856451.: silk reel

856452.: computer-compatible data bank

856453.: loss reserve fund

856454.: to palletise

856455.: off-peak travelling

856456.: ageing tap

856457.: packaging waste management

856458.: scheduled break

856459.: editorial secretary

856460.: Wassenaar Regulations

856461.: Federation of Belgian industries

856462.: insulation displacement connector

856463.: scalefactor index

856464.: Vine habit

856465.: Re-invested cash currency

856466.: board plotting display

856467.: pilot controlled check valve

856468.: colour contrast control

856469.: Recovery calculations

856470.: demonstration fusion reactor

856471.: free-space signal

856472.: hand lowering valve

856473.: reverse-flow filter

856474.: cruising threshold

856475.: return of income

856476.: videoconferencing terminal

856477.: encrypted at-rest

856478.: note of non-issuance

856479.: spintronic field effect transistor

856480.: central cabin control unit

856481.: crank-and flywheel pump

856482.: customs transit operation

856483.: ice cream cabinet

856484.: subject to release

856485.: security exception

856486.: inherent competitive disadvantage

856487.: preparation for working life

856488.: air elutration

856489.: DRG-based payment system

856490.: effective transmission equivalent

856491.: lining shearling

856492.: information transmission capacity

856493.: by my signature

856494.: if the applicant

856495.: external ignition

856496.: nitroderivatives

856497.: foetal karyotyping

856498.: evolutionary neodarwinism

856499.: to coat a last

856500.: structured anomalies

856551.: benefit-cost

856552.: Calculating adjusted values

856553.: Scientific and Technological Activities

856554.: dempster-shafer

856555.: non-trading-book position

856556.: fuel enrichment plant

856557.: Correlation Trading Portfolio

856558.: trading book position

856559.: error-checking techniques

856560.: non-trading book exposure

856561.: T trading book

856562.: trading book risk

856563.: door stabilizing bar

856564.: orientation etch

856565.: telecommunication power plant

856566.: angular velocity indicator

856567.: parallel transductor

856568.: beam slowing atoms

856569.: Testing of solids

856570.: gold-plated aluminium

856571.: tracked air-cushion vehicle

856572.: Neuville net

856573.: fireproof connector

856574.: lime watering

856575.: Linguistic Adviser

856576.: multilayer printed circuit assembly

856577.: climate change diplomacy

856578.: field interruption

856579.: partial hedge

856580.: capstan-type encapsulation

856581.: cryogenic aerosol

856582.: thinning from above

856583.: two-lane road

856584.: vehicle electric range

856585.: Preservation of cultural heritage

856586.: terminal check

856587.: actuarial specialist

856588.: bed beaching

856589.: study rationale

856590.: hyperbolic line of position

856591.: Limited hazardous substances

856592.: volatility process

856593.: failing company defence

856594.: peak signal-to-noise ratio

856595.: Recoverable overpayment after tax

856596.: tower dryer

856597.: alloy steel plates

856598.: automatic marshalling yard

856599.: peripheral vascular catheter

856600.: inventory taxes