdite (D × T) ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer, and weights and survival to 90 days of their 968 lambs were evaluated....
...Productivité des brebis Timahdite et D’man × Timahdite agnelant à l’automne, au printemps et en été au Maroc....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / politique tarifaire / activité agricole - core.ac.uk -
Modifications of urodynamic parameters in the scrapie ewes
Ewes (8 normal and 8 with scrapie) were submitted to an urodynamic study....
...Des explorations urodynamiques ont été effectuées chez 8 brebis nor males et chez 8 brebis atteintes de tremblante....
Europe - core.ac.uk - PDF: documents.irevues.inist.fr
Bergers, chiens, brebis : un collectif de travail naturel ?
Shepherds, dogs, and ewes: a natural work group?The use of animals for work tends to be perceived as “natural” or as a matter of coercion or conditioning....
... Notre article porte sur un collectif de travail humains-animaux parmi les plus connus : bergers, chiens et brebis....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Note level and quality of protein in rations for lactating ewes
...live weight and body condition score, milk production, plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids and urea, and lamb growth was studied in 36 lactating Rasa Aragonesa ewes rearing 2 lambs submit-ted to an energy restriction level of 30 % of their theoretical requirements....
... protein / body condition I milk production / sheep / lambs Résumé — Niveau et qualité des protéines dans la ration des brebis en lactation....
produit animal / moyen de production agricole / produit agricole transformé - core.ac.uk - PDF: animres.edpsciences.org
Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle... In Expt 1, mature ewes (n = 5 per group) were assigned randomly to control or mifepristone (RU486) treatment groups....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.reproduction-online.org
Ewes giving birth to female lambs produce more milk than ewes giving birth to male lambs... CH lambs were kept with their mothers during the first 30 days of age; from that moment onwards, ewes were machine-milked....
 PDF: dx.doi.org
Endometrial protein secretion during early pregnancy in entire and ovariectomized ewes... The secretion and synthesis of protein in vitro by explants of endometrium were examined in entire ewes during the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle and during an equivalent interval in ovariectomized ewes which received injections of oestradiol and progesterone....
A comparison of criollo and suffolk ewes for resistance to haemonchus contortus during the periparturient periodCriollo and Suffolk ewes were compared for resistance to an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus in the periparturient period....
 PDF: doaj.org
Production and quality of wool from wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers grazing irrigated lucernesummary Wool production of wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers was compared over a period of eleven months, during which the three classes of sheep were grazed together on irrigated lucerne....
général - eur-lex.europa.eu
In the case of feedingstuffs for ewes.

Dans le cas des aliments pour brebis.

général - eur-lex.europa.eu
unadulterated raw ewes milk obtained from Bordaleira Serra da Estrela and/or Churra Mondegueira ewes in the defined geographical area.

le lait de brebis pur cru provenant de la traite de brebis des races Bordaleira Serra da Estrela et/ou Churra Mondegueira, obtenu dans laire géographique délimitée.

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram.

Brebis et agnelles saillies.

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram

Brebis et agnelles saillies

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes one year old or more intended for breeding.

Brebis dun an ou plus destinées à la reproduction.

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Feeding supply of suckling martinik ewes rearedin intensive conditions:effects of supplement levels and litter size
... Ewes weighing 49 kg LW were used in a 2-season experimental study....
...Alimentation des brebis allaitantes Martinik élevées dans des conditions intensives : effets de différents niveaux de concentrés ou de la taille de portée....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -
Productivity of timahdite and d’man × timahdite ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer in morocco
The reproductive performance of 1117 Timahdite and D'man × Timahdite (D × T) ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer, and weights and survival to 90 days of their 968 lambs were evaluated....
...Productivité des brebis Timahdite et D’man × Timahdite agnelant à l’automne, au printemps et en été au Maroc....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / politique tarifaire / activité agricole - core.ac.uk -
Modifications of urodynamic parameters in the scrapie ewes
Ewes (8 normal and 8 with scrapie) were submitted to an urodynamic study....
...Des explorations urodynamiques ont été effectuées chez 8 brebis nor males et chez 8 brebis atteintes de tremblante....
Europe - core.ac.uk - PDF: documents.irevues.inist.fr
Bergers, chiens, brebis : un collectif de travail naturel ?
Shepherds, dogs, and ewes: a natural work group?The use of animals for work tends to be perceived as “natural” or as a matter of coercion or conditioning....
... Notre article porte sur un collectif de travail humains-animaux parmi les plus connus : bergers, chiens et brebis....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Note level and quality of protein in rations for lactating ewes
...live weight and body condition score, milk production, plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids and urea, and lamb growth was studied in 36 lactating Rasa Aragonesa ewes rearing 2 lambs submit-ted to an energy restriction level of 30 % of their theoretical requirements....
... protein / body condition I milk production / sheep / lambs Résumé — Niveau et qualité des protéines dans la ration des brebis en lactation....
produit animal / moyen de production agricole / produit agricole transformé - core.ac.uk - PDF: animres.edpsciences.org
Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle... In Expt 1, mature ewes (n = 5 per group) were assigned randomly to control or mifepristone (RU486) treatment groups....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.reproduction-online.org
Ewes giving birth to female lambs produce more milk than ewes giving birth to male lambs... CH lambs were kept with their mothers during the first 30 days of age; from that moment onwards, ewes were machine-milked....
 PDF: dx.doi.org
Endometrial protein secretion during early pregnancy in entire and ovariectomized ewes... The secretion and synthesis of protein in vitro by explants of endometrium were examined in entire ewes during the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle and during an equivalent interval in ovariectomized ewes which received injections of oestradiol and progesterone....
A comparison of criollo and suffolk ewes for resistance to haemonchus contortus during the periparturient periodCriollo and Suffolk ewes were compared for resistance to an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus in the periparturient period....
 PDF: doaj.org
Production and quality of wool from wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers grazing irrigated lucernesummary Wool production of wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers was compared over a period of eleven months, during which the three classes of sheep were grazed together on irrigated lucerne....
général - eur-lex.europa.eu
other ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram

autres brebis et agnelles saillies

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes one year old or more intended for breeding.

Brebis dun an ou plus destinées à la reproduction.

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes 1 year old or over intended for breeding.

Brebis d'un an ou plus destinées à la reproduction.

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes one year old or more intended for breeding.

Brebis d'un an ou plus destinées à la reproduction.

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Milk ewes, milk ewe lambs put to the ram/holder

Brebis laitières, agnelles saillies laitières/Détenteur

produit agricole transformé - eur-lex.europa.eu
Feeding supply of suckling martinik ewes rearedin intensive conditions:effects of supplement levels and litter size
... Ewes weighing 49 kg LW were used in a 2-season experimental study....
...Alimentation des brebis allaitantes Martinik élevées dans des conditions intensives : effets de différents niveaux de concentrés ou de la taille de portée....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -
Productivity of timahdite and d’man × timahdite ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer in morocco
The reproductive performance of 1117 Timahdite and D'man × Timahdite (D × T) ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer, and weights and survival to 90 days of their 968 lambs were evaluated....
...Productivité des brebis Timahdite et D’man × Timahdite agnelant à l’automne, au printemps et en été au Maroc....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / politique tarifaire / activité agricole - core.ac.uk -
Modifications of urodynamic parameters in the scrapie ewes
Ewes (8 normal and 8 with scrapie) were submitted to an urodynamic study....
...Des explorations urodynamiques ont été effectuées chez 8 brebis nor males et chez 8 brebis atteintes de tremblante....
Europe - core.ac.uk - PDF: documents.irevues.inist.fr
Bergers, chiens, brebis : un collectif de travail naturel ?
Shepherds, dogs, and ewes: a natural work group?The use of animals for work tends to be perceived as “natural” or as a matter of coercion or conditioning....
... Notre article porte sur un collectif de travail humains-animaux parmi les plus connus : bergers, chiens et brebis....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Note level and quality of protein in rations for lactating ewes
...live weight and body condition score, milk production, plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids and urea, and lamb growth was studied in 36 lactating Rasa Aragonesa ewes rearing 2 lambs submit-ted to an energy restriction level of 30 % of their theoretical requirements....
... protein / body condition I milk production / sheep / lambs Résumé — Niveau et qualité des protéines dans la ration des brebis en lactation....
produit animal / moyen de production agricole / produit agricole transformé - core.ac.uk - PDF: animres.edpsciences.org
Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle... In Expt 1, mature ewes (n = 5 per group) were assigned randomly to control or mifepristone (RU486) treatment groups....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.reproduction-online.org
Ewes giving birth to female lambs produce more milk than ewes giving birth to male lambs... CH lambs were kept with their mothers during the first 30 days of age; from that moment onwards, ewes were machine-milked....
 PDF: dx.doi.org
Endometrial protein secretion during early pregnancy in entire and ovariectomized ewes... The secretion and synthesis of protein in vitro by explants of endometrium were examined in entire ewes during the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle and during an equivalent interval in ovariectomized ewes which received injections of oestradiol and progesterone....
A comparison of criollo and suffolk ewes for resistance to haemonchus contortus during the periparturient periodCriollo and Suffolk ewes were compared for resistance to an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus in the periparturient period....
 PDF: doaj.org
Production and quality of wool from wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers grazing irrigated lucernesummary Wool production of wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers was compared over a period of eleven months, during which the three classes of sheep were grazed together on irrigated lucerne....
général - eur-lex.europa.eu
Member State population of ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram

Population de brebis et dagnelles saillies dans lÉtat membre

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Holders of milk ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram [3]

Détenteurs de brebis laitières et agnelles saillies laitières [3]

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Member State population of ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram

Population de brebis et d'agnelles saillies de l'État membre

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Holders of other ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram [3]

Détenteurs d'autres brebis et agnelles saillies [3]

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Member State population of ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram

Population de brebis et d'agnelles saillies de l'État membre

production et structures agricoles - eur-lex.europa.eu
Feeding supply of suckling martinik ewes rearedin intensive conditions:effects of supplement levels and litter size
... Ewes weighing 49 kg LW were used in a 2-season experimental study....
...Alimentation des brebis allaitantes Martinik élevées dans des conditions intensives : effets de différents niveaux de concentrés ou de la taille de portée....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -
Productivity of timahdite and d’man × timahdite ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer in morocco
The reproductive performance of 1117 Timahdite and D'man × Timahdite (D × T) ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer, and weights and survival to 90 days of their 968 lambs were evaluated....
...Productivité des brebis Timahdite et D’man × Timahdite agnelant à l’automne, au printemps et en été au Maroc....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / politique tarifaire / activité agricole - core.ac.uk -
Modifications of urodynamic parameters in the scrapie ewes
Ewes (8 normal and 8 with scrapie) were submitted to an urodynamic study....
...Des explorations urodynamiques ont été effectuées chez 8 brebis nor males et chez 8 brebis atteintes de tremblante....
Europe - core.ac.uk - PDF: documents.irevues.inist.fr
Bergers, chiens, brebis : un collectif de travail naturel ?
Shepherds, dogs, and ewes: a natural work group?The use of animals for work tends to be perceived as “natural” or as a matter of coercion or conditioning....
... Notre article porte sur un collectif de travail humains-animaux parmi les plus connus : bergers, chiens et brebis....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Note level and quality of protein in rations for lactating ewes
...live weight and body condition score, milk production, plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids and urea, and lamb growth was studied in 36 lactating Rasa Aragonesa ewes rearing 2 lambs submit-ted to an energy restriction level of 30 % of their theoretical requirements....
... protein / body condition I milk production / sheep / lambs Résumé — Niveau et qualité des protéines dans la ration des brebis en lactation....
produit animal / moyen de production agricole / produit agricole transformé - core.ac.uk - PDF: animres.edpsciences.org
Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle... In Expt 1, mature ewes (n = 5 per group) were assigned randomly to control or mifepristone (RU486) treatment groups....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.reproduction-online.org
Ewes giving birth to female lambs produce more milk than ewes giving birth to male lambs... CH lambs were kept with their mothers during the first 30 days of age; from that moment onwards, ewes were machine-milked....
 PDF: dx.doi.org
Endometrial protein secretion during early pregnancy in entire and ovariectomized ewes... The secretion and synthesis of protein in vitro by explants of endometrium were examined in entire ewes during the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle and during an equivalent interval in ovariectomized ewes which received injections of oestradiol and progesterone....
A comparison of criollo and suffolk ewes for resistance to haemonchus contortus during the periparturient periodCriollo and Suffolk ewes were compared for resistance to an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus in the periparturient period....
 PDF: doaj.org
Production and quality of wool from wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers grazing irrigated lucernesummary Wool production of wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers was compared over a period of eleven months, during which the three classes of sheep were grazed together on irrigated lucerne....
général - eur-lex.europa.eu
In the morning, however, Polyphemus milks the ewes again.

Le matin, néanmoins, Polyphème trait à nouveau ses brebis.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Kefalotyri and Kasseri made from ewes' or goats' milk or a mixture of the two

Kefalotyri et kasseri fabriqués à partir de lait de brebis ou de chèvre ou dun mélange des deux

produit agricole transformé - eur-lex.europa.eu
Rams have strong spiral horns extending sideways; ewes are usually polled, but up to 30% of the ewes may have small scurs.

Rams ont des cornes en spirale fortes s'étendant latéralement; brebis sont généralement interrogés, mais jusqu'à 30% des brebis peut avoir scurs petits.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
This is particularly true for ewes with newborn lambs.

Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les brebis avec des agneaux nouveau-nés.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
The sheep pen counts 150 ewes in a healthy environment.

La bergerie comprend 150 brebis et offre un environnement sain.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Feeding supply of suckling martinik ewes rearedin intensive conditions:effects of supplement levels and litter size
... Ewes weighing 49 kg LW were used in a 2-season experimental study....
...Alimentation des brebis allaitantes Martinik élevées dans des conditions intensives : effets de différents niveaux de concentrés ou de la taille de portée....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / Europe - core.ac.uk -
Productivity of timahdite and d’man × timahdite ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer in morocco
The reproductive performance of 1117 Timahdite and D'man × Timahdite (D × T) ewes lambing in the autumn, spring and summer, and weights and survival to 90 days of their 968 lambs were evaluated....
...Productivité des brebis Timahdite et D’man × Timahdite agnelant à l’automne, au printemps et en été au Maroc....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / politique tarifaire / activité agricole - core.ac.uk -
Modifications of urodynamic parameters in the scrapie ewes
Ewes (8 normal and 8 with scrapie) were submitted to an urodynamic study....
...Des explorations urodynamiques ont été effectuées chez 8 brebis nor males et chez 8 brebis atteintes de tremblante....
Europe - core.ac.uk - PDF: documents.irevues.inist.fr
Bergers, chiens, brebis : un collectif de travail naturel ?
Shepherds, dogs, and ewes: a natural work group?The use of animals for work tends to be perceived as “natural” or as a matter of coercion or conditioning....
... Notre article porte sur un collectif de travail humains-animaux parmi les plus connus : bergers, chiens et brebis....
recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole / politique tarifaire - core.ac.uk -
Note level and quality of protein in rations for lactating ewes
...live weight and body condition score, milk production, plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids and urea, and lamb growth was studied in 36 lactating Rasa Aragonesa ewes rearing 2 lambs submit-ted to an energy restriction level of 30 % of their theoretical requirements....
... protein / body condition I milk production / sheep / lambs Résumé — Niveau et qualité des protéines dans la ration des brebis en lactation....
produit animal / moyen de production agricole / produit agricole transformé - core.ac.uk - PDF: animres.edpsciences.org
Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle... In Expt 1, mature ewes (n = 5 per group) were assigned randomly to control or mifepristone (RU486) treatment groups....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: www.reproduction-online.org
Ewes giving birth to female lambs produce more milk than ewes giving birth to male lambs... CH lambs were kept with their mothers during the first 30 days of age; from that moment onwards, ewes were machine-milked....
 PDF: dx.doi.org
Endometrial protein secretion during early pregnancy in entire and ovariectomized ewes... The secretion and synthesis of protein in vitro by explants of endometrium were examined in entire ewes during the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle and during an equivalent interval in ovariectomized ewes which received injections of oestradiol and progesterone....
A comparison of criollo and suffolk ewes for resistance to haemonchus contortus during the periparturient periodCriollo and Suffolk ewes were compared for resistance to an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus in the periparturient period....
 PDF: doaj.org
Production and quality of wool from wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers grazing irrigated lucernesummary Wool production of wet ewes, dry ewes and wethers was compared over a period of eleven months, during which the three classes of sheep were grazed together on irrigated lucerne....

Publications scientifiques

Etude sur la productivite des moutons djallonke au centre de recherches zootechniques de kolda, au senegal. ii. poids corporels, productivite des brebis et du troupeauExamen des facteurs genetiques et d'environnement influencant les poids corporels des agneaux et brebis Djallonke eleves au Centre de Recherches Zootechniques de Kolda, Senegal, de 1974 a 1980 avec des donnees sur les index de productivite bases sur le poids d'agneau sevre...
produit animal / moyen de production agricole / gestion comptable - core.ac.uk -
Apparition des chaleurs et de la décharge préovulatoire de lh chez la brebis de race djallonké après synchronisation des chaleurs avec ou sans pmsgEn vue d'étudier l'influence de la PMSG sur l'apparition des chaleurs et le pic préovulatoire de LH chez les brebis Djallonké, les oestrus de 80 brebis cyclées ont été synchronisés à l'aide d'éponges vaginales d'acétate de fluorogestone en saison sèche et chaud
Europe / recherche et propriété intellectuelle / activité agricole - core.ac.uk - PDF: agritrop.cirad.fr
Analyse de la protéine du prion du liquide cérébro-spinal des brebis saines et atteintes de tremblante... Nous n'avons pas mis en évidence de différence de concentration en PrPc du LCS entre les brebis saines et celles atteintes de tremblante....
Europe / activité agricole / recherche et propriété intellectuelle - core.ac.uk - PDF: oatao.univ-toulouse.fr
Étude de la relation entre le déficit énergétique des brebis lacaune et les diarrhées des agneauxCette étude vise à déterminer si le déficit énergétique des brebis Lacaune entraîne des modifications de leur lait susceptible de provoquer de la diarrhée chez leurs agneaux....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: oatao.univ-toulouse.fr
Utilisation de la méthode des alcanes pour estimer les quantités ingérées au pâturage par des brebis à différents états corporelsL'objet de cette étude a été d'estimer les quantités d'herbe ingérées par des brebis au pâturage en utilisant la méthode des alcanes....
Europe / recherche et propriété intellectuelle - core.ac.uk - PDF: agritrop.cirad.fr

Synonymes et termes associés anglais

Traductions en contexte anglais - français

Meat premiums — ewes and goats

Primes dans le secteur de la viande ovine et caprine

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes one year old or more intended for breeding.

Ovins femelles dun an et plus destinés à la reproduction.

produit animal - eur-lex.europa.eu
Ewes are known for having good maternal instincts.

Les dragonnes étaient connues pour avoir un instinct maternel important.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
For the pregnant ewes, they may remember other births.

Les habitants d'Aubas se nomment les Aubasins[13].

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Adult females, (ewes), also give birth in the spring.

et volumineux que celui de la femelle, et arborent au printemps leurs parures

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Genetic improvement of milk yield in sardinian ewes part 2 genetic and nongenetic factors of variation of performances of ewes having completed 2 lactation periods.

Amélioration génétique de la production laitière des brebis Sardes II. - Facteurs de variation génétiques et non génétiques des performances de brebis ayant réalisé 2 lactations

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
BASSANIO: Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams?

Ou votre or et votre argent sont-ils brebis et béliers ?

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ewes often give birth to twins and sometimes even triplets.

En captivité, ils donnent souvent naissance à des jumeaux et quelques fois même à des triplés.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Near us, the fields are full of fat, pregnant ewes.

À nous les mémères emperlousées et les grandes bringues couperosées.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ewes also have horns, but they are shorter with less curvature.

Brebis (femelles) ont également des cornes, mais elles sont plus courtes avec moins de courbure.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
This my brother had ninety-nine ewes and I had one.

Il possédait quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (99) brebis et moi je n’en avais qu’une.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ewes make excellent mothers; have abundant milk, and reproductive longevity.

Les brebis font d'excellentes mères, ont une production laitière abondante et une longue durée de vie productive.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
But the ewes (the mommas) and the ram stay for years.

Il se nourrit de crustacés (amphipodes et isopodes) et d'annélides.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
This is particularly true for ewes with newborn lambs.[3]

Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les brebis avec des agneaux nouveau-nés [ 8 ] .

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
Ewes produce 60-100 liters of milk per milking season.

Les brebis produisent 60 à 100 litres de lait par saison de traite.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues