Dictionnaire anglais - français

santé - iate.europa.eu
First report on nasal myiasis in an alpaca “vicugna pacos” – a case reportAbstract Background An infestation of bot fly larvae causes myiasis which is known to cause respiratory symptoms in ruminants....
général - core.ac.uk - PDF: link.springer.com
Bot fly types in the museum of comparative zoology (diptera:oestridae)The primary types of 5 bot fly taxa in the entomology collectionof the Museum of Comparative Zoology are listed and discussed.Syntypes...
 PDF: doaj.org
Digital infestation with the human bot fly a... The most common form of bot fly infestation in humans involves movement under the skin, particularly when her hands prescribed foreign bo patient ha The foreign body was diagnosed as the larva of the...
Free-ranging eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus) infected with bot fly (cuterebra emasculator) larvae have higher resting but lower maximum metabolism...(L., 1758)) is a burrowing rodent that is commonly infected by cuterebrid bot fly (Cuterebra emasculator Fitch, 1856) larvae....
Energetic cost of bot fly parasitism in free-ranging eastern chipmunks... Although cuterebrid bot flies are among the physically largest and most-studied insect parasites of mammals, the only study conducted on metabolic consequences of bot fly parasitism revealed a surprisingly small effect of bot flies on host metabolism....

Publications scientifiques

Oestrus ovis in sheep: relative third-instar populations, risks of infection and parasitic control
...(L.) (Diptera: Oestridae), the nasal bot fly, has a relatively short free-living life cycle outside of the host, and therefore it is necessary to know when the parasitic period occurs in order to prevent the clinical...
recherche et propriété intellectuelle - core.ac.uk -

Traductions en contexte anglais - français

Flies are often parasites, including internal parasites such as the bot fly and external parasites such as the mosquito, black fly, sand fly or louse fly.

Les mouches sont souvent des parasites, y compris les parasites internes tels que la mouche de bot et les parasites d'external tels que le moustique, la mouche noire, la mouche de sable ou la mouche de pou.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
A bot fly is a parasite that lodges in the stomach of horses.

Un gastérophile est un parasite qui se loge dans l'estomac du cheval.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
My dog recently got bitten by a bot fly, but we didn’t know it.

Mon chien a récemment été mordu par un robot, mais nous ne le savions pas.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
One method to perform this is to observe the removal of a bot fly in any non-trypophobic person.

Une méthode pour effectuer est d’observer la suppression d’une mouche bot en toute personne non trypophobic.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
A cuterebra is the larval stage of the bot fly, which is found in most regions of North America.

La cuterebra est le stade larvaire de la mouche brune, présente dans la plupart des régions d'Amérique du Nord.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
If a skin mass is caused by a bot fly, a small breathing hole for the larva will be present.

Si une masse la peau est causée par une mouche bot, un trou de respiration faible pour la larve sera présent.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
It is a bot fly that starts to move about on its own on the back of that cow, dog or child.

C’est une larve mangeuse de chair (le torsalo) qui commence à bouger, dans le dos de la vache, du chien, de l’enfant.

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)
We tried honey on it, and it didn’t work, but that’s because there was a bot fly larvae growing in the bite site!

Nous avons essayé le miel, et cela n’a pas marché, mais c’est parce qu’il y avait une larve de mouche dans le site de la morsure!

général - CCMatrix (Wikipedia + CommonCrawl)

1 milliard de traductions classées par domaine d'activité en 28 langues