776901.: Displayed Average Noise Level

776902.: split euro-zone

776903.: online terrorism

776904.: relevant correspondence

776905.: total work burden

776906.: learner-centred approach

776907.: worked cereal grains

776908.: scoring machine

776909.: magnetic chalkboard

776910.: back window of camera

776911.: legacy substance

776912.: single plunger pump

776913.: lid lifter

776914.: mobile radio telephone

776915.: pulsed radio emission

776916.: recall indentification display

776917.: automatically-damped suspension

776918.: forgery of prescriptions

776919.: budgetary flexibility

776920.: exemption from punishment

776921.: tubular fitting

776922.: oak bark tanned

776923.: not-order check

776924.: message distributor

776925.: IF-THEN element

776926.: manual reserve

776927.: post-edited machine translation

776928.: reciprocating main motion

776929.: Environmental footprint interpretation

776930.: Commercial register code

776931.: non-dedicated signalling channel

776932.: compound compensatory duty

776933.: attorney-client

776934.: Localised limbs exposure

776935.: flexible retirement arrangements

776936.: satellite-personal communications system

776937.: lineal inheritance

776938.: pawl-bearing spring

776939.: lever spring for interlock

776940.: refractometer constant

776941.: Type of communications

776942.: deduction made at source

776943.: telescopic levelling stave

776944.: enclosed metal junction

776945.: elongation between gauges

776946.: Generalised haemorrhage

776947.: managing NCB

776948.: adiabatic power

776949.: shaft with keyway

776950.: runway profile